Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (6 lettori)

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mi sembra che il mercato stia reagendo bene alle parole di trichet quindi fiducia e pazienza

Per me non ha aggiunto niente di nuovo.
Probabilmente ci sarà una presenza maggiore della BCE sul secondario ... e va bene.
Nel frattempo ci si aspetta che a Dublino venga ratificato il provvedimento anti-deficit, prima di effettuare nuovi mosse.

Sulle grandi questioni: eurobond, haircut, fondo di emergenza ecc. dovremo aspettare verso metà dicembre l'Ecofin.
Sempre che non precipiti la situazione anzitempo.


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China and Greece are Getting Closer
2010-12-02 22:17:28
CRIENGLISH.com Web Editor: Zheng

By Guo Jing

Greece, an ancient country known for its sophisticated civilization and rich culture, attracts 14 million tourists every year. Despite the long distance, Chinese visitors have an increasingly large presence in this country, signifying a strong interest in people from one ancient civilization for another.

The Greek government is now paying more attention to boosting cultural exchanges and attracting more tourists, especially Chinese visitors, according to Theodore Georgakelos, Greek Ambassador to China.

"Thanks to numerous cultural relics, the romantic atmosphere and moderate climate, Greece particularly appeals to Chinese visitors, and we are confident of the large potential in China's tourism market." Theodore Georgakelos told CRI at an exhibition entitled "Marathon, 2500 Years," which was held by the Embassy of Greece to mark the 2500th anniversary of Marathon and introduce to China the golden age of the cradle of European civilization.

"The only problem lies in the long distance between the two countries and high expense on the way. Thus, the Greek government has adjusted policies to facilitate visa procedures and cooperate with Chinese travel agencies," said Georgakelos.

But, there are other ways of bridging the gap between China and Greece. The Embassy of Greece in China has been focusing on introducing Greece's cultural treasures to China.

The embassy has contributed to some eye-catching activities, such as staging ancient Greek dramas directed and presented by Chinese artists, attending film festivals in China, and co-hosting tourism exhibitions in Beijing, Georgakelos added.

In addition, language and academic exchanges are increasingly popular ways to tie the two ancient countries together.

Stella Moniaki is a Greek language teacher at the Beijing Foreign Studies University. She is glad to see more and more Chinese people learning Greek. Fascinated by China's unique, ancient civilization, Moniaki came to China three years ago and first worked at the Shanghai International Studies University. She says that, along with closer economic ties between the two countries and frequent academic and cultural exchanges, more and more Greek people are interested in China, as well as learning Chinese.

Sun Tan, a senior student at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, believes she made the right decision to study Greek. During college, Sun and her classmates have been able to get an in-depth understanding of Greece. Greek drama at the National Grand Theater, Greek concerts at Zhongshan Music Hall, book fairs in Tianjin with Greece as the guest of honor all have offered platforms for Chinese people to understand the Greek mentality and Greek life.

(Radio Cina Internazionale)


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IMF’s Strauss-Kahn Says ECB Facing Crisis ‘Perfectly’

December 02, 2010, 9:54 AM EST

By Unni Krishnan and Sandrine Rastello
(Adds ECB rate decision, comments on European growth from third paragraph.)

Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The European Central Bank is doing its job “perfectly” in handling the region’s debt crisis, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss- Kahn said.

Speaking to reporters in New Delhi today, Strauss-Kahn said that after Greece and Ireland, which received bailouts while “at the edge of the cliff,” some other countries in Europe are “not far from the edge of the cliff.” The whole euro region “has now to deal with medium-term fiscal consolidation,” he said.

The ECB, which today left its benchmark rate unchanged, will delay its withdrawal of emergency liquidity measures to combat “acute” market tensions, President Jean-Claude Trichet told reporters in Frankfurt today. The central bank’s bond- purchase program is “ongoing,” he said while declining to comment further on its scope.

The debt crisis that spread from Greece to Ireland now threatens to engulf the entire euro-area. Speculation the debt crisis will spread to Portugal and Spain grew after an 85 billion-euro ($111 billion) aid package for Ireland, led by European Union governments and the IMF, was authorized on Nov. 28.
Strauss-Kahn also said growth is “likely” to be sluggish in Europe.



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Ue: Sadun (Fmi), favorevole a creazione Fme

VENEZIA (MF-DJ)--La creazione di un Fondo monetario europeo, sulla falsa riga del Fondo monetario internazionale, "sarebbe un passo in avanti" per la governance dell'Unione Europea.
Lo ha affermato Arrigo Sadun, direttore esecutivo per l'Italia del Fmi, a margine dei lavori del Nobels Colloquia in corso a Venezia, spiegando che "in Europa tutte le funzioni che svolge il Fmi gia' esistono, sono solo spezzettate".
Sadun ha precisato che il modo in cui il Fmi e l'Unione Europea hanno affrontato la crisi dei Paesi membri, come ad esempio quella greca e irlandese, costituisce "un modello innovativo, tranquillizzante e coordinato".

Le discussioni sui futuribili scenari vanno avanti ...

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