Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Grecia: discussioni su dilazione prestito Ue-Fmi

ATENE - Il ministro delle finanze greco Giorgio Papaconstantinou ha detto che sono in corso "discussioni informali" in merito a una possibile dilazione dei pagamenti del prestito Ue-Fmi di 110 miliardi di Euro alla Grecia.
In un'intervista ieri sera alla tivù greca Skai, Papaconstantinou ha sostenuto che un'eventuale dilazione, in merito alla quale non ci sono ancora decisioni, non ha nulla a che fare con una ipotetica "ristrutturazione del debito".
Aperture circa una possibile dilazione dei pagamenti per dare una boccata d'ossigeno alla Grecia sono state fatte da Fmi e Bce, ma la Germania ha frenato.
Il governo greco ha ripetutamente sostenuto in dichiarazioni pubbliche di non avere alcuna intenzione di chiedere una ristrutturazione del debito pubblico. Ma il quotidiano conservatore Kathimerini scrive che, mentre Atene respinge tale ipotesi, "vi si prepara ufficiosamente, lavorando alla probabile dilazione delle scadenze dei prestiti Ue-Fmi".

Greek 26-week T-Bill auction for EUR 1.17bln, bid/cover 4.22 vs. Prev. 4.54 (yield 4.54% vs. Prev. 4.82%)

Direi Ottimo:up:
Greek Market Posts Mixed Signs

Athens stocks post mixed signs on Tuesday, with the success of NBG’s capital raise offering resistance to the market.

“We expect the domestic market to sustain its positive bias, through the news of a solid interest on NBG capital raising. Today’s 6month Tbill auction is likely to further support sentiment,” ATE Securities notes.

Eurobank Securities also expects the positive momentum to spill over to today’s session as well on the back NBG’s apparent success in completing its rights issue and continued tightening of spreads in the sovereign debt market. On the other hand, Piraeus Securities points to the fact that traded value remains thin as apart from the banking sector, interest in the rest of the market remains weak.

“We expect the market to consolidate at current levels today,” it says.

Across the board, the General Index slips 0.21% at 1,545.44 on a total turnover of 37.44 mil. euro.

alleggerimenti 2019

:ciao: Sembra essersi rallentata se non fermata (momentaneamente???) la spinta propulsiva del 2019 6%: nel dubbio alleggerito ancora poco fa 78,73.
Ciao, Giuseppe
Greece Sells T-Bills At Lower Yield As Conditions Improve

By Emese Bartha

Greece's funding costs dropped at a Treasury bill auction Tuesday, following progress in the country's budget deficit reduction efforts and International Monetary Fund comments about giving the country more time to repay its debt.
Greece sold EUR1.170 billion of 26-week Treasury bills at a monthly auction Tuesday, paying a yield of 4.54%, significantly lower than previously.
Greece's Public Debt Management Agency auctioned EUR900 million of the T-bills and sold EUR1.17 billion, with the amount sold including a 30% non-competitive tranche.

The PDMA may sell another 30% non-competitive tranche Thursday, which could bring the total sale at this auction round to EUR1.44 billion, if the non-competitive tranche is fully taken Thursday.

The uniform yield the PDMA will pay to investors is below the 4.82% it paid at the previous auction in September, when it shifted to monthly auctions from quarterly auctions. The bid-to-cover ratio of 4.22 was marginally below the 4.54 last time.
"In any case, the momentum remains positive, especially as China has said it would be a buyer of Greek debt," Natixis' strategists said. "Greek T-bills are undoubtedly the most lucrative risk-free assets in the euro zone."

Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said Monday that discussions are under way to extend the time period of repayment of the EUR110 billion bailout from the country's international lenders.
IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said over the weekend that the fund is prepared to give Greece more time to repay its loan to the IMF if European nations opt to give Greece more time first.
Greece agreed on a EUR110 billion bailout from the IMF and the EU in May in exchange for austerity measures.
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