Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (7 lettori)

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Cat XL

Shizuka Minamoto
C'è qualche cattiva notizia su alpine? Il bond è in netto calo.

FCCSM EUR 6.25% October 2014 CB 84 – 87 YTM 18.4%
ALPHOL EUR 5.25% July 2015 56 – 59 YTM 37.4%
ALPHOL EUR 5.25% June 2016 53 – 57 YTM 28.55%
ALPHOL EUR 6% May 2017 52 – 55 YTM 25.34%

Make or break it

Local newspapers are again instrumental to shed a light on what I going on in transparent shy Austrian construction group Alpine. According to the “Der Kurier” the future of the company will be decided today at a creditors’ meeting. It added citing unnamed banking sources Spanish conglomerate FCC, owner of Alpine, faces two options: either inject up €400m of new capital in the company or face breakup of the group and the sale of the assets. According to the report banks would not be willing to further contribute to the company (after they recently agreed to a haircut of €150m). Johannes Gfrerer, a spokesman for Alpine, told Der Kurier that the aforementioned creditor committee meeting will be merely a "routine".
Similarly the “Der Standard” wrote yesterday evening that the future of the group will be decided within days: the reports says that Alpine needs between €150m and €200m additional capital to keep going after the plan to raise funds by selling assets failed. The report pointed out that Alpine could face break-up if FCC will not inject any additional capital adding that the holding company of Alpine and the international subsidiaries may have to file for insolvency, while the Austrian operations could be rescued and sold directly.


Membro dello Staff
Gion, la foto di Moodys che hai postato, non e' che per caso si riferisce alla Autopista del sol, con sede in Cile??

e' differente da quella con sede in argentina ? che tra l'altro ha una S finale?) :(

Autopistas Del Sol S.A.
Issue: US$155 mil 11.50% nts due 05/23/2017

Maturity DateRating Type RatingsRating DateRegulatory IdentifiersLast Credit Rating Action

23-May-2017 Argentina National Scale
LTraBBB/Negative 01-Nov-2012-- 01-Nov-2012
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