Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (4 lettori)

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low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Concordia int. ha presentato i dati del I trimestre 2017....manco a dirlo sta perdendo il 25%
Concordia International Corp. today announced its financial and operational results for the three months ended March 31, 2017. Highlights included:

  • Reported revenue of $160.6 million, compared to $228.5 million for the same period in 2016 and $170.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2016.
  • Reported Adjusted EBITDA of $84.2 million, compared to $140.8 million for the same period in 2016 and $80.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2016.
  • Generated cash flows from operating activities of $86.2 million, compared to $91.9 million for the same period in 2016 and $95.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2016.
  • As of March 31, 2017, the Company’s liquidity was substantially comprised of $336.2 million of cash and cash equivalents and $60 million under an undrawn revolving credit facility. The Company believes it has sufficient liquidity over the next 12 months to operate its business and meet its cash requirements based on current market conditions.
  • Subsequent to quarter end, on April 26, 2017, Concordia announced the appointment of David Price as CFO effective May 15, 2017.
  • Subsequent to quarter end, on May 4, 2017, Concordia announced the appointments of Itzhak Krinsky and Francis (Frank) Perier, Jr. to the Company’s Board of Directors.
  • Subsequent to quarter end, the Company completed an exclusive authorized generic agreement with Actelion Pharmaceuticals, Ltd, a biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Switzerland, to market bosentan in the United Kingdom. Bosentan (Tracleer®) is a specialty product for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension and digital ulcers. The agreement with Actelion grants Concordia the rights to distribute and promote a branded authorized generic version of bosentan (Stayveer®).
As of March 31, 2017, the Company had cash of $336.2 million and, subject to compliance with certain incurrence covenants under the Company’s debt agreements, currently has up to $60 million available to it under a revolving credit facility before it is subject to financial maintenance covenants under its credit agreement.


Forumer stoico
ogni caso frontiers http://www.4-traders.com/FRONTIER-COMMUNICATIONS-C-9668431/financials/ mi sembra abbia un leverage sostenibile (4.39 a marzo 2017) se mi dite un altro emittente con una leva finanziaria che rende il 10% lordo a 8 anni mi fate un fischio
per me opportunità di sovrappesare se i prezzii devessero cedere cecisamente, non si guadagna dall'oggi al domani ma si investe con ottica a più ampio respiro:: valeant non la voleva nessuno 1 mese fa oggi la vendi bene
detto questo una buona diversificazione facilita il sonno notturno, oltre e soprattutto una buona lettura


Charlie don't Surf

Posted on May 10, 2017

— U.S.-based coal producer Peabody Energy Corp. has emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
— Peabody has refinanced first-lien pre-petition claims and shed more than $5 billion in other debt.
— We are assigning our ‘B+’ corporate credit rating to Peabody.
— We are also assigning our ‘B+’ issue-level rating to the company’s senior secured debt, along with a ‘3’ recovery rating, indicating our expectation of meaningful recovery in the event of a payment default.
— The outlook is stable, reflecting our view that 2017 results will be supported by elevated coal prices, and that the company will maintain adjusted leverage in the 2x-3x range over the next year.

DALLAS (S&P Global Ratings) May 10, 2017–S&P Global Ratings said today it assigned its ‘B+’ corporate credit rating to St. Louis-based Peabody Energy Corp. The outlook is stable.

At the same time, we assigned our ‘B+’ issue-level rating to the company’s senior secured debt, including a $950 million term loan due 2022, $500 million 6% senior notes due 2022, and $500 million 6.375% senior notes due 2025. We also assigned a ‘3’ recovery rating to the senior secured debt, indicating meaningful recovery (50%-70%; rounded estimate: 65%) in the event of a default.

“The stable outlook is based on our assumption that Peabody’s adjusted leverage will be close to 3x over the next year–in line with the rating,” said S&P Global Ratings credit analyst Chiza Vitta. “The company’s new capital structure should be considerably less expensive to service, and excess cash flow sweep requirements support some debt reduction. Although met coal prices are falling from elevated levels, we assume that they will not fall far below $120/ton for 2017.”

We could lower the rating if we expected leverage to approach 4x. We view this as unlikely in the short term unless Peabody makes additional changes to its proposed capital structure.

We could raise the rating if we expected Peabody to maintain adjusted leverage below 3x, along with less variability in operating results and credit measures. This could happen as a result of a more stable coal operating environment.


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff

Posted on May 10, 2017

— U.S.-based coal producer Peabody Energy Corp. has emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
— Peabody has refinanced first-lien pre-petition claims and shed more than $5 billion in other debt.
— We are assigning our ‘B+’ corporate credit rating to Peabody.
— We are also assigning our ‘B+’ issue-level rating to the company’s senior secured debt, along with a ‘3’ recovery rating, indicating our expectation of meaningful recovery in the event of a payment default.
— The outlook is stable, reflecting our view that 2017 results will be supported by elevated coal prices, and that the company will maintain adjusted leverage in the 2x-3x range over the next year.

DALLAS (S&P Global Ratings) May 10, 2017–S&P Global Ratings said today it assigned its ‘B+’ corporate credit rating to St. Louis-based Peabody Energy Corp. The outlook is stable.

At the same time, we assigned our ‘B+’ issue-level rating to the company’s senior secured debt, including a $950 million term loan due 2022, $500 million 6% senior notes due 2022, and $500 million 6.375% senior notes due 2025. We also assigned a ‘3’ recovery rating to the senior secured debt, indicating meaningful recovery (50%-70%; rounded estimate: 65%) in the event of a default.

“The stable outlook is based on our assumption that Peabody’s adjusted leverage will be close to 3x over the next year–in line with the rating,” said S&P Global Ratings credit analyst Chiza Vitta. “The company’s new capital structure should be considerably less expensive to service, and excess cash flow sweep requirements support some debt reduction. Although met coal prices are falling from elevated levels, we assume that they will not fall far below $120/ton for 2017.”

We could lower the rating if we expected leverage to approach 4x. We view this as unlikely in the short term unless Peabody makes additional changes to its proposed capital structure.

We could raise the rating if we expected Peabody to maintain adjusted leverage below 3x, along with less variability in operating results and credit measures. This could happen as a result of a more stable coal operating environment.
ma di peabody non c'è piu niente in giro acquistabile di bonds?
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