Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (9 lettori)


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Top Gainers & Losers – 19-May-20*


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Per Sandrino,Very Important
Quote Bloomberg ore 17.45 " Jerome Powell" "Fed to buy High Yield Bonds" unquote.mettiti in contatto subito è offri qualche tonnellate.


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Hertz Global asked key lenders to its European division to sign a waiver this week that will allow the company to avoid a bankruptcy filing, according to New York Post.
A source indicates that Hertz is likely to have only asked for the waiver because it planned a bankruptcy for the larger U.S. division.
The company's European division is reported to be stronger financially than the U.S. division.(SA)


Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.
Europe finally united?
Yesterday, Germany and France announced a joint plan for a EU recovery fund. The fund will involve EUR 500 bn of mutual debt issuance in the EU’s name, and will be disbursed in the form of grants. With the likelihood that the fund’s grants will take away some of the burden from the heavily indebted economies like Italy, we believe this could mark a positive change for the Euro area. While this is a first step in the right direction, not all details are clear yet with respect to how the fund’s joint liabilities will be financed, other than it will likely be within the framework of the European Union (EU) budget. Nevertheless, this is a step in the right direction, and the possibility of a more united Europe behind this plan should grow.


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Per Sandrino,Very Important
Quote Bloomberg ore 17.45 " Jerome Powell" "Fed to buy High Yield Bonds" unquote.mettiti in contatto subito è offri qualche tonnellate.
qualcosa avrei anche io ma non mi interessa vendere ai prezzi attuali, ben venga che acquistino a mercato in modo da far salire le quotazioni e ne beneficeremo anche noi. Ma penso che gli HY per la FED siano qualche gradino sopra la nostra monnezza.
Intanto vedo che le Noble continuano ad avere prezzi molto vari tra 1,5 e 6,5 a seconda delle scadenze, il quadruplo dalla 2024 alla 2021, ci sono anche motivi di diverse liquidità ma è troppa la differenza. Peccato che alla FED non interessino, avrei la 2045 da smaltire, mi contenterei di un 6 ... potrebbe fare di più ma non si applica abbastanza.
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Hertz Global asked key lenders to its European division to sign a waiver this week that will allow the company to avoid a bankruptcy filing, according to New York Post.
A source indicates that Hertz is likely to have only asked for the waiver because it planned a bankruptcy for the larger U.S. division.
The company's European division is reported to be stronger financially than the U.S. division.(SA)

Non capisco cosa significhi. Se è una "divisione" UE fanno comunque consolidato in US. Anche se finanziariamente è messa meglio non cambia niente. Non credo siano due società completamente distinte.

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