Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

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LONDON 4797214
Unless previously redeemed or purchased
and cancelled as provided below, subject as
provided in Condition 7 (
), the Notes will be redeemed in 16 semi-annual
instalments on 15 June and 15 December of each applicable year, with the first such
instalment being payable on 15 June 2017 and
the last such instalment being payable
on 15 December 2024. The first fifteen inst
alments of principal shall each be in an
amount equal to one-sixteenth of the in
itial principal amount of the Notes (with
fractions of a cent being rounded down and carried forward) and the sixteenth
instalment shall be equal to the balanc
e of the outstanding principal amount (with
fractions of a cent being rounded down and reta
ined by the Bank for its benefit) so
that the outstanding principal amount of each
Note shall be reduced by any repayment
of an instalment of principal in accord
ance with these Conditions, with effect from
the related due date, unless the payment of
the instalment is improperly withheld or
refused on
presentation of the Note, in which case such amount shall remain
outstanding until the date of payment of such
instalment. Each Note shall be finally
redeemed on due payment of the final instalment.

pag 64
LONDON 4797214
Unless previously redeemed or purchased
and cancelled as provided below, subject as
provided in Condition 7 (
), the Notes will be redeemed in 16 semi-annual
instalments on 15 June and 15 December of each applicable year, with the first such
instalment being payable on 15 June 2017 and
the last such instalment being payable
on 15 December 2024. The first fifteen inst
alments of principal shall each be in an
amount equal to one-sixteenth of the in
itial principal amount of the Notes (with
fractions of a cent being rounded down and carried forward) and the sixteenth
instalment shall be equal to the balanc
e of the outstanding principal amount (with
fractions of a cent being rounded down and reta
ined by the Bank for its benefit) so
that the outstanding principal amount of each
Note shall be reduced by any repayment
of an instalment of principal in accord
ance with these Conditions, with effect from
the related due date, unless the payment of
the instalment is improperly withheld or
refused on
presentation of the Note, in which case such amount shall remain
outstanding until the date of payment of such
instalment. Each Note shall be finally
redeemed on due payment of the final instalment.

pag 64
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