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Greece's PPC to invest 2 bln euros a year by 2015- CEO

Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:19pm GMT

ATHENS Oct 21 (Reuters) - Greece's dominant electricity producer PPC (DEHr.AT: Quote) will spend about 2 billion euros ($2.79 billion) a year by 2015 and is in talks to build Greece's biggest solar park, its chief executive said on Thursday.
"Investments will probably be in the order of 2 billion euros a year through to 2015," Chief Executive Officer Arthouros Zervos told reporters. "We want to use at least 30-40 percent from our cash flow...we will borrow the rest."
He said the company was in talks with an unidentified partner for a 200 megawatt park in western Greece.
Grecia: Intralot vince licenza per le scommesse online in Francia

Thursday, 21 October 2010 15:54

La compagnia greca Intralot, seconda al mondo nel settore lotterie e giochi, ha annunciato nei giorni scorsi l´ottenimento di una licenza per l´offerta di scommesse sportive online in Francia, cogliendo l´ennesima opportunità offerta dal processo di liberalizzazione del settore che si sta estendendo a livello globale.

Intralot offre piattaforme di gioco e gestisce scommesse sportive, lotterie, poker e casinò online in oltre 50 Paesi: negli ultimi anni, cogliendo le occasioni offerte dalla deregulation del settore, ha condotto un´aggressiva campagna di acquisizioni all´estero: in questa cornice si inserisce la vittoria del contratto in Francia, una licenza di cinque anni con opzione di prolungamento; i termini economici del contratto non sono ancora stati resi noti.

La Direzione della società ha definito l´ottenimento della licenza in Francia un nuovo passo nella strategia che intende capitalizzare sulle opportunità offerte dalla crescita del settore dei giochi online in Europa. La Francia ha liberalizzato le scommesse sportive online lo scorso giugno: in precedenza, tutte le scommesse legali online erano gestite dalle due aziende di Stato Francaise des Jeux e Paris Mutuel Urbain(PMU). Intralot punta a ottenere in Francia anche le licenze per le scommesse ippiche e il poker online.

Marcello Berlich

Stop ai voli Olympic Air sull'Italia dal 1° novembre


Olympic Air cesserà le attività operative e commerciali in Italia a partire dal prossimo 1° novembre. Lo comunica la stessa compagnia aerea greca con una lettera agli agenti di viaggi, a circa un anno dall'apertura dell'operatività. Olympic Air opera voli da Atene su Roma Fiumicino e Milano Malpensa. Restano, invece, invariate tutte le attività domestiche interne alla Grecia e le altre principali rotte internazionali. Rimangono, inoltre, attivi gli uffici di supporto alle agenzie di viaggi International TradeSupport Unit e International Group Desk.

Turkey's nemesis, Greece, new friend to Israel

Air drill, pact signal change

By Ben Birnbaum
The Washington Times
8:36 p.m., Thursday, October 21, 2010

With Turkish-Israeli relations on the rocks, the Jewish state has found a new friend in Greece — Turkey's neighbor and longtime nemesis.
The Israeli and Greek air forces conducted a joint drill in southern Greece last week. Then on Monday in Jerusalem, the Greek and Israeli foreign ministers signed a civil-aviation agreement — the countries' first bilateral pact in 60 years — and expressed hope for cooperation in other arenas. Talks reportedly also are under way for construction of an Israeli natural-gas pipeline that would run through Greece. The idea was raised by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu back in August, when he became the first Israeli premier to visit Athens.

"Our increasingly strong relationship with Greece is part and parcel of our important relationships with countries in the Mediterranean," a senior Israeli official told The Washington Times, cautioning not to read improved Israeli-Greco relations as a repudiation of Turkey.
"We do not consider this to be a zero-sum game," he said. "We strive to have good strategic relations with all countries in the Mediterranean that are willing to have relations with us."
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan told The Times on Wednesday that when it came to Greece and Israel, "it's up to them how to follow their relations."

Still, he acknowledged that Turkish-Israeli relations, which he called "very, very crucial for our region," remain in crisis nearly five months after nine Turks were killed aboard a Gaza-bound Turkish-flagged ship in a melee with Israeli commandos.
"It's the first time since the first world war that Turkish citizens are being killed by an army of another country," Mr. Babacan said. "And how to expect this from a so-called friendly country? Because we were referring to Israel as a friend always, throughout the decades. So, under these conditions, how to continue cooperation, especially in sensitive areas like military and so forth?"

"We don't just close the door," he added. "We don't close the communication channels. We had some conditions for the Israelis — that if you do this, this, this, this and this, we can gradually get back to normal. And we are still waiting for those conditions."
While Israel has accepted one condition — an international probe into the incident — it has flatly ruled out another: an apology.

The Turkish-Israeli alliance has been in free fall since the final days of 2008, when Israel launched its 22-day military campaign against Hamas in Gaza. Mr. Babacan said that Turkey, then mediating peace talks between Israel and Syria, had insisted on "quiet in Gaza" as one of its preconditions, "and those preconditions were broken."

"That was a big blow in the relations for us," he said.
A series of other incidents over the past two years, including a verbal bout between the Turkish prime minister and Israeli president at Davos after the Gaza war, have further poisoned the atmosphere.
Against this backdrop, Turkey has made a number of moves that have distressed the West in general and Israel in particular. In June, at the United Nations Security Council, it voted against sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program, which is widely believed to be aimed at producing a bomb despite repeated Iranian denials. In April, it conducted defense drills with Syria.

Mr. Babacan defended Turkish cooperation with Damascus, saying that Ankara had engaged the Syrians with "a very positive agenda" and that "it's now working out."
"They have been contributing to the Middle East peace process, they have been contributing to the stabilization of Lebanon, they are now contributing a lot for Iraq — for the stabilization of Iraq — and we are cooperating with them very strongly for regional issues."

The U.S. State Department lists Syria as a state sponsor of terror for giving Hamas external headquarters in Damascus and for facilitating the transshipment of Iranian rockets to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.
Asked about the prospect of formal Turkish-Iranian military exercises, Mr. Babacan said, "We don't see there is a need for that anytime soon, so it's not something on our agenda," but he declined to rule it out when asked a second time. He emphasized that Turkey's NATO membership remains "the main framework for us."

Turkey's nemesis, Greece, new friend to Israel - Washington Times
Greece's Default Swaps Show Threat of Imminent Default Easing: Euro Credit

By Abigail Moses and Maria Petrakis - Oct 22, 2010 1:01 AM GMT+0200 Thu Oct 21 23:01:00 GMT 2010

Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Uwe Parpart, chief strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald Hong Kong Capital Markets, talks about the European debt crisis. Christina Romer, former chairman of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, said budget woes in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain are "something to worry about" as the U.S. economy continues its climb out of recession. Parpart, who also discusses the outlook for the euro and U.S. dollar, speaks with Linzie Janis on Bloomberg Television's "Global Connection." (Source: Bloomberg)

For the first time since January, insuring against Greece defaulting within a year is cheaper than buying cover for longer, a sign of declining risk in the nation that sparked Europe’s sovereign debt crisis.
Credit-default swaps protecting Greek government bonds for a year cost 565 basis points, 61 basis points less than 10-year protection, according to CMA in London. Before the nation was rescued with a 110 billion-euro ($154 billion) international loan package in May, investors concerned Greece would renege on its debt commitments were willing to pay 665 basis points more for one-year swaps than for 10-year insurance.

The shift suggests that Prime Minister George Papandreou’s spending cuts and austerity measures are buying the country time to reduce a budget deficit that’s more than four times the European Union’s limit. Greece’s debt is still the world’s second-riskiest behind Venezuela’s, with a 44 percent probability of default within five years, CMA prices show.

“The momentum toward Greece has gone much, much more positive in the last few weeks,” said Anke Richter, a credit strategist at London-based brokerage Conduit Capital Markets Ltd. “They’ve shown the market they’re bringing their house in order and they’re making good progress.”
Greek government bonds were Europe’s best performers in the third quarter, returning 4.8 percent, the most since the three months ending June 2009, indexes compiled by Bloomberg and the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies show.

‘On Track’

Moody’s Investors Service said Oct. 5 that Greece’s drive to overhaul public finances had “impressed” the New York-based firm, which signaled that it may now raise the nation’s rating, having cut it to junk in June. The country is “very much on track” to return to international bond markets in the next 12 to 18 months, Ajai Chopra, acting director of the International Monetary Fund’s European Department, said Oct. 20.

Longer-term debt insurance is typically more expensive than shorter-term protection, and an inversion of the credit-default swap curve signals investors are speculating there’s an imminent risk of default.

Europe’s sovereign debt crisis erupted at the end of 2009 after Greece’s newly elected socialist government said the budget deficit was twice as big as the previous administration had disclosed. The EU and IMF approved the aid package on May 2 in exchange for Papandreou agreeing to cut public-sector wages and pensions and raise taxes on fuel, alcohol and cigarettes.

Still Inverted

The Greek credit-default swap curve remains inverted beyond one year, with two-year swaps costing more than any other maturity, according to CMA. Prices for all contracts remain elevated. One-year insurance started the year at 143 basis points, before rising to 1,300 basis points at the peak of the crisis in June.

“Markets have improved but sovereign concerns are still there,” said Giada Giani, an economist at Citigroup Inc. in London, the largest U.S. bank.
Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office, will provide revised Greek budget deficit figures for 2006 to 2009 by mid-November. The shortfall is currently put at 13.6 percent of gross domestic product, and the revision may push Greece back above Ireland as the country with the largest 2009 gap, setting a new record since the start of the euro. EU members are supposed to have deficits no higher than 3 percent of the size of their economy.

Highest Yield

Yields on 10-year Greek bonds remain the highest in the euro region, at 9.38 percent as of yesterday. That compares with 6.47 percent for Ireland, 5.89 percent for Portugal, 4.11 percent for Spain and 3.84 percent for Italy.

Credit-default swap curves for Spanish, Portuguese and Irish debt also inverted this year. Swap prices show that, after Greece, Ireland is the second-riskiest European nation with a 30 percent chance of default in five years, ahead of Portugal at 26 percent, according to CMA.

Credit-default swaps pay the buyer face value in exchange for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent should a borrower fail to adhere to its debt agreements. A basis point on a contract insuring $10 million of debt is equivalent to $1,000 a year.

IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Oct. 10 in a Bloomberg HT television interview that Greece is taking the right steps to reduce spending and will extend terms of its loans if euro-region nations agree. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Oct. 2 that China’s committed “very positively” to adding to its holdings of Greek bonds.

“Sentiment has turned round a little regarding Greece,” said Rob Dekker, who helps manage $32 billion of European government debt at F&C Asset Management Plc in Amsterdam. “More people looking at it from a fundamental point of view.”

Sempre giornate relativamente tranquille ad Atene, lo spread sul Bund decennale è sempre tendenzialmente verso l'allargamento mitigato da una fase debole del Bund.
Le oscillazioni sono piuttosto morbide ma il movimento laterale di spinta è sempre verso l'alto.

Tutto il Club Med segue questa traettoria, giustificata da tutto il comparto obbligazionario un pò in fibrillazione.
Anche Irlanda e Portogallo tendono a riposizionarsi verso la parte alta della curva, mentre Spagna e Italia non possono che registrare spunti di allargamento.

Grecia 689 pb. (668)
Irlanda 415 pb. (396)
Portogallo 343 pb. (333)
Spagna 171 pb. (163)
Italia 137 pb. (133)
NATO chief meets PM, foreign minister

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, currently on a visit to Athens, on Thursday had separate meetings with Prime Minister George Papandreou, Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas and Defence Minister Evangelos Venizelos within the framework of preparations for the alliance’s Summit Meeting in Lisbon on Nov. 19-20.

The upcoming Summit will adopt the alliance’s so-called New Strategic Concept and reach important decisions on future NATO actions in Afghanistan, the new command structure, the reform of the alliance’s structures, the so-called NATO partnership relations, missile defence and NATO’s cooperation with Russia and the EU.

After the meeting with the NATO head, Droutsas commented that the New Strategic Concept focuses on the modernization of the alliance to be able to fully meet current security challenges.”

He stated that “in general the plan meets our country’s demands mainly as regards the collective defence and the unanimity rule in decision making’.

“We strongly believe in a creative cooperation between NATO and the EU through joint actions and without the exclusion of members, within a framework that will consolidate autonomy in decision-making for each of the organizations mentioned. We support NATO’s firm cooperation with Russia and look forward to the NATO-Russia Council Summit within the framework of the alliance’s Summit meeting in Lisbon. A viable security architecture should include Russia and a major effort to meet the specific target has been made through the Corfu process,” he said.

He also stressed that NATO actions should be compatible with the UN Charter and International Law.

On his part, the NATO head expressed appreciation for the dedication to the alliance, the contribution to its operations and the excellent cooperation with Athens, characterizing his meeting with Droutsas as very constructive.

He underlined the progress made in Afghanistan and expressed the hope that in Lisbon it will be announced that security control will be transferred to the Afghan forces in 2011. He added that everything will depend on the situation in the region, pointing out that both the army and the police will have to be trained. “Our training mission in Afghanistan is very important and I call on all allies to contribute,” he said, adding that it is very important that Greece has increased its training mission.”

He referred to NATO’s New Strategic Concept that will shape the alliance’s future considering that “the main mission is the protection of territorial integrity, the people and our countries.” He added that “to be able to improve our defence we should be in the position to handle the new security challenges such as, terrorism, cyber attacks, missile attacks,” expressing “the hope that in Lisbon a decision will be made on a security system that will be based in NATO with the cooperation of Russia.”

As regards NATO-EU relations, he expressed “satisfaction because there is total agreement on the fact that all obstacles should be removed for a complete NATO-EU cooperation. In regions and fields, where NATO and the EU co-exist, we should be in the position to help each other. Where common forces can be deployed we should cooperate to save the taxpayers’ money”.

Asked if it is reasonable to promote relations with a country that vetoes the accession of an EU member state in other international organizations, he said that this is a goal that needs to be handled in a balanced way, adding that both sides have a “participation problem”.

He pointed out that “until now the EU was unable to give its approval to Turkey’s cooperation with the European defense organization or reach a security agreement with Turkey. At the same time, Turkey has not exactly accepted that the EU comprises 27 member-states.”

He said that this is the problem of “participation we have from both sides”, urging the EU to proceed with this agreement with Turkey while on its part, Ankara should realize that the EU cooperation with NATO should take place with all 27 member states.

The NATO head repeated the alliance’s clear position as regards the accession talks with fYRoM, stressing that talks can be launched with Skopje after a mutually acceptable solution is reached on the name issue.

“The decision is clear,” he said, adding that “all NATO decisions demand unanimity. I urge all parties involved to do their best to find a solution as soon as possible.”

On his part, FM Droutsas repeated that Athens is ready for a solution to the name issue and called on Skopje to sit at the UN negotiating table in a constructive spirit.


Attriti tra Nato e Grecia sul problema "Macedonia" e altro ...
NATO chief says Macedonia talks to start once name dispute ends​

English.news.cn 2010-10-21 23:37:16

ATHENS, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- Deliberations on Macedonia's membership in NATO can start once its name dispute with Greece is resolved, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Thursday during a one-day visit here.
"NATO's decision is clear and all of our decisions require unanimity. I urge all sides to do whatever possible to reach a solution as soon as possible," Rasmussen said after a meeting with Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas on issues that included NATO's new strategic doctrine.

Ahead of the Lisbon summit on Nov. 19, Rasmussen held a series of talks with Greek officials, including Prime Minister George Papandreou and Defence Minister Evangelos Venizelos on the doctrine issue, as well as proposals for cutbacks on the expenses of NATO's structure and personnel.
According to Greek media reports, Rasmussen promoted the idea of reducing NATO staff to 9,000 from the current 13,000 and regional headquarters -- among them one in the central Greek city of Larissa -- from the current 11 to seven.

While Rasmussen held meetings with Greek officials, a small group of protesters planned a demonstration in front of the Greek parliament, chanting slogans against NATO's military interventions.
Macedonia and Greece are locked in a 19-year-long dispute over the use of the name of Macedonia.
Athens insists that Macedonia's name implies territorial claims against its own northern province, also called Macedonia.

In December last year, the EU postponed the decision to grant Skopje the much desired date for start of its accession talks due to the unresolved name issue.

In 2008 Greece also blocked Macedonia from entering NATO over the same dispute.

(Agenzia Nuova Cina)

* Si aprono in via ufficiale con l'incontro dei G7 i lavori del G20 finanziario coreano: prima della riunione dei venti grandi, ha annunciato ieri Tokyo, i ministri dei sette paesi più industrializzati terranno una riunione il cui focus non sarà però il mercato dei cambi ma più in generale lo stato di salute della congiuntura globale. Lo stesso Giappone ha respinto le proposte statunitensi di creare limiti ai saldi delle bilance commerciali, nel tentativo di disinnescare le tensioni sulle valute che gli economisti temono possano innescare guerre commerciali.

* Restando in tema G20, una fonte vicina ai lavori anticipava ieri che difficilmente ministri e banchieri centrali troveranno un accordo per mettere fine alla svalutazione competitiva e agli squilibri delle partite correnti. Cina, India, altre economie emergenti ma anche la stessa Germania sarebbero infatti contrarie alla posizione Usa.

* Il segretario del Tesoro Usa Tomoty Geithner ha scritto in una lettera ottenuta da Reuters che ha inviato ai responsabili finanziari che i paesi del G20 dovrebbero astenersi da politiche valutarie volte a conquistare un vantaggio competitivo e che le nazioni con monete sottovalutate non dovrebbero cercare di indebolirle. I membri del G20 -- ha aggiunto -- dovrebbero mirare a ridurre gli squilibri delle partite correnti al di sotto di una determinata percentuale del prodotto interno lordo.

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