Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

Cloud Peak Energy -11% after issuing going concern warning
Mar. 15, 2019 10:34 AM ET|About: Cloud Peak Energy Inc. (CLD)|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

Cloud Peak Energy (CLD -11.1%) plunges after disclosing that it has substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.

CLD says its updated financial forecasts reflect significantly lower levels of expected cash flow from operating activities for 2019, in part due to ongoing production problems at the Antelope mine and weaker overall customer demand, particularly for coal from the Cordero Rojo mine.

CLD reiterates that it needs to restructure its balance sheet to improve its capital structure, adjust to ongoing depressed Powder River Basin thermal coal industry conditions, address its significantly reduced liquidity and continue as a going concern; an interest payment on 2024 notes will need to be made by April 14 to avoid default.


Premesso che non ho Bristow in portafoglio curiosando su Finra ho notato che gli acquisti effettuati ieri a prezzi elevati sono stati per importi elevati mentre i "briciolari" o retail si sono mantenuti a prezzi bassi. Magari qualcuno importante ha qualche dritta ed è disposto a comprare ad ogni costo? È solo un pensiero....

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