Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (17 lettori)

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Grecia,in swap titoli anche scandenze superiori a 2020 -min.Fin.

mercoledì 10 agosto 2011 11:25


ATENE, 10 agosto (Reuters) - La Grecia estenderà i termini dello scambio di titoli di Stato per includere il debito in scadenza dopo il 2020, nel tentativo di ottenere l'obiettivo di piazzare 135 miliardi di euro. Lo ha detto oggi il ministro delle finanze greco Evangelos Venizelos.
"Il nostro obiettivo è ottenere il 90% di partecipazione per questi oltre 135 miliardi di euro" ha detto il ministro ad una radio greca. "Dobbiamo ancora identificare titoli del valore di 150 miliardi di euro con scadenza entro il 2020 o anche un po' più in là per essere certi che questo ammontare possa essere raccolto". Il ministro ha anche detto che i depositi hanno ripreso ad entrare nelle casse delle banche greche dalla fine di luglio, allentando la pressione sulla base di finanziamento degli istituti di credito greci.


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Budget deficit widens 24 percent at end-July

Greece’s central government deficit widened 24 percent in the first seven months of the year as the country’s economy shrank and revenue fell.
The shortfall, which excludes outlays by state-owned institutions and companies, increased to 15.5 billion euros from 12.5 billion euros a year earlier, preliminary data released by the Finance Ministry showed on Wednesday.
Ordinary spending increased 7.1 percent to 40.9 billion euros, boosted in part by additional interest payments of 1.3 billion euros, the ministry said. Net revenue decreased 6.4 percent to 26.8 billion euros.
The ministry blamed the drop on a deeper-than-forecast recession that hit revenue and an increase in rebates to people who paid too much tax in 2010. The revenue shortfall will be “tackled during the next months” as new tax rules come into effect, the ministry said.
Prime Minister George Papandreou added 6.4 billion euros in additional measures to the budget for this year, including increasing working hours for civil servants and tax rates on yachts, pools and luxury vehicles to meet targets. The moves were necessary to keep the flow of funds coming under a European Union-led 110-billion-euro bailout last year.
New measures that will have an impact on revenue in the latter half of the year include an increase in value-added tax on restaurants and cafes, to 23 percent from 13 percent.
The deficit goal for this year is 7.5 percent of gross domestic product from 10.5 percent in 2010. The economy is expected to shrink 3.8 percent, according to European Commission data released on July 4. That follows a 4.4 percent contraction last year.
Final central government data are due around August 20.
ekathimerini.com , Wednesday August 10, 2011 (22:55)


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Bonds could be rolled over to 2024

Athens eager to get the second bailout package process going to receive 20 bln euros next month


By Sotiris Nikas
Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos confirmed on Wednesday that the program for private sector involvement (PSI) in Greece’s second bailout package will include bonds maturing after 2020, as the original eurozone decision had provided for last month.
Sources suggest that the program will include bonds maturing up to 2024, so as to take private sector participation up to 135 billion euros.
However, for PSI to take effect, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) will need to be able to offer guarantees to the private companies that will swap their old Greek bonds for new ones, and the European Commission is trying to bypass the time-consuming process of ratification by national parliaments.
There will be renewed negotiations between representatives of eurozone finance ministries on Thursday, including talks regarding the course of the PSI program, after it was made known yesterday that Dutch banks and insurance companies will also be participating.
Germany and France are expected to approve the broadening of the competences of the EFSF in special sessions of their national parliaments, sending a message to fellow eurozone countries to follow suit. If this does not happen, there is widespread worry that it will be October before all parliaments approve the European Union summit decisions, resulting in a further delay in the new package for Athens.
“We are trying to make the most of the deterioration of the international conjunction in order to have the package of decisions from July applied rapidly and to the full,” stated Venizelos.
Greece is eager to see the process start as soon as possible as it would stand to receive 20 billion euros in September through the new mechanism, while the sixth tranche of the existing mechanism would amount to 8 billion.
The 20-billion-euro injection would ease the state’s cash flow problem at this stage and allow it to operate properly.
Either way, however, the funding is secured, government officials are stressing.
ekathimerini.com , Wednesday August 10, 2011 (22:49)


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Jan-July Budget Deficit Widens But Meets New Targets

State revenue exceeded €5b in the 7-month period Jan-July 2011, but gaps remain.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Finance, net income amounted to €26.8b from €21.8b the previous month, reflecting a shortfall of €87m from the revised budget objective.

However, against the initial target, the gap reaches €3.4b from €3.26 the previous month.

Deviations exist also in the budget expenditure, while the execution of the public investment program is slowed to contain the deficit.

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