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Greek Debt Chief: Foreign Investors Buy 61% Of T-Bills Tuesday

By Nick Skrekas

ATHENS (Dow Jones)--Greece's latest T-bill auction garnered strong demand, with 61% of the take-up coming from foreign investors, the head of Greece's Public Debt Management Agency said Tuesday.

Earlier Tuesday, the PDMA said the country raised EUR390 million from the T-bill auction. The uniform yield beat market expectations by coming in at 3.85%, much lower than at the last 13-week T-bill tender in January, which came in at 4.10%.

"We are content with the continuing high level of foreign participation, which was close to two-thirds at this auction," Petros Christodoulou told Dow Jones Newswires. "We are also happy to again be piercing below the 4% interest rate level."

The auction had a bid-to-cover ratio of 5.08 times, which isn't surprising since the amount on offer was relatively small. The PDMA may accept a further 30% of the auctioned amount in non-competitive bids, taking the total amount raised to EUR480 million.

Greece resumed monthly T-bill issuance in January after a pause due to seasonal factors in December. The auctions are mandatory under the memorandum agreement signed in May 2010 with the International Monetary Fund and the European Union for the provision of the EUR110 billion bailout to stave off certain default.

The debt-laden Mediterranean state has to roll over debt of EUR0.56 billion in February, according to local dealers.

Bond market analysts say the net supply of Greek T-bills is close to zero because it is essentially rolling over expiring maturities.


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Sull'altro forum hanno postato questa news:

Grecia, Pil trim4 cala oltre attese, -1,4% su terzo trimestre
Reuters - 15/02/2011 11:39:20
ATENE, 15 febbraio (Reuters) - L'economia greca ha subito una contrazione nel quarto trimestre del 6,6% rispetto a un anno prima e dell'1,4% sul precedente trimestre, secondo i dati preliminari.

Le previsioni degli economisti raccolte da Reuters indicavano per il pil rispettivamente -4,8% e -1,2%.

La lettura relativa al terzo trimestre è stata rivista a -5,7% dal precedente -4,6% e a -1,7% su trimestre dal precedente -1,3%.

Il prodotto interno lordo greco, pari a 230 miliardi di euro, rappresenta il 2,5% di quello della zona euro.


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Athens Market Posts Small Losses

Athens Stocks fluctuate between profits and losses in a narrow margin on Tuesday, as the market seems focused on the auction of EUR300mn three-month Greek Treasury bills.

Analysts comment that accumulation is possible in today’s session, while mild and selective moves are expected without ruling out a surge of volatility.

Piraeus Securities said that investors are on a wait and see mode, looking to get direction from the decision that may be taken in Brussels, expecting the market to consolidate at current levels with increased volatility and low volumes.

“The uncertainty caused by the conflict between the Greek government and the EU/IMF officials affected the market volume but not the positive sentiment generated after the announcement of the €50bn privatizations in the next years”, says Alpha Finance in its morning report.

Pegasus Securities comments that the EUR50bn privatization program that troika advised brought first enthusiasm to the domestic market and then volatility with some profit taking movements.

Pegasus expects the market to have a volatile session today as well with low volume “however the decisions of Ecofin’s meeting as well as the auction of 13W T-Bills will be in the spotlight and will determine the direction of the General Index.”

Across the board, the General Index is at 1633.09, down 0.59% in a turnover of EUR35. A total amount of 47 shares rise, 64 decline and 31 remain unchanged.

Banks are down 0.8%, at 1431.64 units. Only Geniki Bank stands out with gains of 4%, while Alpha Bank, Eurobank and Hellenic Postbank decline by 0.67%, 0.46% and 0.89% respectively.



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Greek economy to shrink 3 pct or more in 2011 -cbank

Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:34am EST

* Greek GDP to shrink 3 pct or more in 2011
* Unemployment seen rising in 2011, real wages to drop 5 pct
* Consumer inflation to slow to 2.2 pct in 2011
* Greek banks to face more loan book deterioration
* Credit growth to private sector to stall or turn negative
(Adds details, background)

By George Georgiopoulos

ATHENS, Feb 15 (Reuters) - Greece's economy will stay in recession for a third straight year in 2011 with gross domestic product (GDP) seen shrinking at least 3 percent, the country's central bank said in a monetary policy report on Tuesday.

Austerity measures to slash deficits, including cuts in public sector pay and pensions and higher indirect taxes have squeezed economic activity, as the euro zone member struggles to resolve its debt crisis.

Greece's 230 billion euro economy slumped by a projected 4.2 percent last year, leading to record high unemployment of 13.9 percent by November. [ID:nLDE7190WQ] The government forecasts the economy will contract 3 percent this year.

"GDP is expected to decline by about 3 percent in 2011, without ruling out a slightly bigger fall. Recession is hurting consumption and investments even more," the Bank of Greece said in the report.
It estimated that investment may have dropped more than 18 percent last year.

Athens has been forced to impose stringent austerity measures as a condition of the 110 billion euro bailout it agreed with the European Union and International last May to try and solve its debt crisis.

Data on Tuesday showed that GDP shrank a worse-than-expected 1.4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2010 from the previous quarter, and fell 6.6 percent from a year ago.

The central bank expects unemployment to continue rising this year with the protracted economic downturn leading to a marked drop in consumer inflation to around 2.2 percent from an annual rate of 5.2 percent currently.
Core inflation is seen dropping below 1 percent.

The central bank said high inflation rates, resulting from increased value-added tax rates and higher oil prices, squeezed average real wages by 9 percent last year, with another drop of about 5 percent forecast for 2011. "The rebound in exports reflects mainly the recovery in world demand and secondarily the improved cost competitiveness in 2010, which is seen continuing this year. The current account deficit as a percentage of GDP will fall further in 2011," the central bank said.


For the country's banking system, 2011 will be a year of challenges, requiring lenders to be on the alert, the bank said.
"This year (Greek) banks will face an expected further deterioration in their loan portfolio quality, the need to gradually reduce their dependence on the Eurosystem for their liquidity needs and adjust gradually to new international regulatory requirements," the report said.

European Central Bank funding to Greek banks has reached 95 billion euros based on November 2010 data as banks' have been mostly shut out of wholesale funding markets due to concerns about Greece's sovereign debt. [ID:nATH005847] The Bank of Greece expects credit extended to the private sector to stop growing or turn negative in 2011.

It reiterated that Greece must intensify its fiscal adjustment efforts to attain sustainable primary surpluses quickly, along with structural reforms to reduce the operating cost of the country's public sector.

EU and IMF inspectors on Friday approved a fourth installment of bailout funds for Greece but warned that Athens' fiscal adjustment plan could go off the rails unless it accelerated reforms and scaled up privatisations.
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