Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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la molla sta per scattare vedo un rialzo del 5% in un botto

Le brutte notizie che potevano arrivare penso siano finite: le elezioni vinte, il deficit-pil come pensavamo, i dati ormai certificati nero su bianco da Eurostat, altro - a memoria - non trovo...

Altre notizie negative possono solo arrivare da fattori esterni, ma in questo caso c'è poco da fare ...

Forse qualcosa potrà venire dalla visita in Francia di Papandreou. Sarkozy è sempre stato suo sostenitore. Solo ipotesi ...
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Papandreou Says German Proposals May Lead Countries To Default

Germany΄s proposals that lenders should share the burden of any euro zone sovereign debt default could lead some economies toward bankruptcy, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Monday, Reuters reports.

"It created a spiral of higher interest rates for countries that seemed to be in a difficult position, such as Ireland or Portugal," Papandreou said during a visit to Paris.

"This could create a self-fulfilling prophecy ... This could break backs. This could force economies towards bankruptcy."

Moody’s shares this opinion, as in its weekly credit outlook it notes the concerns on these proposals "are likely to negatively affect market access and funding costs for European sovereigns."

"Longer term, this will increase the cost of borrowings for weaker sovereigns and increase differentiation among EU sovereign borrowers, similar to what΄s occurred in the banking sector," the rating agency said.

EU Commission Says Greece΄s Economy Is On the Right Track

BRUSSELS -(Dow Jones)- The Greek economy is now on the right track and the commitments it has signed up to have been confirmed, European Commission spokesman Amadeu Altafaj told a news briefing Monday.

Come dicevo, tutto tranquillo ...

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