Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (9 lettori)

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ti ricordo che prendi delle belle cedole intanto che aspetti
tommy abbi fede

Ribattevo, scherzosamente, per i ribassi da accumulareeee.
Mi parevi (so che non lo sei ...;)) un forumer che appena il titolo scendeva di un punto gridava immancabilmente all'occasione.
Solo che partendo da 98 il titolo sta arrivando a 70 ... :lol::lol::lol:.

Comunque la fede sulla Grecia è salda, supportata da una mia visione strategica.


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PM: No talks with Ankara over Aegean

Prime Minister George Papandreou reiterated, from Parliament's podium on Friday, that there is no issue of co-exploitation in the Aegean Sea with neighbouring Turkey, in answer to a tabled question by Popular Orthodox Rally (LA.OS) leader George Karatzaferis.
The premier noted that no such a discussion can be held with Turkey under the still existent threat of war (casus belli) issued in the 1990s by Turkey's assembly, "because our territorial rights are being disputed via incessant violations and infringements, and of course, because Turkey has not recognised the International Law of the Sea.
He also cited the fact that the issue of the Aegean's continental shelf has not been resolved based on international law and the International Court of The Hague.



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NBG Chief Says Lender Has Credit Lines Of EUR5.5 Bil.

National Bank of Greece has increased credit lines with foreign lenders, its head said Friday.

"We opened interbank lines exceeding 5.5 billion euro," chief executive Apostolos Tamvakakis told shareholders on Friday, Reuters reports.

As the news agency notes, earlier this month an NBG official had said the group had repo lines of up to 4.7 billion euros with maturities up to 12 months.

In October, NBG had proceeded with a 1.8 billion euro rights issue and is seeking to sale a 20 percent stake in its Turkish unit Finansbank.

"After the sale of the Finansbank stake, the capital adequacy ratio will be between 14.5 and 15 percent, one of the highest in Europe," Tamvakakis said.


Altri piccoli segnali ma ... sempre positivi.


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Greece's NBG has credit lines of 5.5 bln euros

Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:06am EST

ATHENS, Nov 26 (Reuters) - National Bank (NBGr.AT), Greece's biggest lender, has increased credit lines with foreign lenders, as it strives to regain full access to the interbank market, which it lost because of the country's debt crisis.
"We opened interbank lines exceeding 5.5 billion euros ($7.3 billion)," chief executive Apostolos Tamvakakis told shareholders on Friday.

Earlier this month, an NBG official had said the group had repo lines of up to 4.7 billion euros with maturities up to 12 months, and would continue an effort to broaden funding sources.
This signalled improved access to the wholesale funding markets which shut their doors to Greek lenders in the wake of the crisis, forcing banks to turn to the European Central Bank for funding.

Greek banks had to use the ECB as lender of last resort for liquidity, using Greek government bonds and guarantees as collateral.
Latest data showed ECB lending to Greek banks dropped 1.7 percent month-on-month to 94.3 billion euros in September.

In October, NBG strengthened its balance sheet via a 1.8 billion euro rights issue. It is also eyeing proceeds of another billion from the planned sale of a 20 percent stake in Turkish unit Finansbank (FINBN.IS) in early 2011.
"After the sale of the Finansbank stake, the capital adequacy ratio will be between 14.5 and 15 percent, one of the highest in Europe," Tamvakakis said.

NBG passed a European stress test in July, scoring a Tier 1 capital ratio of 7.4 percent under an extreme scenario simulation.
EFG Eurobank (EFGr.AT), the country's second-largest lender which also passed the July stress test, said earlier this month it had repo lines totaling 4.0 billion euros with foreign lenders, having used 3.0 billion to fund its non-Greek bond portfolio.

Qui la Reuters più dettagliata.


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RPT-Russia's Putin calls for moving away from dollar

Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:22am EST

BERLIN Nov 26 (Reuters) - Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the global economy should move away from excessive reliance on the dollar .DXY as a reserve currency.
"I think what was bad during the last decade, what we should move away from is the excessive monopoly of the dollar as the only global reserve currency. It made the global economy unbalanced and vulnerable", Putin said, speaking at an investor forum during a visit to Germany.
He also praised the euro EUR= as a solid currency.
"We know there are problems in Portugal, Greece, Ireland and the euro is wobbling a bit. On the whole it is a solid, good currency and it should take its place, its role as a reserve currency," Putin said.
The euro did not show any immediate reaction to his remarks, trading down 1 percent against the dollar at $1.3217 by 1209 GMT.

... poi sulla testa degli ellenici ci passano tutti ...


il Fankazzista
Crisi/ Berlusconi chiama Merkel: "Serve soluzione condivisa"
Contatti costanti con partner Ue per un approccio "collegiale"

Roma, 26 nov. (Apcom) - Sui passi da compiere per portare l'area euro fuori dalla situazione di tensione dei mercati "l'Italia sta lavorando per una soluzione condivisa e collegiale, che non sia frutto di un'intesa tra pochi". E' quanto emerso dal colloquio telefonico avuto ieri dal presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi con il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel, come riferito da uno dei portavoce di palazzo Chigi, Marco Ventura, durante un briefing alla Farnesina. "Il premier svolge un'attività costante di consultazione con i partner europei" ha sottolineato il responsabile della comunicazione estera della presidenza del Consiglio dando conto della telefonata fra Berlusconi e Merkel, incentrata "soprattutto sulla situazione economica" europea.


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