Butto qui un titolo, che per me é da approfondire.
rede ferroviaria
ultimamanete il titolo e crollato da 70 a 50
paga 4,25% scade nel 2021 rating B+
se qualcuno mi vuol dare una mano ad approfondirla é il benvenuto
LONDON (Dow Jones)--Standard and Poor's Corp. Thursday downgraded its rating on Portuguese rail infrastructure company Rede Ferroviaria Nacional, or REFER, saying the company might have trouble in April paying its debt obligations due to the further deterioration of the company's cash flow.
REFER needs to repay a EUR300 million guaranteed loan on April 11, according to S&P.
The company, whose debt is guaranteed by Portugal, announced plans in early February to possibly issue a euro-denominated benchmark bond, although any such deal has yet to emerge. Barclays Capital, BBVA SA, BNP Paribas SA, Caixabi, Citigroup Inc., Banco Santander SA and Societe Generale SA were mandated as lead managers on the deal.
"We believe that the mounting refinancing challenges for 2011, especially in April, and the lack of visibility regarding funding and contingency plans, heighten near-term pressure on the ratings," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Juliana Gallo.
The downgrade to B+ from BB was S&P's second negative move on REFER this month, having dropped it to BB from BBB on March 3 due to the unfavorable funding conditions facing Portugal.
Further downgrades are possible if the company and the Portuguese government don't find a solution to REFER's impending refinancing needs, S&P warned.
A review of the rating will happen within the next week.
"We continue to assess the likelihood of extraordinary government support to REFER as 'very high'," the report said. "This assessment is predicated on our assumption that necessary support will be provided on a timely basis and ahead of the point at which the funding is needed."
S&P downgraded Portugal on Tuesday to BBB-, citing fears the country may have to restructure its debt and force bond holders to accept losses after 2013.
The ratings company had only last week downgraded Portugal by two notches. The latest move put the country on the verge of losing its investment-grade status for the first time.
Debt issued by REFER is wholly guaranteed by the southern European country. The move came amid similar downgrades on other Portuguese government-related entities.
isin corretto PTCPEDOM0000.se si crede che il portogallo non defaulti e che continuerà a supportare l'ente ferroviario è un'opportunità.io per ora sto alla larga