Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

Ieri con estrema puntualità Obrascon Huarte ha pagato la cedola.
Il titolo, ad un anno dalla scadenza, xs0760705631, cedola 7,625% viaggia a 92.

il titolo ha ridotto il suo amount da 300 milioni a 73 milioni. questo é quanto mi risulta e che spiega molte cose. evidentemente é stato ricomprato dalla società stessa o chi per essa quando é sceso verso i 60. ora lo si compra, con una certa difficoltà a 94 o giu di li.
Telefonica: ottiene rimborso di 702 mln euro da fisco Spagna

Telefonica ha ricevuto una notifica da parte delle autorità fiscali spagnole riguardante un rimborso dovutole per un eccesso di imposte versate.
Il rimborso ammonta a 702 mln euro (794 mln usd) e sostiene le contestazioni della società di telecomunicazioni contro una revisione delle imposte relative al periodo dal 2008 al 2011.
Telefonica sta valutando le azioni legali disponibili per cercare di ottenere "interessi ritardati".

Dow Jones Newswires
March 15, 2019 14:23 ET (18:23 GMT)
Moody's downgrades One Call's CFR to Caa2; considers debt transaction to be a distressed exchange

Bonds Detail

One Call Corporation, 8.875% 15dec2021, USD (USU68399AA98, U68399AA9)
Cosa ne sappiamo?

HC2 Holdings - Wikipedia

in bonds in questione è stato emesso ad ottobre richiamando quello al11% che era in scadenza nel 2019 come scritto ha fatto delle acquisizioni Schuff Steel e Global Marine
un estratto del 23-10-2018
HC2's credit metrics remain weak for its B3 corporate family rating based on the expected near term dividends and tax sharing payments from its operating subsidiaries. However, its rating is supported by the cash generating potential of its subsidiaries in relation to its holding company cash obligations as well as the collateral value of the assets in relation to the principal amount of its outstanding senior secured notes," said Michael Corelli, Moody's Vice President -- Senior Credit Officer and lead analyst for HC2 Holdings, Inc.
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Ugly fights between creditors and companies over clauses in dense legal agreements are nothing new. But Aurelius’s win has companies suddenly wondering what enterprising hedge fund is now combing through their past wheeling-and-dealing, looking for an obscure technical violation that could result in a ransom payment. Debt investors have recently targeted Sprint/T-Mobile and Safeway over similar covenant technicalities.

No buono
Frontier's Debt Refinance: A Bondholder's Reaction
Mar. 18, 2019 7:46 AM ET
1 comment | About: Frontier Communications Corporation (FTR)

Frontier recently announced it is refinancing two term loans into senior secured debt.

The refinancing will take $1.65 billion of debt due in 2021 and move it to 2027.

Based on the loan terms, I've changed my cash flow model.

Thanks to great conversation in my last Frontier article, I've added additional thoughts regarding the wall of debt coming due in 2022.

"Bondholders should not be alarmed by Frontier’s higher interest expense as the company is generating plenty of free cash flow in the near term. However, they should still expect positions taken in debt maturing on or after 2022 to be of higher risk."

bondholder stai sereno :)
USU40462AE04 11,5% HC2 Holdings, Inc. (2021)

tentativo di censimento con IW picche......e saluti

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