stavo leggendo il transcript della conference call, sottolineo un po' di risposte:
"In terms of priorities, we do have flexibility but you probably should expect that we'll start to address the 2019 (bond) before the others, but ultimately some of that will also depend on economics"
"we've kept around that $ 1 Bln to $1.5 Bln of cash on hand [.....] So, you can see at $2.4 Bln of cash on hand in June, we were absolutely well and truly up through the top end of that. A little bit of conservative management tehre just to make sure we understood the volatility [....] before we start to deploy that cash to formally bring down the debt"
L'outstanding del 2019 è di $1.053 Bln di valore nominale, circa $800m a valori di mercato.
Il 2022 unsecured sono $1 Bln di valore nominale, circa $600m a valori di mercato
Da segnalare che nel 2016 hanno da rimborsare 400m di "prepayment from customers", ma si sono detti fiduciosi di rollarli