Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (13 lettori)

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Forumer storico
In giornate come queste, mi perdonerete, dobbiamo issare i vessilli.
Come già fatto in altre tre occasioni ... speriamo porti bene :(.
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Forumer storico
:ciao: Quella volta sui tds (37) patriottici l'AT mi aiutò a "sentire " il fondo, e piazzai l'ultimo cippo praticamente ai minimi. Adesso forse è meglio sentire Jessica, anche se penso che non dovrebbe mancare molto al fondo duro.
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe
Signori, dobbiamo fare i complimenti al tread; qui' non si parla solo di economia, ma si fa anche scienza....
Dopo vari scambi di opinioni, possiamo oggi enunciare un principio scientifico " il I° principio di G.IN"
Tale principio, naturalmente non potrà essere capito nè tantomeno applicato dai visitatori occasionali del tread, ma solo dagli affezionati.
-un titolo, in caduta libera, quindi in forte loss, quando arriva all'"ultimo cippo", riceve una spinta uguale e contraria, che gli fa invertire la rotta e lo porta a chiudere in forte gain-
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Forumer storico
Survey on corporate refinancing

(ANA-MPA) -- One in two large companies in Greece anticipate that they will need to refinance their loan obligations or debts in the next few months, according to a survey by Ernst & Young entitled "Greece: Barometer of capital confidence", which was unveiled on Tuesday.

According to the survey conducted on 49 senior administrative personnel in the Greek market of companies with revenues of more than 10 million euros each, 46 percent of the respondents said that the fiscal conditions have deteriorated comparatively over the preceding six months, while 48 percent anticipated that they will need to refinance their loan obligations or their debts in the next 12 months.



Forumer storico
Ankara not disputing Kastelorizo, Turkish FM says

Davutoglu says Turkey serious about improving ties with Greece


Visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stressed on Tuesday that Ankara was serious about improving ties with Athens and emphasized that Turkey was not questioning Greece’s sovereign rights to the island of Kastelorizo.

Responding to reporters' questions following talks with Prime Minister George Papandreou and with his Greek counterpart Dimitris Droutsas, Davutolgu clarified that in an interview with Kathimerini where he suggested that the island formed part of the Mediterranean rather than the Aegean he was merely making a geographical distinction, not challenging Greece’s rights to the island. «Of course Kastelorizo is a Greek island. There is no issue of its status being disputed,» Davutoglu said.

“In the very near future everyone will be able to see proof of the excellent cooperation between Greece and Turkey,” the Turkish minister added following his talks with Greek government officials which focused on the progress of exploratory talks on issue of bilateral concern.

The Turkish FM added that he wanted to send out “a message of friendship, good neighborliness and common fate.”
Droutsas took the opportunity to press Davutoglu on Turkey’s failure to honor a pact for the repatriation of undocumented immigrants, signed between Ankara and the European Union in Brussels in January. “We welcome it and I hope this agreement will soon be implemented,” Droutsas told reporters.

Turkish Foreign Ministry statements in recent weeks have linked Ankara’s enforcement of the pact to the relaxation of visa laws for Turkish citizens traveling within the EU. Davutoglu highlighted “our deep disappointment about the visa applications. “We want everyone to travel freely between Turkey and Greece and between Turkey and EU countries and get to know each other better,” Davutoglu said.

Droutsas said he backed the visa talks.

The two ministers also agreed that their two countries would cooperate in providing humanitarian aid to strife-torn Libya.

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday March 8, 2011 (20:23)

La questione di Kastelorizo è un punto molto "sensibile" per i greci.
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Forumer attivo
Signori, dobbiamo fare i complimenti al tread; qui' non si parla solo di economia, ma si fa anche scienza....
Dopo vari scambi di opinioni, possiamo oggi enunciare un principio scientifico " il I° principio di G.IN"
Tale principio, naturalmente non potrà essere capito nè tantomeno applicato dai visitatori occasionali del tread, ma solo dagli affezionati.
-un titolo, in caduta libera, quindi in forte loss, quando arriva all'"ultimo cippo", riceve una spinta uguale e contraria, che gli fa invertire la rotta e lo porta a chiudere in forte loss-

.....volevi dire in "forte gain"


Forumer storico
Effect of Greek default could be catastrophic-S&P

LONDON, March 8 | Tue Mar 8, 2011 11:58am EST

LONDON, March 8 (Reuters) - The impact of a Greek default could be so great that the euro zone will do everything it can to avoid it, rating agency Standard and Poor's said in London on Tuesday.

"The knock-on effects may be so catastrophic that every line of defence would be built up to try to prevent this situation," said Moritz Kraemer, head of sovereign credit ratings for Europe at Standard & Poor's.

"We believe if Greece were to default the recovery rate for bond investors could be somewhere between 30 and 50 percent," Kraemer added.
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