Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (3 lettori)

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Greek assistance dispatched to Israel

(ANA-MPA) -- Israel on Friday thanked Greece for assistance in tackling a massive wildfire in the north of the country, which has claimed at least 40 lives and caused extensive destruction to the natural environment.

The Israeli embassy in Athens, in an announcement on Friday, thanked the Greek government, prime minister George Papandreou and responsible ministers.

Greece dispatched five fire-fighting aircraft to Israel to join efforts to contain and extinguish the blaze, after a telephone call between Papandreou and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday.

Israeli ambassador in Athens Arye Mekel said the direct contact between the two prime ministers and speedy decision to send help to Israel is in line with new, and very positive relations between Greece and Israel.

The envoy also thanked the Greek people who contacted the Israeli embassy to offer support and express their condolences.

"The immediate communication between our two Prime Ministers and the swift decision to send assistance to Israel is befitting of the new very positive relations between Greece and Israel. The professionalism and experience of Greek personnel in combating forest fires is well-known and highly appreciated in Israel. I also want to thank all those Greek citizens who contacted our embassy to offer their sympathy and condolences to us. It is very important to have the help of our friends and neighbors during times of need," Mekel said in a statement.



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qui ci pigliono per il culo

Questi titoli sono imprevedibili: quante false ripartenze hanno avuto?
L'ultima, quella più importante, in ottobre.
Poi giù di nuovo.
E' veramente difficile fare previsioni.
Troppi gli scenari aperti su cui muovono i nostri... l'importante è avere una propria visione.

Poi vedremo: dato che non muoviamo MLN, siamo solo e sempre spettatori.


Forumer storico
Greece: Surprised By S&P Negative Credit Watch

ATHENS (Dow Jones)--The Greek Finance Ministry said Friday that it was surprised by rating agency Standard and Poor's decision to place the country on watch for a possible downgrade of its credit rating.

Late Thursday Standard & Poor's said it has put Greece on credit-watch negative, meaning it is considering a further reduction of Greece's junk-level ratings as it assesses a European Union treaty that would change the seniority of private-sector creditors.

"The S&P decision to place Greece on negative credit watch comes as a surprise, following the early wins of the Greek economic programme in terms both of fiscal consolidation and competitiveness boosting reforms," the finance ministry said in a statement.

The ministry said that the decision is based solely on developments outside Greece and argued "the approach by S&P relates only to countries potentially insolvent after 2013 and that cannot apply to Greece."

The debt-laden Mediterranean country has inked a EUR110 billion bailout agreement with the International Monetary Fund and the European Union and its funding will continue into 2012, so it can avoid default and regain its credibility to return eventually to borrowing from markets.

The Greek bond market Friday appeared to dismiss the potential rating downgrade, with the interest-rate spread on Greek debt narrowing as sentiment was lifted by European Central Bank purchases of other troubled euro-zone sovereigns, such as Portugal and Ireland.

In mid-afternoon trade, the spread on Greek 10-year bonds over benchmark German bunds fell 13 basis point to 870 basis points.

"The local bond market's reaction to the rating agency threat is mature and encouraging," said a senior local bond trader.


Forumer storico
Greece Finmin: S&P “Negative Watch” Decision A Surprise

By Market News International || December 3, 2010 at 14:05 GMT

PARIS (MNI) – Greece’s Finance Ministry said Friday it was
surprised by Standard & Poors’ decision late Thursday to place Greek
sovereign debt on “CreditWatch negative.”

The Greek Finance Ministry said the S&P decision “comes as a
surprise,” given the “early wins” thus far of the country’s economic and
fiscal reform program.

S&P cited the recent proposal of Eurozone finance ministers for a
future European Stability Mechanism, to start after 2013, under which
official creditors lending via the ESM would have preferred status over
private creditors. This would prejudice the ability of private creditors
to be repaid, S&P said.

The decision means that S&P is eyeing Greek sovereign debt for a
possible downgrade from its current BB+ status.

Under the proposed terms of the ESM, a restructuring of debt — in
which preferred status would make a difference — only kicks in once a
country is declared by European authorities to be “insolvent.” The S&P
decision therefore strongly implies that the rating agency fears Greece
will ultimately be insolvent and have to restructure its debt.

The Finance Ministry contested this notion. “The approach by S&P
relates only to countries potentially insolvent after 2013 and cannot
apply to Greece, which already receives support that helps to resolve
its current debt problem with very good results so far,” it said.

The full text of the Finance Ministry’s statement is below:

“The S&P decision to place Greece on negative credit watch comes as
a surprise, following the early wins of the Greek economic programme in
terms both of fiscal consolidation and competitiveness boosting reforms.
The decision is based solely on developments outside Greece and, in
particular relates to the proposed European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to
be introduced after 2013.

The decision constitutes an interpretation of the ESM impact on the

market which disregards its potential effect on reducing uncertainty.
In any case, the approach by S&P relates only to countries
potentially insolvent after 2013 and cannot apply to Greece, which
already receives support that helps to resolve its current debt problem
with very good results so far.”


il Fankazzista
Markets seem doubtful of euro make-up - Schaeuble
Reuters - 03/12/2010 15:40:30
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