Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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Grecia: Crisi finanziaria, campionato sospeso

GRECIA (g.t.) - In una conferenza stampa tenuta ieri pomeriggio l'ESAP ha annunciato la sospensione a tempo indeterminato del campionato di A1 maschile.
Le società, che in estate sono già state costrette a ridurre sensibilmente il loro budget per via della crisi economica, lamentano ora il mancato arrivo delle sovvenzioni statali (100.000 euro per club) che erano state confermate e garantite in fase di precampionato ed erano pertanto già state inserite in bliancio.
Si attendono sviluppi nei prossimi giorni.

Volleyball.it, dal 2000 il portale della pallavolo



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Ocse/ Padoan: Gioco non è in mano a mercati,ma a politica europea

02:42 - ECONOMIA- 02 DIC 2010

Mercati nervosi, chiedono una stabilizzazione definitiva

Roma, 2 dic. (Apcom) - "Il gioco non è in mano ai mercati, ma alla politica europea". Lo ha detto Pier Carlo Padoan, vice presidente e capo economista dell'Ocse, in un'intervista a Radio24.
"I mercati sono nervosi - ha aggiunto Padoan - e ben ha fatto la Bce a tranquillizzarli sia con la dichiarazione di Trichet sia con la decisione di mantenere gli strumenti di rifinanziamento a breve termine aperti e intatti.
Il fatto che oggi i mercati abbiano reagito positivamente dimostra che stanno disperatamente cercando nella politica economica un impegno di leadership".
Secondo Padoan "è in corso una risposta istituzionale a livello Europeo che si aggiunge alle politiche a livello nazionale nei paesi nei quali c'è l'aggiustamento fiscale e di politiche strutturali, a cominciare dalla Grecia, che è veramente importante."
"Quello che i mercati continueranno a chiedere nelle prossime settimane e mesi - ha concluso l'economista - è una stabilizzazione definitiva, nel senso che venga fatta chiarezza sugli strumenti a disposizione e sulla credibilità dell'aggiustamento che può anche essere a lungo termine, durare anche 2 anni, ma che sia almeno precisato".


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S&P may downgrade Greece on ESM plan

By Sue Chang

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Standard & Poor's Ratings Services placed Greece's BB+ long-term sovereign credit rating on review with negative implications, the ratings agency said Thursday. The move comes after the European Council endorsed the European Stability Mechanism to replace the current bailout fund introduced in May. "We believe that more details about the ESM will emerge in the near future, but expect that, on balance, the ESM could have negative implications for the probability of nongovernmental holders of sovereign debt being paid in full and on time," said Moritz Kraemer, an S&P credit analyst. "Before coming to that conclusion, we will analyze the particulars of the ESM that will eventually be presented to national governments or parliaments for ratification."


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Greece `End Game' Veers Toward Potential Debt Restructuring: Euro Credit

By Anchalee Worrachate - Dec 3, 2010 2:11 AM GMT+0100 Fri Dec 03 01:11:03 GMT 2010

Greece risks having to restructure its debt even with an extension in terms of the loan repayments by the European Union as the economy remains mired in recession.
“You would be wrong to rule out the possibility of a debt restructuring at some point,” said John Stopford, the London- based head of fixed income at Investec Asset Management, who helps oversee $65 billion for clients. “Greece has a structural problem, and there has got to be risk we have another recession or economic crisis.”

The extra yield investors demand to hold 10-year Greek debt instead of benchmark German bunds is within 90 basis points of the record set in May when Greece was granted a three-year aid package of 110 billion euros ($145 billion) from the European Union and International Monetary Fund. In the Irish bailout announced Nov. 28, Greece received preliminary approval for an extra four-and-a-half years to pay back emergency loans. The country’s first aid repayment is due in 2013.

Underscoring the risks to bondholders, Standard & Poor’s said yesterday it may lower its credit rating on Greece, which is struggling to reduce its budget deficit from 9.4 percent of the gross domestic product. Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said that a restructuring is out of the question. The domestic economy probably will contract by 2.7 percent in 2011 and 0.1 percent in 2012, according to analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg.

“The end game for countries like Greece and Ireland is still going to be a very high level of debt,” Stopford said.

Peripheral Yields

Borrowing costs among the region’s most-indebted nations climbed on Nov. 29 after Ireland followed Greece in accepting a bailout. The yield on 10-year Spanish bonds rose 25 basis points to 5.46 percent that day, while Italian yields jumped 22 basis points to 4.65 percent. Yields fell yesterday as three traders with knowledge of the deals, who asked not to be identified, said the European Central Bank bought Irish and Portuguese bonds. The ECB declined to comment. The Portuguese 10-year yield slid 54 basis points to 6.32 percent as of 3:42 p.m. in London.

Europe’s sovereign debt crisis erupted late last year after Greece’s newly elected socialist government said the budget deficit was twice as big as the previous administration had disclosed. The sell-off of so-called euro peripheral bonds accelerated in October after German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for bondholders to share losses with taxpayers.

Speculation that countries may stop funding future bailouts intensified Nov. 16 when Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell said he may withhold his country’s next payment for the Greek bailout if the government didn’t comply with financial targets. He later said Austria “won’t block” aid, saying his government wants “concrete figures” on Greece’s budgetary situation before transferring funds in January.

Revenue Shortfall

Greece’s budget revenue has so far failed to meet forecasts, with income rising just 3.7 percent in the first 10 months of 2010. Higher sales, cigarette and alcohol taxes were introduced to boost receipts by 13.7 percent this year. That goal was trimmed to 8.7 percent in October and to 6 percent last month.

“Any extension of a repayment period would definitely be positive for Greece, although I still can’t rule out the possibility of a restructuring because fiscal slippage is a real risk,” said
Mohit Kumar, a fixed-income strategist at Deutsche Bank AG in London. “The whole political support for Greece depends on whether they are able to meet the consolidation targets. A lot of things can happen in the next three years.”

‘Debt Restructuring’

If bondholders are forced to take so-called haircuts on their Greek investments, the earlier the details are known the better, said Spencer Jones, a partner at London-based Newstate Partners LLP, a sovereign debt specialist whose clients include Russia, Congo and Antigua. The more Greece draws from the rescue package, the deeper the potential losses should a debt reorganization be required, he said.

“My view is that Greece might be able to avoid a debt restructuring, but that view clearly isn’t shared by some investors in the market,” Jones said. “With the bailout they got from the so-called Troika, those creditors would generally be considered preferred creditors.”

The EU and IMF approved the aid package on May 2 in exchange for the Greek government agreeing to cut public-sector wages and pensions, and raise taxes after a surge in bond yields shut them out of the capital market. The Greek government has so far received 29 billion euros of funds.

S&P said it is assessing credit implications of the so- called European Stability Mechanism that may govern European Union sovereign bonds beginning in July 2013. The ratings company said in a statement from Madrid it put Greece’s ‘BB+’ long-term sovereign rating was placed on“CreditWatch” with negative implications.

French Yields

Greek bonds are the worst performers in Europe this year, having dropped 19 percent, followed by a 15 percent decline in Irish debt and an 8.6 percent slide for Portuguese bonds, data compiled by Bloomberg and the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies show.

The yield difference, or spread, between 10-year Greek bonds and German bunds was 886 basis points yesterday, compared with a record 973 in May.

Bailouts for Ireland and Greece and speculation that Portugal and Spain also may require funds are prompting investors to shun some of Europe’s highest-rated bonds. The yield on 10-year French securities rose to as much as 3.31 percent this week, the highest in almost seven months, while the extra yield investors demand to hold 10-year Belgian bonds instead of similar-maturity bonds climbed to the most since at least 1993.

“What’s worrying is that it’s not clear what will turn the sentiment around,” Investec’s Stopford said. “The market will still be in a risk-off environment for a while.”



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Greek PM: Spain, Portugal don't deserve distrust

WARSAW, Poland

The Greek prime minister says Portugal and Spain do not deserve to face the same distrust from financial markets that has shaken his own country.

George Papandreou acknowledges that Greece was "responsible for some very bad practices" but says Portugal and Spain do not warrant "suspicions, rumor and maltreatment."

Papandreou spoke Thursday at a gathering of European Socialists in Warsaw, where he blamed conservative politics and the excesses of the financial markets for triggering the economic crisis that has battered his own country.

He said "Socialist Portugal and Spain in no way could be accused of irresponsible governance, or bad fiscal policies."
Papandreou has often blamed the previous right-wing government for the crisis in his country.

(Associated Presse)


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Greece said it would send fire fighting planes to help Israel forest fires

News24 - 03.12.2010

Greece said it would send four Canadair fire fighting planes to help Israel bring a deadly forest fire under control near Haifa, the foreign ministry announced on Thursday. The planes were to take off from a military airport near Athens and were due to reach Haifa at dawn on Friday, after refuelling in Rhodes, Greece's firefighting services said.



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EURO GOVT-Bunds steady, focus on ECB bond-buying activity

LONDON | Fri Dec 3, 2010 2:15am EST

LONDON Dec 3 (Reuters) - Bund futures were flat at Friday's open, with the extent of ECB bond-buying likely to determine the direction of volatile peripheral debt markets,while U.S. non-farm payrolls data could push core yields higher.
At 0705 GMT, Bund futures FGBLc1 were 3 ticks lower on the day at 126.44.

After the European Central Bank disappointed those investors hoping for a major scaling-up of the bank's bond-buying programme, the performance of the euro zone's higher-yielding sovereigns could hinge on how actively the ECB buys up peripheral debt.

"It's really all about what the ECB does today. The ECB really are the only buyer out there and there's certainly some people looking to get out on the client side," a trader said.

Irish and Portuguese bond yield spreads against Bund tightened sharply in latter half of Thursday, with traders pointing to central bank buying.

Adding to concerns about the euro zone periphery, Standard & Poor's warned late on Thursday that it may downgrade Greece's BB-plus credit rating in three months if it becomes clear that Europe's new mechanism to stabilize the debt crisis would favour public creditors to the detriment of private bond holders.

Later in the session the U.S. non-farm payrolls report will allow investors to gauge the strength of economic recovery in the U.S..

"The bigger picture is all about payrolls. Given the weakness we've seen in core market we're probably vulnerable to a slightly weaker number," the trader said, adding that a rise in Bund yields to three percent was possible in the near-term.
Two-year yields were flat at 0.871 percent and the 10-year yield was up 2.4 basis points to 2.837 percent.
Economists polled by Reuters estimated that U.S. employers added 140,000 jobs in November after adding 151,000 jobs in October.


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PM addresses Euro Socialists in Warsaw

(ANA-MPA) -- Greek Prime Minister and Socialist International (SI) President George Papandreou emphasised from Warsaw on Thursday that "the socialists are proposing and new effective tools for handling the European crisis."

He was addressing the Party of European Socialists (PES) council taking place in Warsaw on Thursday and Friday, days before EU leaders convene to discuss a permanent crisis-resolution mechanism for the Eurozone.

Papandreou stressed that "conservatives speak of an austerity policy, we refer to a policy of responsibility," while defining the main lines for "the future and prospects of modern socialdemocracy."

"The conservatives saw the crisis as a golden opportunity to weaken the social state, to reduce the labour rights that were achieved after tough struggles. It is our responsibility to safeguard them at all cost. We must help the millions of unemployed young Europeans who live in poverty," the Greek premier noted, adding that "rescuing banks at the expense of the poorer citizens is not only not viable economically, it is socially and morally unacceptable."

Referring to the Greek welfare state, he said a rationalisation must take place for state expenditures to be cut wherever necessary. "We must respect the money of the taxpayers," he said but noted that major expenditures in Greece were not for the poor. They serve special interests.

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