Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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(ASCA-AFP) - Atene, 2 ott - La Cina si e' impegnata a ''sostenere'' le future emissioni di bond a lungo termine della Grecia. E' quanto sarebbe emerso nel vertice bilaterale tra il premier graco George Papandreu e il suo omologo cinese, Wen Jiabao.

''La Cina ha promesso di supportare la Grecia quando tornera' sul mercato dei bond'', ha fatto sapere all'Afp una fonte del governo greco
Grecia: grandi speranze nei risultati economici per la visita del premier cinese

2010-10-02 18:32:54 cri

Il 2 ottobre il premier cinese Wen Jiabao ha lasciato Beijing per visitare Grecia, Belgio, Italia e Turchia. Secondo quanto riportato il primo ottobre dal quotidiano greco "Reporter", la Grecia nutre grandi speranze nei risultati economici portati dalla visita del premier cinese.
Nel suo servizio si osserva che la Grecia, gravemente sprofondata nella crisi del debito, nutre molte aspettative nei risultati economici che potrebbe apportare il premier Wen. Inoltre Atene spera che la Cosco (China Ocean Shipping Group Company), che ha già investito nel porto del Pireo, possa aumentare le sue attività in Grecia e prendere parte agli altri grandi progetti di costruzione portuale.

(Radio Cina Internazionale)
Grecia/Pechino sosterrà Atene per emissione titoli lungo termine. Oggi ad Atene incontro tra Papandreou e Wen Jiabao

Atene, 2 ott. (Apcom) – La Cina si è impegnata a sostenere la Grecia nel corso di sue future emissioni di obbligazioni a lungo termine. Lo hanno riferito fonti governative greche, al termine di un incontro oggi ad Atene tra il primo ministro greco Georges Papandreou e suo omologo cinese Wen Jiabao.

“La Cina si è impegnata a sostenere la Grecia, quando questa tornerà sui mercati obbligazionari” hanno detto le fonti all’Afp. La notizia è stata poi confermata dallo stesso Wen Jiabao, che in conferenza stampa ha dichiarato che “la Cina farà un grande sforzo per sostenere l’economia dell’Eurozona e la Grecia. La Cina parteciperà all’acquisto di nuove obbligazioni greche”. La Grecia, messa in ginocchio dal peso del suo debito pubblico e dal rialzo dei tassi, ha dovuto fare ricorso lo scorso maggio agli aiuti finanziari forniti dal Fondo monetario internazionale e dai membri dell’Eurozona, in cambio però dell’adozione di un drastico piano di austerità che ha causato un profondo malcontento sociale.

Dal lancio del piano, la Grecia ha emesso obbligazioni a breve termine (tre e sei mesi) per rifinanziarsi, e ha avviato recentemente una campagna di comunicazione per rilanciare la sua immagine e convincere gli osservatori e gli investitori sulla serietà delle sue politiche, nella speranza di far abbassare i tassi e accedere nuovamente nel mercato a lungo termine. La Grecia ha intenzione di tornare sui mercati dell’obbligazioni a lungo termine nel 2011.
China's Wen offers to buy Greek debt

By Ingrid Melander and Harry Papachristou
ATHENS | Sat Oct 2, 2010 11:25am EDT

ATHENS (Reuters) - China offered on Saturday to buy Greek government bonds in a show of support for the country whose debt burden triggered a crisis for the euro zone and required an international bailout.
Premier Wen Jiabao made the offer at the start of a two-day visit to the crisis-hit country where he says he expects to expand ties in all areas.
"With its foreign exchange reserve, China has already bought and is holding Greek bonds and will keep a positive stance in participating and buying bonds that Greece will issue," Wen said, speaking through an interpreter.
"China will undertake a great effort to support euro zone countries and Greece to overcome the crisis."
Greece needs foreign investment to help it fulfill the terms of a 110 billion euro ($150 billion) bailout. This rescued it from bankruptcy in May but also imposed strict austerity measures, deepening its recession.

Greece, which has been raising only short-term loans in the debt market, has said it wants to return to markets some time next year to sell longer-term debt, although the EU/IMF package allows it to wait until 2012.
"I am convinced that with my visit to Greece our bilateral relations and cooperation in all spheres will be further developed," Wen told Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou earlier in the day.

Greece and China pledged to stimulate investment in a memorandum of understanding and private companies signed a dozen deals in areas like shipping, construction and tourism.
"Our two countries, both historical and modern, have to strengthen our relations in all sectors, to move on and overcome present difficulties," said Wen, speaking through an interpreter in televised comments.

The investment memorandum does not target specific investment volumes, an official close to Investment Minister Harris Pamboukis said ahead of Wen's visit.
"We want to build this strategic partnership with China," the investment ministry official said. "The purpose is not a signature on something big."


China has said it needs to diversify its foreign currency holdings and has bought Spanish government bonds. In January, Greece denied media reports it planned to sell up to 25 billion euros of bonds to China.
Wen will address the Greek parliament on Sunday and leave early on Monday for Brussels, where he will attend an EU-China summit before going on to Germany, Italy and Turkey.

Clinching business deals with countries such as China and Qatar would help boost confidence among Greek consumers and businesses, economic analysts said.

With the global economic crisis and competition with other Balkan countries increasing, foreign direct investment in Greece fell from 6.9 billion euros in 2006 to 4.5 billion in 2009, according to Investment Ministry figures.

Chinese investment represents a very small proportion of this, excluding a 35-year concession deal China's Cosco signed in 2008 to turn the port of Piraeus into a regional hub for a guaranteed amount of 3.4 billion euros, according to port authority figures.

Wen is also likely to deal with international pressure on China over its currency exchange policies during his tour.

(ASCA-AFP) - Atene, 2 ott - La Cina si e' impegnata a ''sostenere'' le future emissioni di bond a lungo termine della Grecia. E' quanto sarebbe emerso nel vertice bilaterale tra il premier graco George Papandreu e il suo omologo cinese, Wen Jiabao.

''La Cina ha promesso di supportare la Grecia quando tornera' sul mercato dei bond'', ha fatto sapere all'Afp una fonte del governo greco

In altre parole, se i greci si salvano per conto loro, allora i cinesi sono disponibili a dargli una mano... :-? :-o
China assured Greece will buy bonds in due time- Greek official

Published October 02, 2010
| Reuters

ATHENS, Oct 2 (Reuters) - China assured Greece it will buyGreek when the debt-laden country returns tomarkets, a senior Greek governemnt official told Reuters duringa visit by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to Athens on Saturday.
"In due time, when Greece returns to markets, the Chinesehave given us assurances there will be support," the officialtold Reuters. Asked if this meant that China would buy bonds theofficial said: "Yes."
Separately, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou told anews conference that China was willing to invest in Greece in adifficult time for the country.
Greece, which is funded by a 110-billion euro EU/IMFbailout, has said it wants to return to markets sometime nextyear although the EU/IMF package allows it to wait until 2012.

(Fox Business)
In altre parole, se i greci si salvano per conto loro, allora i cinesi sono disponibili a dargli una mano... :-? :-o

Il debito vecchio è già stato piazzato, al limite servirà una "mano" per quello futuro.
Se poi la Banca Centrale Cinese acquisterà sul secondario per diversificare, non credo vadano in giro a dirlo.
Forse ad operazione conclusa.
China vows to double trade with crisis-hit Greece

By DEREK GATOPOULOS , 10.02.10, 11:21 AM EDT

ATHENS, Greece -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao vowed Saturday to double trade with Greece within five years, and to buy Greek bonds when the crisis-hit country returns to international markets.
Wen started a weeklong tour of European countries in Athens, heading a delegation that signed 11 private business deals and two state cooperation agreements for trade and cultural affairs.
"When Greece is in trouble, China will help - that's when real friendship matters," Wen said after meeting Prime Minister George Papandreou.
He said China planned to double its annual trade volume with Greece to $8 billion (euro5.83 billion) by 2015.
He said China also planned to provide a $5 billion credit line to Greek shipowners to help boost the purchase of Chinese-built vessels.
"I thank China for its vote of confidence in Greece," Papandreou said. "These agreements will have a significant effect."

China willing to work with EU on financial crisis

Published October 02, 2010

ATHENS, Oct 2 (Reuters) - China is willing to cooperate with the European Union to confront the financial crisis and on the supervision of the international financial system, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told a news conference in Athens.
"China is prepared, hand in hand with the EU, as passengersin the same boat, to strengthen cooperation ... to confront the financial crisis," Wen, who was speaking through an interpreter,said on the first day of a visit to Europe.
"I believe that we can undertake a genuine effort to promote the reform of the international financial system and strengthenits supervision," he said.
China's intention to buy Greek bonds is a vote of confidence, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said after Wen said his country wanted to buy new Greek bonds.
Chinese Premier Wen says Greek austerity steps effective

Published October 02, 2010

ATHENS, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Greece has taken effective stepsin tackling its debt crisis, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Saturday during a two-day visit to Greece, adding that an EU/IMFsupport package was producing positive result.
Wen, who was speaking through an interpreter, also said that China was willing to help.
"When Greece is in trouble, China is prepared to provide all the help it can," he told a news conference.
Wen said he saw the Greek economy recover in line with the global economy. The EU and the IMF forecast that Greece's GDP will contract by 4 percent of this year.
Wen told the same news conference that Greece was China's best friend in the European Union
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