Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (5 lettori)


Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.
Grazie Corrado per il link. Interessante.

@ Veltroni: si parla di S&P BBB o superiori.
I nuovi pool di prestiti della Fed per le imprese in difficoltà potrebbero non impedire alle obbligazioni spazzatura di cadere ulteriormente, ma diverse aziende vedono lo stimolo come una promettente opportunità di investimento. Gli analisti di Bank of America hanno consigliato ai clienti venerdì di acquistare ciò che la Fed acquista dopo le vendite " Fast and Furious " di marzo .


Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.


Charlie don't Surf
informo che dtek ha sospeso il pagamento delle cedole...mah...sempre buone notizie ultimamente....

The largest energy producer in Ukraine, DTEK Energy, will miss its upcoming interest payments on debts due to the COVID-19 pandemic and seek to restructure its loans, the company said on March 27.

DTEK, which is owned by billionaire oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, said that the COVID-19 pandemic, and measures to contain it, caused financial pressure on the company.

As of the morning of March 28, eight people died from COVID-19, and 311 cases were confirmed. The country is currently under a quarantine whose restrictions on movement and travel will be reviewed on April 24.

DTEK said that due to the pandemic it will not pay the interests on the eurobonds and its bank loans, due on March 31-April 1.

“DTEK Energy is in the process of developing a standstill and debt restructuring proposal with respect to its 10.75% Senior PIK Toggle Notes due 2024 and certain bank indebtedness,” DTEK’s statement says. “Consequently, the interest coupon due on the Notes on April 1, 2020, will not be paid on April 1, 2020, and interest on the Bank Debt will not be paid on March 31, 2020.”

The energy giant will prepare its proposal on how and when it will pay back to the lenders “in due course.”

“DTEK Energy asks the investment community to support the company in pursuing this difficult decision. Today, it is critical to stand firm and united in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic,” the statement says.



Il mito, la leggenda.

Ansaldo Energia approva il bilancio, il cda propone un aumento di capitale | Liguria Business Journal


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