Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (34 lettori)

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Steps needed to arrest dynamics of debt, regain credibility despite execution risks

Greece may face period of serious social and political consequences, along with no market access


By Dimitris Kontogiannis

As the expected, fatigue resulting from the implementation of economic reforms and fiscal austerity becomes more evident and the recession gets deeper, prompting more and more market participants and others to call for the restructuring of Greek public debt, it is becoming evident that the country has to come up with a comprehensive solution to arrest the dynamics of the debt and regain market credibility.

Public sector roots

It is known that debt problems have different origins but most of them are caused by public sector excesses. Unlike Ireland and Spain, where the debt problem originated primarily in the private sector - namely the banking sector - Greece’s debt problem has its roots in the public sector.
This does not mean the country is not facing other problems. Greece has also to cope with an international competitiveness problem.
This is partly evident in the large current account deficit estimated around 10 percent of gross domestic product in 2010 and to some extent explained by input and output market inefficiencies. In addition, fast nominal wage growth, which is more than justified by productivity gains in the non-tradeable sectors such as services and construction, spilled over to the tradeable sectors, contributing to the loss of international competitiveness.
Greece’s economic policy program endorsed by the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank has tried to deal with the erosion of international competitiveness by setting out a list of structural reforms such as removing barriers to enter certain professions and streamlining the greater public sector.
As expected, many interest groups have objected to most of these reforms which are supposed to be implemented in a relatively short period of time and this has not escaped the attention of cabinet members who take political cost very seriously. It should be noted however that a far-reaching reform of the social security system has already been voted on in Parliament.
Assuming that the new laws become effective, some of these reforms will have a beneficial effect on the Greek economy and public finances in the medium to long term.
However, in the long run we are all dead, as economist John Maynard Keynes said once.

Major mistake

We have argued before that one of the major mistakes made by the troika and the government in addressing the Greek public debt crisis is they have failed to recognize the possibility of insolvency and addressed it as if it were a liquidity crisis.
Reducing public debt by producing large primary budget surpluses at 6.0 percent of GDP or over for more than a decade is one way to go but necessitates a substantial fiscal tightening which becomes even tighter if IMF conditionality applies.
A tight fiscal policy coming at a time of weak domestic demand and private sector deleveraging is certain to hurt GDP even more since strong exports can’t do much to help an economy with a small external sector and a reduction in unit labor costs takes time to help restore international competitiveness.
The ensuing decrease in GDP hinders the reduction in the public debt, creating a vicious cycle that hurts economic growth and makes it difficult to bear both socially and politically.
Greece has been going though this cycle, betting that the strict implementation of the economic policy program will reduce public debt over time and help the country regain its credibility with international investors. Early this year it became evident that this form of debt reduction was not enough to convince the markets and some 50 billion euros’ worth of privatizations and real estate asset sales were added to the package.

Market distrust

However, by keeping the Greek bond yield spreads and credit default swap spreads at prohibitively high levels, the market showed its distrust.
So one has to ask what it will take to satisfy the markets to lend to Greece at affordable interest rates.
Obviously, the implementation of structural reforms sought by the economic policy program will help, although the fruits will become apparent a few years from now.
Unfortunately, the economic program sought to tackle the country’s large budget deficit by putting more or equal weight on raising tax revenues than cutting spending. This is despite the fact that Greek primary expenditure has grown by more than 80 percent since 2004.
Asset sales will also help but it will not help the market to change its mind as the public debt-to-GDP ratio heads toward 160 percent.

Comprehensive solution

The comprehensive solution should therefore include all of the above and a milder dose of fiscal austerity, meaning additional austerity measures stemming from conditionality should not be taken. However, most importantly, the comprehensive solution should remove the debt overhang from the Greek economy to help economic agents price the risks of investing more accurately and let liquidity flow more easily to banks and the economy.
Whether this takes the form of a generous debt reduction via rescheduling or something else such as the exchange of old Greek bonds with new longer ones with lower coupons guaranteed by the European Financial Stability Fund is up to the planners.
Undoubtedly, there are serious execution risks involved in removing the debt overhang from the economy, including a run on bank funds, and therefore it has to be done very carefully.
But unless this is done, Greece is in danger of facing a protracted period of stagnation with serious social and political consequences and no market access for many years. This is not in anybody’s interest.

ekathimerini.com , Sunday April 3, 2011 (23:33)

Da leggere.


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Tourist arrivals seen jumping 10 percent

The number of tourists expected to visit Greece this year is seen increasing by 10 percent compared to last year, with growth coming from Russia, the UK and Germany, according to Andreas Andreadis, president of the Panhellenic Federation of Hoteliers.
However, the number of Greeks going on holiday within the country is expected to see a double-digit drop due to the crisis, Andreadis told Kathimerini, reducing income in the sector by 3 to 4 percent.

ekathimerini.com , Sunday April 3, 2011 (21:32)


Forumer attivo
Ricambio i saluti, Stefano; cosi' come tommy in grecia, in spagna, in portogallo, ecc. ecc., te sei il nostro vate e profeta sul trading...

Anche da parte mia un caro saluto a tommy e a tutti i partecipanti del forum, con la speranza che il futuro ci riservi delle soddisfazioni. Ciao, Ivo.:winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner:
Ultima modifica:


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Bond euro aprono in denaro, spazio risalita limitato da Bce

lunedì 4 aprile 2011 08:40

LONDRA, 4 aprile (Reuters) - Partenza con il segno più per i
governativi tedeschi, benchmark della zona euro, forti del clima
di incertezza che ancora riguarda le prospettive per i mercati

A parere degli operatori il margine di apprezzamento è però
limitato in ragione della prevista stretta sul costo del denaro
che il consiglio Bce potrebbe decidere giovedì.

Di fatto anticipata dal presidente Jean-Claude Trichet a
inizio marzo la mossa, un rialzo da un quarto di punto, sarebbe
per la zona euro il primo aumento del costo del denaro da
ottobre 2008.

"Sul mercato dovrebbe dominare l'attesa del verdetto Bce"
osserva un trader.

"Un rialzo dei tassi è già nei prezzi, si tratta soprattutto
di vedere quali saranno i commenti sul futuro e il rischio è che
si inizi a scontare un'ulteriore stretta a giugno o luglio"

Non sembra intanto attenuarsi la pressione sull'Europa
dopo la boccaiatura del rating portoghese di ben tre
'notch' - a un solo gradino dal livello di 'spazzatura' - decisa
venerdì sera da Fitch.

Alle prospettive sui periferici non giova l'annuncio che il
primo ministro spagnolo Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero non intende
candidarsi per un terzo mandato in occasione delle elezioni di
marzo 2012.


Forumer storico
Anche da parte mia un caro saluto a tommy e a tutti i partecipanti del forum, con la peranza che il futuro ci riservi delle soddisfazioni. Ciao, Ivo.:winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner::winner:

Grazie anche a te.
Speriamo che il futuro ci sia amico.
La situazione è difficile, ma cercheremo di governare la "barca" nel modo migliore.


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European Union Concerned About Greek Debt

The proposed increase of European Central Bank’s interest rates and the expansion of the political crisis in both weak (Portugal, Ireland, Spain) and strong euro zone countries (Germany, France) complicate the financial and political environment, in which Greece must deal with its debt crisis.

European Union sources admitted that the situation now is extremely difficult, despite the decision of the last European Summit, as the possibility of a deeper recession limits Greek economy’s ability to meet demands of the measures, which were initiated by the Memorandum.

In this context, they note that the comments of German magazine Der Spiegel that International Monetary Fund suggests Greece to proceed with “voluntary” debt restructuring, despite mutual denial, do not lack a reasonable basis, as the combination of higher interest rates and a prolonged recession make a restructuring impossible through the Memorandum.

However, such a policy cannot be promoted as a European Union initiative as it could cause sharp deterioration of the situation not only in Portugal and Ireland, but in other euro zone countries with high debt.

For this reason, it is estimated that the second quarter of the 2011 will be crucial for Greece and the euro area, as the process of banking stress tests is expected to emerge high needs for recapitalization of European banks that have to be covered by governments.

The same sources also note that decisions of the European Summit has left many issues open, especially the details of the financing of the euro zone rescue funds.


In poche parole il punto sulla situazione.


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EU/IMF Delegation Visits Greece On Mid-Term Fiscal, Privatization Plans

ATHENS (Dow Jones)--A delegation of European and International Monetary Fund officials is expected to arrive in Athens later Monday to review the country's medium-term deficit-cutting plans and its progress with a promised EUR50 billion privatization drive, a finance ministry official said.
"The delegation will be at a technical level and will arrive later today in Athens," said the official. "They will stay for a few days and will be joined by the heads of mission later in the week."
In May last year, Greece narrowly avoided default with the help of a EUR110 billion loan from the European Union and IMF in exchange for a three-year austerity program to cut the country's budget deficit.
Since then, Greece has cut its deficit from 15.4% of gross domestic product in 2009 to a government-estimated 9.4% last year, and is aiming to narrow it further to 7.4% of GDP by the end of 2011.
Under the terms of the loan deal, Greece must outline by April 15 roughly EUR22 billion in additional measures for the years 2012-2014 with the aim of bringing the deficit below 3% of GDP.
The government has also unilaterally promised to push ahead with an ambitious EUR50 billion privatization plan through 2015 that isn't part of the loan deal but which is aimed at reducing Greece's giant public debt burden.
"The delegation visit will be specifically to review the medium-term fiscal strategy and the privatization plan," the official said. The official added that a further visit is expected in early May to conduct the regular quarterly review of Greece's overall progress towards its fiscal goals, and decide on the country's eligibility to receive a fifth disbursement of its loan.
The medium-term fiscal strategy is expected to include about EUR15 billion in further spending cuts and roughly EUR7 billion in new revenue measures.
Among the spending cuts being considered are further cuts in public sector entitlements and operating expenses. The new revenue measures may include the abolition of many existing tax breaks as well as a plan to seize billions of euros worth of unclaimed assets by the deceased, among other things.
However, the visit also comes as Greece finalizes the data relating to its 2010 deficit, which appears to have topped 10% of GDP, up from an initial estimate of 9.4%. That larger-than-expected gap for last year, combined with lagging revenue collections since the start of the year, means the Greek government may have to take an additonal EUR3 billion in austerity measures this year to achieve its 2011 budget goals.


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Libyan gov't seeks solution to crisis: Greek FM​

English.news.cn 2011-04-04 16:16:23
ATHENS, April 4 (Xinhua) - The Libyan government is seeking a solution to the current crisis, said Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas on Sunday evening, shortly after Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou held talks with Libyan acting Foreign Minister Abdulati Obeidi in Athens.
"Based on the Libyan envoy's stance it seems that the regime seeks a solution," said Droutsas, stressing that Greece supported from the start of the crisis the diplomatic solution and is always ready to contribute to efforts to restore peace and stability in the area.
Papandreou and Obeidi made no comments to the press, but Droutsas also announced that Libyan Colonel Muammar Gaddafi' s envoy will continue his trip delivering the message from Tripoli to Turkey on Monday and Malta.
Greece will inform its international partners regarding the content of the talks, added Droutsas, stressing that Greece supports the full respect of the UN Security Council' s resolution on the Libyan crisis which seeks the protection of civilians in the country.
Sunday' s meeting with Papandreou was held at a Greek bank' s conference hall in a northern Athens suburb after the request of Libyan Prime Minister Al-Baghadi Ali-Al Mahmudi during a telephone conversation with his Greek counterpart on Saturday.
Greece facilitates support operations of the military intervention in Libya and traditionally maintains good ties with Libya and other Arab countries. Earlier in March another Libyan envoy visited Athens for talks at the Foreign Ministry.

Greek PM due to hold talks with Libyan acting FM in Athens Sunday
ATHENS, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is due to hold talks with Libyan acting Foreign Minister Abdulati Obeidi in Athens later on Sunday, according to a statement released by the Greek Premier's office.
The meeting was a request of Libyan Prime Minister Al-Baghadi Ali-Al Mahmudi during a telephone conversation held with Papandreou on Saturday, according to the official Press release.

Greece offers medical aid to first group of foreigners injured in Libya
ATHENS, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Greece offered medical assistance to the first group of foreigners injured in war-torn Libya and transferred to the Greek southern island of Crete during the weekend, announced Greek authorities on Sunday.
Four nationals of Qatar -- three men and a woman -- are hospitalized in Chania, suffering wounds at the head and legs, said the hospital's director, George Arhontakis.
(Agenzia Nuova Cina)
Politica estera.


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Sempre difficile la situazione alla Borsa di Atene che vede arretrare le posizioni nelle prime ore di contrattazione.
L'indice ASE segna 1507 punti a - 1,25%.

Situazione leggermente migliore per i nostri spread che sembrano tenere le posizioni nonostante tre tentativi di allargamento di una decina di pb., poi rientrati.
Ora lo spread segna 949 pb, sotto i massimi registrati nella giornata di venerdì.
Comunque sostanzialmente stabile.


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Spanish Gas Natural To Bid For DEPA

Spanish Gas Natural SDG will place a bid for Greek Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), according to El Economista. The sale is expected to take place in the second half of the year.

The Greek government, which holds a 65% stake in DEPA, has appointed UBS, Rotschild and Alpha Bank to handle the sale, said the report.


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