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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1
GenOn Noteholders. Holders of GenOn Notes will receive (i) 100% of the equity of reorganized GenOn, together with the other consideration contemplated by the Plan, subject to dilution by the management incentive plan to be adopted by reorganized GenOn upon emergence, (ii) if such noteholder has executed the RSA (except as otherwise determined by the GenOn Entities in their sole discretion), such noteholder’s pro rata portion of (a) a cash payment of approximately $75 million and (b) such other cash for distribution as agreed to by the GenOn Entities and the GenOn Steering Committee, and (iii) subject to certain eligibility restrictions, rights to participate pro rata in the offering of the New Notes.
i soldi li stanno ricevendo pari a 50.000.000 per rifinanziare gli 80.000.000 di obbligazioni ancora in circolazione, quindi alla prossima cedola rimborsano a tuo parere, grazie ciao.
i soldi li stanno ricevendo pari a 50.000.000 per rifinanziare gli 80.000.000 di obbligazioni ancora in circolazione, quindi alla prossima cedola rimborsano a tuo parere, grazie ciao.