Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

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Chi e' dentro o segue Norske potrebbe dirmi se e cosa comprare se ne vale la pena? Vedo una marea di bond su BBG. Vedo che un paio hanno una seniority maggiore di altri.


Chi e' dentro o segue Norske potrebbe dirmi se e cosa comprare se ne vale la pena? Vedo una marea di bond su BBG. Vedo che un paio hanno una seniority maggiore di altri.


Questa è la gerarchia

Concurrently, Moody's assigned a definitive B3 (LGD2) rating to the upsized EUR290 million senior secured notes due in December 2019 and a definitive Caa2 (LGD3) to the exchange notes due 2021 and 2023. Moody's confirmed the Caa3 (LGD5) instrument ratings of the residual and now structurally subordinated 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2033 legacy unsecured notes, which were not tendered in the process.
ma il bond iamgold USC4535AAA81
è subordinato?

dal sito di moody's leggo cosi'.. a meno che quelal scritta non voglia dire qualche altra cosa...




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ma il bond iamgold USC4535AAA81
è subordinato?

dal sito di moody's leggo cosi'.. a meno che quelal scritta non voglia dire qualche altra cosa...



New York, September 10, 2012 -- Moody's Investors Service assigned a Ba3 corporate family rating and probability of default rating to IAMGOLD Corporation (IAMGOLD). At the same time Moody's assigned a B1 rating to the company's $500 million guaranteed senior subordinated notes due 2020 and an SGL-2 Speculative Grade Liquidity rating. The notes are subordinated to "Designated Senior Debt" as defined in the offering memorandum, which includes the company's $500 million guaranteed revolving credit facility. The notes will be senior to future subordinated indebtedness and rank at parity with future senior indebtedness. The outlook is stable. This is the first time Moody's has rated IAMGOLD.
New York, September 10, 2012 -- Moody's Investors Service assigned a Ba3 corporate family rating and probability of default rating to IAMGOLD Corporation (IAMGOLD). At the same time Moody's assigned a B1 rating to the company's $500 million guaranteed senior subordinated notes due 2020 and an SGL-2 Speculative Grade Liquidity rating. The notes are subordinated to "Designated Senior Debt" as defined in the offering memorandum, which includes the company's $500 million guaranteed revolving credit facility. The notes will be senior to future subordinated indebtedness and rank at parity with future senior indebtedness. The outlook is stable. This is the first time Moody's has rated IAMGOLD.

quindi e' senior????
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