Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (17 lettori)

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Vi devo lasciare un attimo, a breve l'asta dei Bot/greek.
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EURO GOVT-Greek/German 10yr yld spread near 2-month high

LONDON, March 8 | Tue Mar 8, 2011 4:21am EST

LONDON, March 8 (Reuters) - The premium investors demand to hold German government bonds rather than benchmark German Bunds rose to its highest in almost two months on Tuesday as Moody's cut of the sovereign's ratings continued to rattle the market.
The Greek/German 10-year government bond yield spread GR10YT=TWEBDE10YT=TWEB widened by 25 basis points to 941 bps, its widest since mid-January.
The equivalent Spanish spread edged out by four bps to 215 bps after Madrid launched a 15-year syndicated bond.

"We're seeing widening in the periphery this morning which is a follow through from the pressure we saw yesterday on Portugal and Greece," a trader said. " Greece has really been under pressure for the last couple of weeks, but particularly with the front end widening out a lot yesterday."

La punta a 941 pb l'ha tenuta solo per un minuto, questa mattina intorno alle 9,00.


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DB: Greek Banks Must Disengage From ECB

Deutsche Bank said on Monday that credit growth in Greece decelerated further referring to data released by the Greek Central Bank.

Moreover, Bank of Greece announced on March 4 that credit growth decelerated further in January at ‐0.3%, following a 0.1% drop in December.

Additionally, Credit in heavyweight sectors like industry and trade contracted by 1.7% and 3.9% respectively.

Slowdown in credit and deposit outflows are two of the main challenges that Greek banks face currently, said Deutsche Bank. These were described both in the central bank΄s annual monetary report (2010‐2011) and in the European Commission΄s third economic review on Greece.

The decrease in deposits is also one of the reasons that the EC/EMU/IMF asked for an extra EUR 30bn government guarantee package for Greek banks.

“Only this time, access to the package must be accompanied by a specific plan to disengage from the ECB over the next 2‐3 years. This is an even bigger challenge in our view”, concluded DB



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ASE opening: Big decline

Equity prices were declining at the opening of trade on Tuesday on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE), influenced by a Moody's downgrading of Greece's credit rating, with the basic share price index down 1.81 percent, standing at 1,557.07 points at 11:00 am, and turnover at 19.591 million euros.

Individual sector indices were moving downward nearly across the board, with the only gains in Insurance, up 1.61 percent; and Chemicals, up 0.40 percent.

The heaviest losses were in Construction, down 4.04 percent; Health, down 4.10 percent; Personal Products, down 3.46 percent; and Banks, down 2.99 percent.

The FTSE/ASE 20 index for blue chip and heavily traded stocks was down 1.88 percent, the FTSE/ASE MID 40 index was down 2.40 percent, and the FTSE/ASE-80 small cap index was down 2.14 percent.

Of the stocks traded, 7 were up, 60 were down, and 7 were unchanged.


Siamo a metà strada tra i minimi a 1400 punti ed i massimi a 1730 punti.
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Non li trattiamo, ma è quasi certo il downgrade di Ficht sui TdS Ciprioti a seguito delle problematiche legate all'evoluzione greca.
Lo riferisce il Naftemporiki.


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PM's meetings with party leaders ahead of eurozone summit

Prime minister George Papandreou will hold a series of meetings with opposition party leaders on Tuesday ahead of his departure for Paris and then on to Brussels for Friday's crucial extraordinary summit of the 17-nation eurozone to work out an action plan to prevent future debt crises, and the March 25 EU summit.

Papandreou is holding separate meetings with main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras, Communist Party of Greece (KKE) leader Aleka Papariga, Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) leader George Karatzaferis and Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA parliamentary alliance) parliamentary group leader Alexis Tsipras throughout the day, followed by meetings with the non-parliamentary Democratic Alliance and Democratic Left parties' leaders Dora Bakoyannis and Fotis Kouvelis, respectively, in the late afternoon.



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Economic issues and reactions to Moody's downgrading of Greece's credit rating were the main front-page items in Athens' dailies on Tuesday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "The government in state of full dissolution..."

AVRIANI: "The sooner we default, the better for the country".

ELEFTHEROS: "What George's (Papandreou) participation (as member) in the Ghaddafi Foundation hides".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Loophole for retirement 4-7 years earlier".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "The lenders divided into two camps, Athens insists".

ESTIA: "Beneath the circumstances".

ETHNOS: "Which professions remain in the 'heavy and hazardous' work category".

IMERISSIA: "Suspicious blow from Moody's".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "The unexpected downgrading (of Greece's credit rating by Moody's) causes reactions".

TA NEA: "Changes/breathers to the social security system".

VRADYNI: "Downgrading, with the 'family silver' as the target".

Ποια θέματα κυριαρχούν: η υποβάθμιση της πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας της Ελλάδας από τον διεθνή οίκο Moody's, οι αντιδράσεις που προκαλεί και οι επιπτώσεις και οι αλλαγές που επέρχονται στο ασφαλιστικό σύστημα.

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