Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (30 lettori)

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Euro: Draghi, cruciale cultura della stabilita' monetaria

ROMA (MF-DJ)--"Non piu' centrata sulla quantita' di metallo prezioso disponibile nel sistema, la stabilita' monetaria e' affidata alla credibilita' e alla sapienza tecnica delle banche centrali. Ma queste nulla possono se il valore della stabilita' non si sedimenta nella coscienza collettiva". Lo ha affermato il governatore di Bankitalia, Mario Draghi, inaugurando la mostra "La moneta dell'Italia unita': dalla Lira all'Euro".
"Le banche centrali sanno oggi che una comunicazione efficace, una comprensione diffusa delle questioni monetarie, sono essenziali per il successo della propria strategia di politica monetaria. L'Eurosistema -spiega Draghi- e' impegnato a condividere con il mercato e con le opinioni pubbliche il proprio modo di pensare, di decidere, di agire. E' anche cosi' che si ancorano alla stabilita' le aspettative sui prezzi nel medio-lungo periodo".
Draghi ha inoltre sottolineato che "oggi si ha ragione di ritenere che la stabilita' della moneta e dei prezzi sia legata alle aspettative degli operatori. Queste si formano sulla base di elementi come la chiarezza e la certezza delle regole di creazione della moneta; l'affidabilita' e la credibilita' delle istituzioni che la governano; l'affermazione di una cultura della stabilita' monetaria -ha sottolineato- e' cruciale per rendere virtuoso questo circuito".


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Oggi altra giornata "pesante" per la Borsa di Atene: ora segna 1489 punti con - 2,46%.

Sempre stabili i nostri spread che riescono a rosicchiare qualcosa, dopo una mattinata con diversi momenti di "pressione": ora intorno a 947 pb.

Sta raggiungendo i minimi il nostro etf azionario grecia. Da monitorare... per eventuali ingressi.


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Sta raggiungendo i minimi il nostro etf azionario grecia. Da monitorare... per eventuali ingressi.

Abbiamo i minimi assoluti intorno ai 1350 punti, circa.
Mentre a 1400 punti direi che abbiamo uno zoccolo molto duro.

Aggiungo che eravamo intorno a questo spread, quando l'Ase segnava i 1400.
Ultima modifica:


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FinMin: No 'horizontal measures'

(ANA-MPA) -- Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou on Monday said the government would not take any further "horizontal" austerity measures to rein in the deficit in 2011, such as those taken in 2010.

"There will, of course, be a uniform pay scale. In the uniform pay scale the injustices that exist in the current pay scale for civil servants will be lifted. Whether this will take place immediately or over a transitional period is something to be examined but it is clear that these injustices will be lifted," the minister underlined.

Speaking to the state-run radio broadcaster, the minister also ruled out another emergency levy and noted that a shortfall in revenue during 2011 had been covered in other ways, so that the deficit had actually been reduced by an additional 50 million euro above the original forecasts in the first two months of the year.

He announced that corrective measures to make up for the smaller revenue would target both spending and revenue increase and would not be sweeping horizontal reductions to pay and pensions, or general tax increases as in 2010.



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Athenian Brewery top working environment in Greece

Athenian Brewery has been awarded the "Best Workplaces 2011" prize by the Great Place to Work Institute Hellas, which announced on Monday the top 20 companies with the best working environment in Greece.

In the category of companies with more than 250 employees, first place went to Athenian Brewery, followed by Elais-Unilever Hellas, Tasty Foods, Hygeia hospital, Media Strom, Pharmathen, Leroy Merlin, Wurth Hellas, Vivechrom and Accenture in the top 10 spots.

In the category of companies with 50-250 employees, first place went to Xeros Hellas, followed by Kri-Kri dairy industry, Imperial Tobacco Hellas, Medtronic Hellas, Genesis Pharma, Data Communication, 3M, Melissa Kikizas, Amgen Hellas and British American Tobacco Hellas.

The 9th annual Best Workplaces survey was conducted by the Institute in collaboration with the ALBA Graduate Business School. The purpose of the survey is to highlight and reward companies with the best working environment in Greece which, despite the economic crisis today, have invested substantially in the human factor.

The awards ceremony will take place on April 11.


Dove si lavora meglio.


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Troika team arrives in Athens

Creditors expected to review new round of austerity measures for the medium term
Representatives of Greece’s international creditors were scheduled to arrive in Athens late Monday as the Finance Ministry finalizes details of a new round of austerity measures after its 2010 budget deficit came to more than expected.
The delegation will be of a technical level and are set to be joined in a few days by the heads of the EU-IMF mission, according to a government official.
The delegation is expected to review Greece’s medium-term fiscal strategy and its privatization plan which aims at raising 30 billion euros by 2015.
A further visit is expected in early May to conduct a regular quarterly review of Greece's overall progress toward its fiscal goals and decide on the country's eligibility to receive a fifth disbursement of its loan.
The medium-term fiscal strategy is expected to aim at raising about 25 billion euros over the next four years.
Meanwhile, analysts said on Monday that a default by Greece may condemn Ireland and Portugal to the same fate, as investors dump bonds of all three nations and voters resist economic austerity measures.
“Greece will restructure in 2013, or perhaps before,” Marie-Anne Allier, the Paris-based head of the euro-aggregate group at Amundi Asset Management, Europe’s third-largest investment manager with 689.5 billion euros, told Bloomberg.
“If Greece restructures, it will be very difficult for Ireland and Portugal to impose a very strict austerity program and not restructure. It’s a domino effect.”
European Union leaders agreed on March 25 to create the European Stability Mechanism, or ESM, to draw a line under the region’s debt crisis.
The ESM, which comes into effect in mid-2013, after a temporary facility expires, will make loans to fiscally strained governments under strict conditions. When governments can’t cover their debts in full, the ESM’s loans may be paid first, before private bondholders.
“The only way to avoid defaulting is for these economies to lower their debt to more sustainable levels through a period of sustained economic growth and by running very large budget surpluses,” according to Ben May, an economist at Capital Economics in London.
Greek Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou insisted over the weekend that the government is not planning to restructure its debt following press reports that the International Monetary Fund is pressuring Greece to ease its debt burden.

ekathimerini.com , Monday April 4, 2011 (17:43)


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(ASCA-AFP) - Atene, 4 apr - ''C'e' una possibilita', seppur piccola, per una soluzione politico-diplomatica'' in Libia.

Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri greco, Droutsas Dimiteris, ai microfoni di Radio Flash, commentando la visita del vice ministro degli Esteri libico ad Atene, secondo cui Abdelati Obeidi avrebbe detto a Papandreou di volere la fine dei combattimenti.

''Da quello che si e' detto il regime libico e' alla ricerca di una soluzione diplomatica. Per quanto ne sappiamo ci sono anche dei contatti con diversi paesi africani'', ha aggiunto Droutsas.


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Greece to Tap Bond Markets by Early 2012, Papaconstantinou Says

April 04, 2011, 11:26 AM EDT

By Natalie Weeks

April 4 (Bloomberg) -- Greece will return to bond markets by the start of 2012 and doesn’t plan to restructure debt as the costs would outweigh the benefits, Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said.
We would like to return to markets in 2011,” Papaconstantinou said in an e-mailed transcript of an interview with state-run NET radio in Athens today. “I am well aware that with interest rates where they are today it looks very difficult right now.” If market conditions prohibit the sale of longer term debt this year then “definitely at the beginning of 2012,” Papaconstantinou said.
The cost of a Greek debt restructuring and haircut “would be much greater than the benefit,” both for Greece and the rest of Europe,’’ Papaconstantinou said.


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Athens Stock Suffer New Losses

Athens Stock Exchange maintained its downward streak on Monday, as the General Index was forced again into heavy losses, closing below 1,500 for the first time since late January.

Amid concerns that the Greek government may be forced to adopt further austerity measures to close a yawning budget gap, and without any change in the negative sentiment caused by the recent downgrades of Greece, previous week’s losses couldn’t put an end to the market’s downward streak, with the analysts speaking about investors’ avoid-risk stance.

Guardian Trust Securities considers this week crucial for the course of Athens Stock Exchange, according to a report, while market sentiment is negative and investors appear generally pessimistic.

Marfin Analysis talked of absence of significant news flow and catalysts, “as deficit missing target and the speculation that this brings about, weigh negatively on investment community sentiment” .

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1,492.44 units, with losses of 2.24%, while intraday losses reached 2.91%. Approximately 30.55 million units worth €107.15 million were traded on Monday, while a total amount of 145 shares declined, 30 closed on positive ground and 108 remained unchanged.

Banks ended with losses of 3.21% at 1,195.18, close to the session’s lows. Proton Bank and Hellenic Postbank suffered the heaviest pressures, fall by 7.04% and 6.57% respectively, while Piraeus Bank and Eurobank declined by 5.76% and 5.75% respectively. Alpha Bank and National Bank posted losses of 2.68% and 2.60%, ending at €4.35 and €6.00 respectively. Marfin Popular Bank, Attica Bank and Bank of Cyprus retreated by 2.30%, 2.02% and 1.21% respectively.



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ECB bond buying programme back in hibernation

FRANKFURT, April 4 | Mon Apr 4, 2011 10:13am EDT

FRANKFURT, April 4 (Reuters) - The European Central Bank said on Monday it settled no bond purchases last week, pausing the programme again after buying small amounts the week before.
The ECB has bought only small amounts of bonds in recent weeks despite the premiums investors demand to hold the debt of Greece, Ireland, Portugal compared to that of Germany being back close to record highs.
However, the total value of bonds held under the programme rose to 77.0 billion euros from 76.5 billion euros, when rounded to the closest half billion. The rise was due to realignment of book values, the central bank said.
The ECB also said no bonds it holds under the programme matured last week.
The ECB's bond purchase programme, which started in May, is part of efforts to stave off Europe's debt crisis and get markets back into order.
The pause in purchases marks a return to hibernation after the central bank spent 432 million euros in the previous week.
The ECB can buy government and corporate bonds from banks and other investors under the controversial facility. It adds the caveat that the figures may not include its latest purchases and has given no further details, such as how much it could spend under the programme or how long it intends to buy for.

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