Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (8 lettori)

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Super Moderator
grazie per la notizia ....ma ho gia' il cursore su sell...
me ne esco con un meno 8 ( oggi ) ma mi sa che me ne esco....
e' una 50k ....taaanto dolore

poi sono sicuro che paghera' cedola e che non andra' in def
ma oggi sto' panicando :)
in teoria a 50-60 andrebbe raddoppiata....
ma non ho piu' il coraggio di una volta :no:

Tieni duro


Forumer storico
a proposito di kkr ecco una bella storiella :
KKR's Masonite to file for Chapter 11
By The Associated Press 4:34 P.M.MARCH 3, 2009

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario — Canadian door maker Masonite International Inc. said Tuesday it expects to file for bankruptcy protection from creditors as part of a deal with lenders to reduce the company's debt by nearly $2 billion.

Masonite, which is majority owned by U.S. leveraged-buyout firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, is seeking support for the plan from its broader lender and bondholder constituencies. If approved, a "pre-negotiated" reorganization plans would be filed in conjunction with a creditors' restructuring in Canada and Chapter 11 proceedings in the United States.

If cleared by lenders and bondholders, the plan will enable Masonite, one of North America's largest makers of doors and other building products, to reduce its total funded debt from $2.2 billion to up to $300 million.

The company said this would lower annual cash interest costs by about $145 million, giving Masonite greater liquidity and financial flexibility as it continues to face challenges created by the downturn in the global housing and tight credit markets.

Masonite was taken over by U.S. leveraged-buyout firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts in 2005 in a deal worth $3.26 billion. Under terms of the agreement in principle, holders of Masonite's existing senior secured debt would hold roughly 97.5 percent of the common equity of a reorganized Masonite. That debt would be converted into a new senior secured term loan of up to $200 million and a new second-lien loan of up to $100 million.

The company's senior subordinated notes would be converted to about 2.5 percent of the common equity in Masonite plus warrants for about 17.5 percent of the common stock of the company.

Masonite said it expects to continue to operate its business during the restructuring process, with all manufacturing and distribution facilities around the world remaining open.

As of Monday, Masonite said it had more than $160 million in cash on hand available to pay trade suppliers and vendors.


Negusneg Fan Club
Era 6,75% all'emissione, ma con clausola di incremento di 0,5 punti in caso di downgrade sotto il livello investment. Ora ha rating Ba1/BB+ e la cedola è passata a 7,25. In molti siti (Francoforte, Stuttgard) è rimasta l'indicazione errata 6,75%, ma se vai sulla home page di Arcelor, alla sezione Investors, trovi i dati corretti e la lista completa delle obbligazioni.

Com'era quel film di Verdone?

Troppo Forte Scena Iniziale Flipper - YouTube

Neanche la mia banca lo sapeva...

:lol: Grazie!!!
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