Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (1 Viewer)

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Greece΄s Deficit Revised At 10.5% Of GDP

Eurostat announced on Tuesday that the deficit of the General Government for 2010, is estimated at €24.2b (10.5% of Gross Domestic Product), while the gross consolidated General Government debt at year-end 2010 is estimated at a nominal value of €328.6b (142.8% of GDP), according to provisional data.

It is expected to increase the adjustment measures by around €2.5b.

The above should be added to the projected deviations of 2011, which are expected to exceed €4-4.5b, according to a “middle-course” scenario.

This image will get a certain size and content in the May, when the troika officials arrive.

According to European Union officials, there are growing discussions regarding how Europe should deal with a possible Greek program’s failure to bring back the country in the markets next year.

European Central Bank consider risky that Greece’s example of implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding will shape the expectations of markets regarding countries, which will join the program, such as Portugal. It would be very critical for neighbouring Spain because of its major economic ties with Portugal.

Capital.gr sources noted that Eurozone’s attention will be turned back to Greece during the European Summit in June with a double objective:

• The formation of political conditions to convince markets that the Memorandum may have effects in Greece. The yields of three-year and two-year bonds have reached unprecedented highs (20-21%), prejudging the failure of the program and the restructuring of Greek debt.

• The preparation of alternatives in 2012, when both Greece and Ireland will require additional funds to cover gaps and avoid declaring default just a year ahead of the establishment of European Stability Mechanism.

In this context, it appears that “corrections” in the temporary mechanism (EFSF) are likely in June, provided that there is an improvement of conditions for a political consensus in Greece and Portugal, in order to prevent the outbreak of a new round of crisis before 2013.

Eurostat also revised Greece΄s 2008 budget deficit to 9.8% of GDP from 9.4%.



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Hope brought by realism

(ANA-MPA)-Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras, speaking after the resurrection service he attended at Agios Georgios Cathedral in the city of Nafplion, said that "the triumph of the Resurrection is bringing the hope that is not written in the sand or in the air, but is bound to the sturdy rock of realism, self-confidence and responsibility."

Samaras visited an armed forces facility in the city of Tripolis and exchanged best wishes with officers and servicemen.

Speaking afterwards, he said "in the eyes of the young people I see the anxiety for their future and our responsibility to give them tangible and not theoretical hope. Hope that will be applicable, so that they can regain self-confidence and hope for tomorrow."

Samaras wished that "optimism will come again to every home" and expressed the conviction that "with the strength of God all will be well."


L'opposizione di centrodestra.


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The economy, the political system and measures to reduce the shortfall in state revenues were the main front-page items in Athens' dailies on Tuesday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Traffic accidents and firecrackers spread death on Easter".

AVRIANI: "While the country has gone bankrupt...full-speed ahead for restructuring of the political system".

DIMOKRATIA: "Alchemy for dismissals in the public sector".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Deficit 'nightmare' sparks debt restructure prospect".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "How 25,000 public sector officers will be evaluated".

ESTIA: "Incompetent social-statists".

ETHNOS: "Black list targets 10,000 professionals".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Extraordinary measures for 3 billion euros to cover the shortfalls".

TA NEA: "Tax audits with name".

VRADYNI: "Arrangement for 2 million stremma of encroached land".



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La Borsa di Atene si sta muovendo su volumi assolutamente insignificanti con 12 MLN di scambi.
L'indice ASE segna 1424 punti a - 0,51.

I nostri spread veleggiano ritoccando sempre nuovi massimi storici, attualmente intorno a 1195 pb.


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Hope brought by realism

(ANA-MPA)-Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras, speaking after the resurrection service he attended at Agios Georgios Cathedral in the city of Nafplion, said that "the triumph of the Resurrection is bringing the hope that is not written in the sand or in the air, but is bound to the sturdy rock of realism, self-confidence and responsibility."

Samaras visited an armed forces facility in the city of Tripolis and exchanged best wishes with officers and servicemen.

Speaking afterwards, he said "in the eyes of the young people I see the anxiety for their future and our responsibility to give them tangible and not theoretical hope. Hope that will be applicable, so that they can regain self-confidence and hope for tomorrow."

Samaras wished that "optimism will come again to every home" and expressed the conviction that "with the strength of God all will be well."


L'opposizione di centrodestra.

mamma mia che retorica. Ma alla fine il cdx è contro la ristrutturazione?


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La moneta unica è incompatibile con la politica dei bottegai.

Il bottegaio è quel commerciante che pensa al proprio particolare non rendendosi conto che il suo benessere è basato su quello degli altri ( come Smith ci ha insegnato). Il bottegaio vende proprio perchè gli altri comprano ma lui accecato dalla sua grettezza non ne è consapevole. Orbene il governo tedesco sta facendo un brutto gioco (ovvero la politica del bottegaio) e penso che alla fine anche lui ne pagherà le conseguenze.
Purtroppo se prevale questa leadership europea, vedo all'orizzonte nuvole e tempeste non solo per la Grecia ma credo anche per il nostro paese.
Ultima modifica:


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Greece says upward 2010 budget deficit revision due to deeper than forecast recession

By Gerry Davies || April 26, 2011 at 10:47 GMT

In February Greek government said it had met its revised target for a 9.4% deficit in 2010.
Earlier today Eurostat reported Greek 2010 budget deficit was 10.5%/GDP.
The news has helped take a little steam out of the euro rally. We’re down at 1.4610 from session high 1.4651.
Finance Ministry says Greece remains focused on EU/IMF fiscal plan, will take all necessary measures.



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Grecia: la ristrutturazione del debito sembra l’unica via di uscita

Bnp Paribas: "I recenti sviluppi politici in Europa hanno portato i mercati a considerare una ristrutturazione del debito greco come lo scenario più probabile".

26 aprile 2011 ore 12:55
La Grecia necessita di un nuovo prestito congiunto da parte dell’Unione europea e del Fondo monetario internazionale, o in alternativa dell’acquisto di titoli di Stato da parte dell’Efsf sul mercato primario. Ciò è quanto spiega Bnp Paribas precisando che risulta estremamente improbabile che la Grecia riuscirà a finanziarsi autonomamente sui mercati nel I trimestre 2012. “I recenti sviluppi politici in Europa hanno portato i mercati a considerare una ristrutturazione del debito greco come lo scenario più probabile”, ha aggiunto la banca. Secondo Tradeweb, i rendimenti dei titoli greci a 2 anni sono in rialzo di 52 punti base al 21,87%.

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