Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (12 lettori)

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In avvio di contrattazioni, con riferimento al mercato tedesco, noto un lieve restringimento tra i rendimenti dei tds scad. '14 con quelli scad. '19.

Nel passato, quando ci fu quel bel rally dei titoli Greci, accadde una cosa simile, con il "picco" dei rendimenti che ando' spostandosi dal '14 al '19.

E' ancora presto per affermare che possa ripetersi la stessa cosa di quanto successe mesi fa....pero' stamattina mi fa piacere notare questo restringimento, ancorche' lievissimo...

E' un movimento generale: il Bund scende, gli altri salgono ... qui puoi vedere il Future Bund decennale:
Eurex - Fixed Income Derivatives


il Fankazzista
Trichet ieri in un discorso all’Europarlamento ha dichiarato che la stabilità finanziaria dell’area Euro non è a rischio e che i mercati stanno sottovalutando la determinazione dei governi nello stabilizzare i propri bilanci pubblici. Trichet ha inoltre aggiunto di aver apprezzato quanto emerso dall’Ecofin relativo al nuovo meccanismo anticrisi, in particolare il riferimento alla valutazione effettuata caso per caso.

In merito al piano di acquisti di bond ha dichiarato che al momento prosegue e per il futuro si vedrà. Inoltre sull’ipotesi di emissioni di eurobond, Trichet ha risposto dichiarando "mai dire mai".


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Greece: 45 million euros off the value of Metaxa Brandy brand

Noelle Mennella and Lionel Laurent, PARIS - 01.12.2010

French drinks group Remy Cointreau took a blow from the Greek economic crisis on Tuesday, writing 45 million euros off the value of its Metaxa brand as sales of the Greek brandy declined in its home market.Remy Cointreau shares, which had surged on Monday to their highest level in three years, went into reverse and were down 2.7 percent to 50.70 euros by 1053 GMT, having dropped as low as 49.00, their lowest since late October. The European sector was flat.
The Greek writedown wiped two thirds off Remy's group net profit, which slumped to 14.1 million euros ($18.4 million) in the six months through September. Remy said there had been a "highly unfavourable impact" on operating profitability in liqueur and spirits from a decline in Metaxa sales in Greece, though it gave no numbers.
However Remy chief Jean-Marie Laborde said he was confident on the second half of the group's current year through March, partly due to a fresh round of price increases.
"We're completely confident on the second half," Laborde told a conference, adding the group's loss-making champagne unit -- which are anyway being sold -- would be at the very least break-even at the operating level for the year.
Remy Cointreau is selling its champagne operations which include the Charles Heidsieck and Piper-Heidsieck brands to focus more on cognac, which is doing well in China.
The group should receive indicative offers for the champagne unit by the end of December, Laborde told the conference. He added the process could be finalised around March and could lead to the group making acquisitions if the terms are adequate.Growth in markets such as Asia and the United States helped balance out woes in recession-hit Greece, with Remy Cointreau posting overall growth in revenue and operating profitability.
China, in particular, helped the cognac division post a 46 percent jump in current operating profit. There was also a market recovery in the United States in the second quarter, Remy Cointreau said.
Metaxa is still a profitable brand despite the broader Greek turmoil, Laborde said.
First-half group sales rose 18.3 percent to 482 million euros, with growth in champagne and Scotch whisky brands also helping offset the decline in liqueur and spirit sales.
Current operating profit rose 24 percent to 81 million euros. Net debt fell to 485 million euros from 501 million at end-March.

Source Reuters - Balkans.com.



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Debt Crisis May Force The EU To Expand Its Arsenal

The EU’s bailout package for Ireland hasn’t convinced investors and this may force the block’s leaders to explore new means for fighting the debt crisis that is threatening the existence of the euro, Bloomberg reports in an analysis.

The news agency quotes options outlined by Societe General and Barclays, that include an increase of the funds of the EFSF, or turning it into an asset- buying program, cutting interest rates on bailout loans or issuing joint bonds for the eurozone members or flooding the economy with cash from the European Central Bank.

“You’ve had repeated interventions, but the markets are still selling in response,” said Andrew Balls, London-based head of European portfolio management at Pacific Investment Management Co.

“Policy makers have to move beyond a country-by-country approach and think about the system-wide challenges.”

Investors punished Europe’s markets in the two days since Ireland became the second euro nation after Greece to get outside aid. Selling extended beyond “peripheral” countries including Portugal to core members of the euro area such as Italy and Belgium.

“We shouldn’t be surprised if the markets don’t trust it either if the European leaders don’t trust their own program -- that’s what the high interest rate means,” said Paul de Grauwe, a professor at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium.

“It really undermines the credibility of this whole program.”



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Trichet: Investors Underestimate EU’s Determination

Investors are underestimating the determination of the block’s leaders to safeguard the euro area’s stability as the debt crisis spreads through the bloc’s bond markets, said Tuesday the European Central Bank’s President, Bloomberg reports.

“I don’t believe that financial stability in the euro zone could really be called into question,” Jean-Claude Trichet told the European Parliament.
Observers “are tending to underestimate the determination of governments.”

“We have to reinforce the authority of the public authority,” he added.

“It is on the authority of the public authority that we can continue the resistance to an environment which is very demanding and will continue to be demanding for a period of time.”

Concerning the ECB’s bond program, he signalled that it is “ongoing” and “we will see what we decide,.”

Still, he warned the block’s policy makers to resolve to verbal discipline, concerning their communications.

“We need to get back to a more precise concept of communication,” he said. “We need clarity. Clarity, clarity. Verbal discipline is of the essence.”

“You should never say never but it’s not something we have thought was necessarily appropriate,” he said on the topic of Eurobonds.



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German Econ Min: EU Aid Plans Shouldn't Lead To Permanent Transfers

BERLIN (Dow Jones)--Moves to aid Greece, Ireland and any other euro-zone members that skirt default shouldn't lead to a permanent "transfer mechanism" within the bloc, German Economics Minister Rainer Bruederle said Wednesday.
Germany, which provided a major portion of the funding for aid plans to secure Greece and Ireland, has insisted that the euro zone resist any moves that would lead to a direct and permanent transfer of funds from richer euro-zone members to poorer ones.
Instead, Germany wants aid in the form of credit and loans repaid over time and a permanent system for addressing debt crises where private investors might also face losses if a country defaults.


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Athens Stocks Move Higher

Greek market moves higher during the first session of December, with banks gaining as much as 2.5%.

“It was about time that the Athens market provided investors with a promising session, as we consider that yesterday΄s strong close in not solely related to Index review, thus rendering us optimist as to a possible continuation of the ascending move during today΄s session. In essence, tt seems as if certain large-cap stocks have bottomed up for the time being during what proved out to have been a descending hyperbole which lasted far more than our estimates, in a generic sellacross- the-board which we failed to comprehend fully. In this context, we expect the GI to trade on higher grounds today, moving towards the 1,435 units which consist the market΄s 2nd resistance level, considering that a possible start towards the Index΄s pivot point (1,410 units) is today΄s optimum entry point,” Pegasus says in its morning report.

ATE Securities anticipates further volatility in the domestic market, with interest focused on banking stocks following yesterday’s extremities.

We feel that it is the local fiscal policy as well as international issues such as macros and Eurozone’s peripheral States’ debt crisis that would determine the ASE’s course. The local government seems determined to follow the Stability and Growth Plan towards eliminating deficits and repaying the large Greek State debt. We are cautious – yet optimistic,” Kyprou Securities notes.

Across the board, the General Index gains 1.33% at 1,438.57 on a total turnover of 32.66 mil. euro.



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A qualche giorno di distanza, rieccoci con la Grecia.

Come anticipato, ieri tendenza moderatamente positiva. La Grecia ha già dato molto ai ribassisti e resta per il momento fuori da ulteriori turbolenze, sui livelli di rendimento raggiunti nei giorni scorsi.

Anche le valutazioni fatte a fine estate si sono rivelate fondate, sulla circostanza per cui sulla Grecia c'era già stata un'emersione delle situazioni problematiche, mentre su altri periferici di eurolandia il mercato approcciava appena una fase ricognitiva che avrebbe portato ad altri cali nei prezzi dei relativi TdS.

Ma torniamo ai prezzi, che hanno mantenuto a sera le premesse della mattina con una giornata abbastanza positiva, in salita di qualche decimo di punto, consolidando una tendenza alla stabilizzazione già affermatasi nei giorni precedenti.

il 2013 - 83,30 (BBML) 83,34 (Xtrakter);
il 2014 - 78,61 (BBML) 78,85 (Xtrakter);
il 2015 - 78,61 (BBML) 78,94 (Xtrakter);
il 2016 - 65,69 (BBML) 65,69 (Xtrakter);
il 2017 - 64,02 (BBML) 64,21 (Xtrakter);
il 2018 - 63,56 (BBML) 63,59 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6% 68,15 (BBML) 68,50 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6.5% 68,90 (BBML) 69,22 (Xtrakter);
il 2022 - 67,22 (BBML) 67,41 (Xtrakter);
il 2024 - 59,84 (BBML) 59,71 (Xtrakter);
il 2026 - 60,99 (BBML) 61,07 (Xtrakter);
il 2037 - 53,74 (BBML) 53,95 (Xtrakter);
il 2040 - 53,84 (BBML) 53,98 (Xtrakter);

GGBei 2025 - 49,54 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter
GGBei 2030 - 49,17 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter

ciao antonio e grazie


Poche novità ieri: piuttosto fermo il tutto, con moderati cali sui prezzi. Rispetto a quanto si vede su altri Tds di altri PIIGS, si può continuare a pensare che per ora - ed in attesa di ulteriori eventi significativi - la Grecia abbia già dato, per così dire.

il 2013 - 82,93 (BBML) 83,05 (Xtrakter);
il 2014 - 78,25 (BBML) 78,42 (Xtrakter);
il 2015 - 78,19 (BBML) 78,24 (Xtrakter);
il 2016 - 65,47 (BBML) 65,45 (Xtrakter);
il 2017 - 63,78 (BBML) 63,93 (Xtrakter);
il 2018 - 63,32 (BBML) 63,23 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6% 68,07 (BBML) 68,10 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6.5% 68,62 (BBML) 68,83 (Xtrakter);
il 2022 - 67,05 (BBML) 67,07 (Xtrakter);
il 2024 - 59,77 (BBML) 59,96 (Xtrakter);
il 2026 - 61,02 (BBML) 60,90 (Xtrakter);
il 2037 - 53,93 (BBML) 53,66 (Xtrakter);
il 2040 - 53,69 (BBML) 53,84 (Xtrakter);

GGBei 2025 - 48,45 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter
GGBei 2030 - 48,55 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter


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PM at OSCE summit in Astana

Astana-Kazakhstan (ANA-MPA/G. Milionis) -- A Summit meeting of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) opened at the Palace of Independence in the Kazakh capital Astana on Wednesday morning, with Greece represented by prime minister George Papandreou and foreign minister Dimitris Droutsas.

Papandreou on Wednesday held a series of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the 2-day OSCE summit, the first to take place in 11 years, while the opening session was addressed by OSCE Parliamentary Assembly president Petros Efthymiou of Greece.

The Summit was opened by host country Kazakhstan's president Nursultan Nazarbayev, who called the gathering a "triumph of common sense" and urged the heads of state and government of the participating 56 OSCE member states to "advance together towards a secure future for our peoples".

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Kazakh secretary of state and foreign minister Kanat Saudabayev, urged the member states to "show the wisdom and courage of true leaders and reach consensus on the important issue of strengthening security and cooperation", while UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon commended the high level of cooperation in the OSCE area and the "new era of action and engagement", adding: "Not so long ago, few would have imagined the peoples of this vast area would be bound so closely together. In the process, the challenges have become more apparent. But so, too, have the impressive common achievements and enormous new horizons of change and opportunity."

"The entire planet, and not only the OSCE, is at a crossroads," OSCE Parliamentary Assembly president Petros Efthymiou stressed at the opening session of the Summit.

He referred to the identity crisis in the OSCE, which he attributed to a failure of the political dialogue among the member countries to lead the organisation in a common direction, and to a lack of mutual trust which, he warned, undermines the OSCE's ability to tackle a series of problems.

The Parliamentary Assembly chief said that change in the OSCE needs to begin with "real political initiatives" that will lead to building of confidence among the members and create a "community of security in the entire Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian region". Such a change must also, from here on, focus on results, he added, noting that "targeted action is not among our strong points".

Efthymiou stressed that a strong and effective Parliamentary Assembly is crucial for the organisation, given that the political dialogue promotes confidence, and underlined the need for better use of the Parliamentary Assembly by the OSCE structures.

Changes are also necessary in the decision-taking process in the OSCE, he added.

Efthymiou further underlined the need for the OSCE's existence, stressing that "if the OSCE did not exist, we would have had to invent it", adding that the process of revitalising the organisation has only started, "and the challenge at hand is analogous to the birth of our organisation" some 35 years ago.

"There is no doubt how much lies at stake here in Astana, and we don't have the luxury of letting if fail," he added.

PM's sideline meetings

Greek prime minister George Papandreou had a series of sideline meetings in Astana on Wednesday morning, beginning with British deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, with whom he discussed European issues, economic issues and bilateral relations, followed by Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev, with whom he discussed bilateral relations, furthering cooperation between the two countries, energy issues and investments and tourism.

Papandreou also met with Austrian president Heinz Fischer for a discussion encompassing the situation in and reactions of the markets, and prospects and developments in the FYROM name issue and the Cyprus issue.

The Greek premier further had meetings with European Council president Herman van Rompuy, Australian foreign minister Kevin Rudd, and US secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who told Papandreou that she was closely following the course of the Greek economy, adding that "you are doing very well".

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