Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (14 lettori)

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Nuovo forumer
Anche io oramai li vedo come un ZC ma in tal caso il loro prezzo è troppo alto! il 2,78% annuo è troppo poco purtroppo. Io vedevo il 2019 cadermi subito a 60 e se tutto andasse male collocarsi a 40...

adesso dobbiamo sperare che scendano talmente tanto che qualcuno si dia da fare per sistemare le cose... il 2013 è molto vicino e con i tempi lunghi che si prendono lor signori...
:eek: scusa ma li hai in portafoglio? cos'è istinto kamikaze??????
se dovessero scendere come dici ci sarebbe ormai poco da fare...IMHO


Forumer storico
ASE Lower In Choppy Trade

The Athens Stock Exchange ended down 0.3% on Thursday, remaining into negative territory throughout most of the session. The total turnover was again very low, very far from the year’s average.

"The Athens bourse was able to recover from earlier lows and stabilize towards the end of another choppy and lightly traded session," a senior local equity analyst told Dow Jones Newswires. "Consolidation and potentially some window dressing for pressured blue-chip stocks is on the cards for Friday΄s year-ending session that will be shortened by two hours and finish at 1320 GMT."

The developments regarding the Greek public debt remain on spotlight, along with the continuing rise of Greek bond spreads and their impact on the banking sector. Concern is unlikely to disappear soon as investors need to be convinced through further evidence of support from the European Union.

Under these circumstances, a substantial recovery in trading activity is not expected soon, and a further decline of the ASE can’t be ruled out.

Across the board, the General Index recorded losses of 0,30%%, ending at 1.423,92points, remaining into negative territory throughout the session. On Wednesday, approximately 11.67 million shares worth only 42.51 million euro were traded in Athens Stocks, while a total amount of 64 stocks closed in positive territory, 87 declined and 150 remained unchanged.

Hellenic Telecoms and Public Power Corp. moved down by 2.4% and 1.3% respectively, while Coca-Cola 3E rose by 1.4%.

Banks moved down, posting marginal losses of 0.36% at 1267.92 units. Eurobank and Alpha Bank declined by 2.3% and 2.2% respectively, while Marfin Popular Bank climbed by 4.72%. Piraeus Bank and National Bank posted small losses of 0.27% and 0.16% respectively.



Forumer storico
:eek: scusa ma li hai in portafoglio? cos'è istinto kamikaze??????
se dovessero scendere come dici ci sarebbe ormai poco da fare...IMHO

Comunque le alternative non sono molte.
Per il momento anch'io tengo le posizioni, ma è dura ... sono confortato dal fatto di essere in buona compagnia con BCE, banche tedesche e francesi.


Forumer storico
ECB's Nowotny Wants Euro Crisis Mechanism Before 2013

VIENNA (Reuters) - The European Union should move faster in setting up a permanent mechanism to manage sovereign debt problems given possible future challenges faced by some countries, ECB policymaker Ewald Nowotny said on Thursday.

Euro zone reforms, including making the stability and growth pact more effective, must be implemented quickly to "create a clear framework," said Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian Central Bank and a member of the ECB's Governing Council.
"It cannot be ruled out that individual euro zone countries will face challenges," Nowotny said in a statement on the bank's website.

Earlier this month European Union leaders agreed to set up a permanent mechanism from mid-2013 to resolve sovereign debt problems.

"The reform of euro zone rules needs to be brought to a positive conclusion as quickly as possible, including making the growth and stability pact more effective, and the European Stability Mechanism should come into force before 2013 if possible," Nowotny said.

The European Stability Mechanism is set to replace the temporary European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) created in May, and will be empowered to grant loans on strict conditions to member states in distress, with private sector bondholders sharing the cost of any writedowns.

Earlier this year Greece and Ireland were forced to seek bailouts for their over-extended debt. Investors are concerned that the crisis could spread to other euro zone economies such as Portugal and possibly even Spain and Italy.

The EU, together with the IMF, set up the 750 billion euro EFSF loan pool to help euro zone states unable to finance themselves in volatile markets.

Nowotny said ensuring price stability would remain a core priority for the ECB in 2011 and that euro zone inflation is expected to stay within target at 1.8 percent in 2011 and 1.5 percent in 2012.


Forumer storico

Epperò il ciofecone .... come dire: il mercato ha sempre ragione.
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