Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Greek Gross Domestic Product Fell By 7.3% In Q2 2011

Available non‐seasonally‐adjusted data indicate that, in the 2nd quarter of 2011, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices of year 2000 decreased by 7.3% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2010, said the Hellenic Statistical Authority in a report.

The difference of 0.4% in the GDP growth rate, compared with the flash estimate announced on 12/08/2011, is due to the availability of new data ‐ mainly the turnover services indices which are produced around 70 days after the end of the reference quarter.

Total final consumption expenditure recorded a decrease of 6.8% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2010, while gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) decreased by 17.9% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2010.

External trade deficit decreased by 26.5%, contributing positively to the GDP percent change.

Exports decreased by 1.4% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2010. Exports of goods increased by 2.2% while exports of services decreased by 3.8%.

Imports decreased by 7.6% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2010. Imports of goods decreased by 7.1% and imports of services by 9.2%.

The GDP of the 1st quarter of 2011 is revised, based on 1st quarter 2011 data of the General Government accounts (compiled at the end of June), as well as new estimates of the turnover indices for services. This revision affects GDP in current prices, while the impact on GDP in constant prices is negligible.

As already reported before, due to the break in the time series of quarterly General Government data, and the resulting availability of data for only a very short period (2009Q1‐2011Q2) on which to apply the seasonal adjustment calculation, combined with major changes reflected in the economic indicators used in the estimations of quarterly GDP, the implementation of seasonal adjustment does not provide satisfactory results.

Chissà come mai se non credono che la Grecia rimborsi la marzo 2012 a 100, ma a 50 (o meno), ci sono offerte di aquisto a 58.
Della serie ci provo.
Dal mio punto di vista c'era un discreto interesse verso la 19/6%, sapendo in prima persona che è stato possibile completare lo switch da quella alla 14/5.5% a 47, quindi a costo inferiore e pure con discreto utile. Sull'altro forum leggo che Karl è riuscito a fare altrettanto, quindi ecco spiegati i volumi sulla 14. Chissà che valutazioni sta facendo chi era in acquisto sulla 19.
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:
Greek Unemployment Rate At 16.0% In June

Unemployment rate in June 2011 was 16.0% compared to 11.6% in June 2010 and 16.6% in May 2011. The number of employed amounted to 4,161,125 persons while the number of unemployed amounted to 793,685 and the number of inactive to 4,385,584, said Hellenic Statistical Authority.

Accordnig to a report, the number of employed decreased by 268,698 persons compared with June 2010 (a 6.1% rate of decrease) and by increased by 29,597 persons compared with May 2011 (a 0.7% rate of increase).

Unemployed increased by 211.321 persons (a 36.3% rate of increase) compared with June 2010 and decreased by 29,034 persons compared with May 2011 (a 3.5% rate of decrease).


Una battuta d'arresto, rispetto al mese precedente.

Probabilmente dovuta alla stagionalità.
L'economia greca nel secondo semestre ha registrato una contrazione del 7,3% rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2010. Lo riferisce l'Istituto ellenico di statistica, fornendo il dato non rivisto per gli effetti stagionali. Il dato - riferisce l'agenzia Bloomberg - e' stato rivisto al ribasso rispetto alla stima preliminare diffusa ad agosto che era di una riduzione del Pil del 6,9%. (ANSA).
Dal mio punto di vista c'era un discreto interesse verso la 19/6%, sapendo in prima persona che è stato possibile completare lo switch da quella alla 14/5.5% a 47, quindi a costo inferiore e pure con discreto utile. Sull'altro forum leggo che Karl è riuscito a fare altrettanto, quindi ecco spiegati i volumi sulla 14. Chissà che valutazioni sta facendo chi era in acquisto sulla 19.

chissà chi vende sulla 2014
cmq ora sulla 2019 5k a 44 in lettera
OECD's Padoan:Greece Bondholder Participation Plan Not Working

By William Horobin

PARIS (Dow Jones)--The plan to involve the private sector in bailing out Greece isn't working and other mechanisms should be considered, the chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said.
"On the one hand [private sector involvement in Greece] is not attractive for the private sector and on the other hand we are discovering that it is very costly for Greece in the first place. Being so costly, it becomes less credible," Padoan told Dow Jones Newswires in an interview.
Talks with the private sector have dragged on longer than expected and investors holding only 75% of Greece's bonds have agreed to participate in the exchange deal crafted in July. The plan targeted 90% participation from bondholders and authorities have even had to change which bonds the offer applies to.
"We are seeing it's not working so maybe other mechanisms could be considered for Greece," Padoan said.
Yet he acknowledged that finding the right balance could be tricky as mechanisms that are less costly for the government are even less attractive for creditors.
As it stands, the plan is expected to slice EUR13.5 billion off Greece's total stock of EUR350 billion in public debt, according to the Institute for International Finance, a trade body of the world's leading banks and sponsor of the exchange proposal.
Padoan also raised concerns that Greece is slipping in meeting its objectives and may struggle to recover. The OECD considers that the Greek government can meet the terms of its bailout program if it sticks closely to its fiscal and other targets.
"But this requires impeccable implementation from the Greek government, and recently we have seen the Greek government is facing difficulties in going down that road," Padoan said. "That is why we are not yet at the end of the line as far as the Greek story is concerned."
Amid the uncertainty about how the debt crises faced by ailing euro-zone nations will unfold, Padoan said the currency bloc should take steps to recapitalize its banks and further increase the firepower of its bailout facility beyond the agreed EUR440 billion.
"Countries should deal with the need to recapitalize many banks," Padoan said. "It's not new, but it's come to the fore again in Europe because of the interaction between bank situations and the debt crisis."
As euro-zone leaders meeting July 21 agreed a new EUR109 billion bailout for Greece, including the private sector involvement, they also agreed to broaden the scope of the European Financial Stability Facility, enabling it to lend to governments to recapitalize banks. If the modifications get the necessary backing on national levels, the EFSF will also be able to act in a precautionary manner and buy bonds on the secondary market.
"We think it would be appropriate to have more resources" for the EFSF, Padoan said.
Still, Padoan said the euro remains an attractive currency, as demonstrated by the Swiss National Bank's move to set a cap for the Swiss franc's exchange rate against the euro.
"Frankly I think this move by the Swiss may signal more of that will come in the medium term from countries that want to join the euro or peg to the euro as an anchor [of stability]," Padoan said.

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