Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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Bce, piano acquisto bond è strumento sensato - Nowotny

venerdì 3 dicembre 2010 12:52

VIENNA, 3 dicembre (Reuters) - Il programma di acquisto di titoli di Stato della Banca centrale europea è stato uno strumento addizionale utile per Francoforte.

Lo ha detto oggi Ewald Nowotny, banchiere centrale austriaco e membro del consiglio governativo della Bce.
"Credo che [gli acquisti di titoli] siano un'aggiunta sensata ai nostri strumenti per migliorare la trasmissione [delle decisioni di politica monetaria] ai mercati monetari", ha detto Nowotny.

"Quando vedremo i mercati funzionare in maniera efficiente, allora non ce ne sarà più bisogno e, inoltre, non abbiamo un ammontare fissato per il programma".

Nowotny ha anche detto l'ipotesi di bond comuni della zona euro dovrebbe essere approfondita.

"Riguardo agli euro bond non c'è una posizione ufficiale di Bce o Banca nazionale austriaca, ma, personalmente, vorrei dire che, se costruiti in modo adeguato, penso che sarebbe sensato esaminare la questione più da vicino", ha aggiunto.

Il banchiere centrale ha aggiunto che, nell'attuale struttura, il fondo di stabilità europeo (Efsf) potrebbe essere utilizzato in modo migliore.


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Samaras meetings

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras will meet next week with International Monetary Fund (IMF) managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and European Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs Olli Rehn, who will be on visits to Athens.

Samaras met on Friday with the chairmen of the party's regional organisations, to whom he stressed that the organisations must emanate from, belong to and serve the society, especially in these critical times for the country.



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PM to meet with Commission chief on Monday

Prime minister George Papandreou will be in Brussels on Monday for a meeting with European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso, it was made known on Friday.

The meeting between the two leaders has been pending for some time, and will come a few days ahead of a crucial EU summit on December 17 that is slated to formally establish a permanent European Support Mechanism (ESM).



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ECB Said to Be Buying Irish, Portuguese, Greek Bonds

December 03, 2010, 10:23 AM EST

By Anchalee Worrachate
(Updates with Greek bond buying in second paragraph.)

Dec. 3 (Bloomberg) -- The European Central Bank bought Irish and Portuguese government bonds today, according to at least four traders with knowledge of the transactions.

The ECB also purchased Greek debt, said another person, who asked not to be identified because the deals are confidential. An ECB spokesman in Frankfurt declined to comment.

The central bank also bought Irish and Portuguese bonds yesterday, according to traders. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said then that the bond-buying program was ongoing.

“The timing for these reported bond purchases is perfect,” said Peter Chatwell, a fixed-income strategist at Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank in London. “The ECB is buying in an extremely illiquid year-end market. Its purchases are always going to move the market in a big way. It remains to be seen what the ECB will do into the new year when the market is liquid again.”

The extra yield investors demand to hold 10-year Portuguese bonds instead of benchmark German bunds narrowed to less than 3 percentage points, or 300 basis points, for the first time since Aug. 24, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Irish 10-year bonds rose, pushing the 10-year yield down 37 basis points to 8.38 percent as of 3:09 p.m. in London. The Portuguese yield slid 20 basis points to 6.11 percent, with the yield on the 10-year Greek security falling 12 basis points to 11.72 percent.

Differing Programs

The ECB’s bond-buying program differs from so-called quantitative easing policies pursued by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England because the central bank mops up the liquidity created by the purchases, meaning the net effect on the money supply is neutral.

The ECB began the program on May 10 to stabilize markets rocked by the region’s sovereign-debt crisis. The purchases were part of a European Union-led push to rescue the euro, which fell to a four-year low on June 7 after Greece’s near default raised concern that some nations in the region would struggle to finance their budget deficits.



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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +0,8%, Opap +4,7%

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene ha chiuso la seduta in rialzo dello 0,8% a quota 1.486,5 punti con un volume di scambi medio di 87,8 mln euro.
Opap sale del 4,7%, Coca Cola Hellenic del 2%, Hellenic Telecoms dell'1,3% ed Eurobank dello 0,9%.
In territorio negativo, National, in calo del 2,1%, Alpha (-1,3%) e ATEbank (-1,1%).


out of time...
Greece Finmin: S&P “Negative Watch” Decision A Surprise

By Market News International || December 3, 2010 at 14:05 GMT

PARIS (MNI) – Greece’s Finance Ministry said Friday it was
surprised by Standard & Poors’ decision late Thursday to place Greek
sovereign debt on “CreditWatch negative.”

The Greek Finance Ministry said the S&P decision “comes as a
surprise,” given the “early wins” thus far of the country’s economic and
fiscal reform program.

S&P cited the recent proposal of Eurozone finance ministers for a
future European Stability Mechanism, to start after 2013, under which
official creditors lending via the ESM would have preferred status over
private creditors. This would prejudice the ability of private creditors
to be repaid, S&P said.

The decision means that S&P is eyeing Greek sovereign debt for a
possible downgrade from its current BB+ status.

Under the proposed terms of the ESM, a restructuring of debt — in
which preferred status would make a difference — only kicks in once a
country is declared by European authorities to be “insolvent.” The S&P
decision therefore strongly implies that the rating agency fears Greece
will ultimately be insolvent and have to restructure its debt.

The Finance Ministry contested this notion. “The approach by S&P
relates only to countries potentially insolvent after 2013 and cannot
apply to Greece, which already receives support that helps to resolve
its current debt problem with very good results so far,” it said.

The full text of the Finance Ministry’s statement is below:

“The S&P decision to place Greece on negative credit watch comes as
a surprise, following the early wins of the Greek economic programme in
terms both of fiscal consolidation and competitiveness boosting reforms.
The decision is based solely on developments outside Greece and, in
particular relates to the proposed European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to
be introduced after 2013.

The decision constitutes an interpretation of the ESM impact on the

market which disregards its potential effect on reducing uncertainty.
In any case, the approach by S&P relates only to countries
potentially insolvent after 2013 and cannot apply to Greece, which
already receives support that helps to resolve its current debt problem
with very good results so far.”

Sparano sulla crocerossa gia' finita nel fosso... bah!
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