Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (9 lettori)

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Charlie don't Surf
chiedo scusa se già postato

Memorial Production Partners Bankruptcy Plan Filed



Memorial Production Partners filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court an Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization and related Disclosure Statement.

According to the Disclosure Statement, “The proposed restructuring transaction provides recoveries to all of the Debtors’ stakeholders. The Plan provides for a distribution of approximately $6 million to $12 million to holders of the Debtors’ prepetition equity interests, even though the holders of Allowed Unsecured Notes Claims will recover between only 22% and 40% of the value of their claims. The Plan accounts for this distribution to equity because the Debtors’ management and the Consenting Creditors worked hard to negotiate terms that were favorable to current equity holders and that granted them some recovery, even though they are otherwise entitled to no distribution.”

In addition, “Indeed, as set forth in the Liquidation Analysis….If the Debtors were liquidated and the proceeds distributed, current equity holders would receive no recovery. Additionally, because the Debtors operate as a master limited partnership, the conversion of equity would ordinarily result in a large tax liability to individual equity holders for the cancellation of debt. Hoping to avoid such an outcome, management negotiated tirelessly with the Consenting Noteholders to design a strategic multi-step transaction that would minimize adverse tax consequences to existing unitholders. Distributions of equity in the Reorganized Debtors would allow certain stakeholders to participate in potential future upside in the Reorganized Debtors. The proposed Restructuring has the additional benefit of ensuring that management remains highly committed to the future of the Reorganized Debtors.”


Nuovo forumer
a me che son foresto l'han pagata 7,5%, sarà giusta? un notch sotto la precedente, diventa difficile verificare l'altalena dei rating, confrontiamoci. Penso sia giusta 7,5% perchè un altra banca mi ha accreditato 7,75% e già stornato penso in attesa del coupon giusto, forse dipende dal custodian che ha tardato a fare aggiornamenti, chi le ha comperate recentemente farebbe bene a verificare i ratei.

Confermo, accredito 08 marzo. Cedola al 7.50%


Nuovo forumer
Salve vi volevo sottoporre questi bond. Qualcuno di voi li conosce o li ha?
XS1376385842 Boardriders 9,5% 2020 ( oppure XS0565384707 8,875 15/12/2017 ) in EURO
XS1486771154 Emis Finance BV 7,5% 2018 in EURO
NL0010418794 Amatheon Agr. 8,5% 2018 in euro ( ma non ho capito il taglio min.)

Inoltre ho trovato questa
Slovenia 2022 8% SI0002101648 quota sotto la pari ma non trovo le caratteristiche

Inoltre aggiungo DE000A2BPUC4 FCR IMM 7,1% 2021 in Euro


Forumer storico
Salve vi volevo sottoporre questi bond. Qualcuno di voi li conosce o li ha?
XS1376385842 Boardriders 9,5% 2020 taglio 100k ( oppure XS0565384707 8,875 15/12/2017 taglio 100k ) in EURO
XS1486771154 Emis Finance BV 7,5% 2018 in EURO taglio 100k
NL0010418794 Amatheon Agr. 8,5% 2018 in euro ( ma non ho capito il taglio min.) taglio 100k

Inoltre ho trovato questa
Slovenia 2022 8% SI0002101648 quota sotto la pari ma non trovo le caratteristiche

per i taglio minimo cbnds è quello più attendibile.
Slovenia non pare molto liquido pertanto credo che i prezzi che si trovano in rete siano poco attendibili. Prova a chiedere direttamente il prezzo al tuo intermediario
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