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PM says Greece focused on reforms

Two-year yields decline for first time in 12 days; restructuring not an option, says Juncker
Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Thursday that the government is focused on implementing reforms to return the economy to growth and doesn’t have the “luxury” to concern itself with rumors.
“Last year around this time there was noise of impending bankruptcy,” Papandreou said in a cabinet meeting.
“We know the rest, we did what we had to and there wasn’t one. This year the scenario has changed and almost the same group is predicting daily that our country will restructure. We remain focused on our work.”
Papandreou’s comments came as Greece’s two-year note yields fell from a record high.
Greek two-year note yields climbed as much as 87 basis points to 26.27 percent, a euro-era high, before dropping 20 bps on Thursday to 20.20 percent, the first decline in 12 days.
Greece’s two-year note yields have added more than 900 basis points, or nine percentage points, since the start of the month, even as the Finance Ministry said it isn’t considering debt restructuring.
Earlier on Thursday, Maria Fekter, Austria’s finance minister, said she is “not a friend” of a Greek debt restructuring because this would take pressure off the Greek government to tackle its debt problems.
“I’m not a friend of a debt restructuring because this would remove the pressure to execute reforms immediately, and this is not in our interest,” Fekter told journalists in Vienna. “The better way is to keep up the reform pressure,” she added.
The head of the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, Jean-Claude Juncker, also said on Thursday that a restructuring of Greek debt is «not an option» because it would cause enormous problems.
Juncker told reporters in Paris after a meeting with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon on EU debt problems, including Greek debt, that «the restructuring of the debt is not an option, it would lead to enormous problems which have not yet been identified, that is if they could ever be identified."
Juncker, who is the prime minister and finance minister of Luxembourg, said, «Therefore [restructuring Greek debt] is not a working hypothesis."

ekathimerini.com , Thursday April 28, 2011 (17:28)


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IMF to focus on Greece fiscal, bank funding plans

WASHINGTON, April 28 (Reuters) - A joint IMF/EU mission to Greece in early May will focus on Greece's fiscal and restructuring plans as well as bank funding, an IMF spokesman said on Thursday.
The fourth review mission by the IMF and EU is part of regular assessments of the country's 110-billion-euro EU/IMF bailout Greece agreed last May.
"The focus will be on ensuring policies continue to be calibrated in a way that they deliver on the program objectives," spokesman David Hawley told a regular briefing.
In particular, the IMF will look at Greece's medium-term fiscal strategy, government privatization efforts and banks' medium-term funding plans, Hawley added.
Greece has outlined plans to sell stakes in key state firms and make further budget savings although the moves have failed to quell speculation that Greece is looking into restructuring its debt.
Asked whether the mission plans to conduct a debt sustainability analysis for Greece during the visit, Hawley said: "In any program review, the IMF makes an assessment of debt sustainability and the fund program cannot go forward unless debt is deemed to be sustainable."


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Greek Banks Post Mild Profits

Athens Stocks ended in marginally positive territory on Thursday, helped by the upward course of the banking index, whose intraday profits finally lessened.

Alpha Bank and Eurobank topped FTSE20, with gains of 3.95% and 3.94% respectively, while Public Power Corp and Motor Oil followed, posting profits of 3.81% and 2.06%.

Pegasus Securities commented that Greek stock missed the opportunity to move aligned with upward trends of foreign bourses, with valuation hitting a 12-year low (€53.6b), despite General Index’s resistance to record a year low (1,388.09).

Pegasus attributes this image to the negative market sentiment and debt speculation, rather to a strong new negative catalyst, which could justify the aggressive sales and a broad sell-off.

"What we saw is technical bounce today, but selling pressure remains," an analyst told Dow Jones Newswires.

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1,401.16 units, with marginal profits of 0.08%, moving into a margin of 18.53 units. Approximately 45.37 million units worth €92.11m were traded on Thursday, while a total amount of 72 shares rose, 72 declined and 138 remained unchanged.

Banks ended at 1,029.12 units, up 0.68%. Besides Alpha Bank and Eurobank which stood out, Attica Bank, Piraeus Bank and Proton Bank recorded of 2.47%, 1.94% and 1.85% respectively. ATEbank and Geniki Bank remained unchanged at €0.44 and €1.21, while Marfin Popular and
Hellenic Popular Bank declined by 2.47% and 1.07% respectively.

Ellaktor, Mytilineos and Jumbo moved up by 1.36%, 0.98% and 0.58% respectively, while Coca-Cola 3E, Viohalco and OPAP retreated by 2.39%, 1.98% and 1.64% respectively.



low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Si parla di default e intanto gli squali sulla GGB OTT19 EUR 6,5 hanno fatto un bel + 7.69 %


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Forumer storico
Si parla di default e intanto gli squali sulla GGB OTT19 EUR 6,5 hanno fatto un bel + 7.69 %

Sul MOT abbiamo un min. di 53 ed un max di 55,90.
Come i nostri ellenici, praticamente illiquida, con scambi a 143 K.

Ma forse c'è qualcosa che non va, rispetto alla tua Ott. 19 6,5%, qui l'ISIN è GR0133001140 ...
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IMF: As With Any Program, Greece Review To Study Debt Sustainability

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The International Monetary Fund will study Greece's ability to sustain its debt payments in its fourth review of the bailout program for the beleaguered country in early May, an IMF spokesman said Thursday.
David Hawley said a debt sustainability review is part of any IMF funding program. "A fund program cannot go forward unless debt is deemed to be sustainable. The Greek review will be no different," he said in a regular press conference at the IMF.
Based on its economic prospects, there's been growing skepticism in the markets that Greece can no longer live up to its promises to pay its debt back, a belief supported by some officials in euro-zone governments. As skepticism grows, so does the country's cost of borrowing.
The IMF has repeatedly said it believes the program will work and that Greece won't need to restructure its debt. But the IMF is considering extending the repayment schedule for the remaining tranches of its loan to Greece, which is technically considered by the market a form of restructuring.
The IMF's fourth review mission will focus on assessing the overall policy implementation, and ensuring "the policies continue to be calibrated in a way that delivers on the program objectives," Hawley said. IMF officials have raised concern recently about lower-than-targeted tax revenues, cash essential to meet the government's budget.
"We're going to look at several key policy milestones, including a medium-term fiscal strategy, the authorities' plan for privatization and real estate development and banks' medium-term funding plans," he added.

Io non prendo per oro colato quel che dice il FMI (anche perchè poi fa l'opposto e ci frega ...:D) ad ogni modo il sostegno alla Grecia è rimasto inalterato.


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Euro-Zone Sovereign Bonds Mostly Stronger

(Adds updated prices, detail, comment, background throughout.)

By Mark Brown
LONDON (Dow Jones)--Bonds issued by some of the financially weaker countries in the euro zone rallied Friday, buoyed by a combination of funds flowing back to investors and by better sentiment towards the euro zone's periphery.
Most notable was the improvement in Greece, where two-year bond yields fell for the first time in nearly three weeks, possibly supported by news that the Greek government had bought back some bonds that are close to maturity.
Additionally, the magnitude of the sell-off in Greek bonds recently means that "Greek paper clearly prices in every kind of haircut or restructuring," one trader said.
Greek two-year yields fell by 1.45 percentage points to 23.9%, according to Tradeweb.
Irish two-year yields were 29 basis points lower at 11.23%, and while Portuguese yields edged up as markets wait for details of the country's European Union and International Monetary Fund bailout package to be presented next week, the rises were small compared with earlier this week.
Spanish sovereign bond yields fell further, with two-year yields dropping 12 basis points to 3.34%. Italian yields were also mostly lower after a successful auction over EUR6.5 billion of three-year and 10-year bonds.
"Investors are waiting for further developments in Ireland and Portugal, but are reassured with regard to Italy and Spain, and this is shown in the auctions," the trader said. "In the last few days, buyers of short-dated Spanish bonds have emerged, and overall, the panic around the euro-zone periphery has stabilized. Trading volumes are still very low in [Greek, Irish, and Portuguese bonds] but otherwise they are recovering."
A second trader said that buyers were re-investing principal and coupon repayments in sovereign debt, and this was also boosting some prices.
"There are quite a lot of redemptions from Spain supporting the market, for example," this trader said.
Peripheral euro-zone sovereign bonds also benefited from the generally stronger tone in debt markets following Ben Bernanke's press conference Wednesday, where the Fed President played down the chances of a rate increase and did not indicate that there are any plans to end the central bank's extraordinary stimulus measures ahead of schedule.
"The boost to the 'risk on' trade in the form of yesterday's Fed meeting also provides a conducive backdrop to peripheral debt," said Richard McGuire, senior fixed income strategist at Rabobank in London, in a note.


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La Grecia e il mal di testa

Ancora una giornata da mal di testa a causa dei bond greci?
Niente paura :up:

28 Aprile , 15:22
(ANSAmed) - ATENE - Un team di ricercatori dell'Universita' di Creta ha elaborato un' ''aspirina biologica'' che servira' per curare varie malattie tra cui il raffreddore e l'influenza comune. Si tratta di un preparato naturale alla base del quale vi sono tre specie di erbe originarie dell'isola di Creta le cui essenze vengono disciolte nell'olio d'oliva. L'aspirina biologica e' il risultato degli studi e delle sperimentazioni condotte dai professori Ilias Kastanias e Hristos Lionis (entrambi medici) con il biologo Stergios Pirintsos, in collaborazione con la Cooperativa Agricola di Rethimno e la societa' farmaceutica Galenica.
Nonostante il fatto che tutti gli elementi costituenti del nuovo preparato siano assolutamente naturali, i ricercatori tengono a sottolineare che si tratta di un medicinale e non di un integratore alimentare. Al termine delle sperimentazioni, probabilmente l'anno prossimo, i tre studiosi faranno richiesta all'Istituto ellenico per i medicinali (Eof) per ottenere la licenza di commercializzazione del prodotto ad un prezzo estremamente basso che, secondo una condizione posta dalla Cooperativa Agricola di Rethimno, non dovra' superare un euro a confezione. (ANSAmed).

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