Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

Sembra che sia gia' scesa a 100. Sembra.
si metalcorp 2026 a Berlino gira 99,85 -100,04
io ho parecchio delle 2 corte 7% e non ho scambiato nella nuova
comprato altre oggi a 99,80 dopo annuncio

Metalcorp Group places new secured 8.5% bond 2021/2026 with the maximum volume of EUR 250 million

Luxembourg, 24 June 2021 - Metalcorp Group S.A., a global service provider for the procurement, production, mining and marketing of metals and minerals, has successfully completed the offering of its new secured 8.5% bond 2021/2026 (ISIN: DE000A3KRAP3). With EUR 250 million, the company was able to place the maximum issue volume in full. Thereof, notes in the principal amount of EUR 68.383 million were exchanged for the new bond 2021/2026 within the public exchange offer by holders of the existing EUR 140 million bond 2017/2022 (ISIN: DE000A19MDV0). Notes in the principal amount of EUR 181.617 million were subscribed under the public offering and the private placement. The new bond 2021/2026 is expected to be admitted to trading on the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the Quotation Board segment on 28 June 2021.
si metalcorp 2026 a Berlino gira 99,85 -100,04
io ho parecchio delle 2 corte 7% e non ho scambiato nella nuova
comprato altre oggi a 99,80 dopo annuncio

Metalcorp Group places new secured 8.5% bond 2021/2026 with the maximum volume of EUR 250 million

Luxembourg, 24 June 2021 - Metalcorp Group S.A., a global service provider for the procurement, production, mining and marketing of metals and minerals, has successfully completed the offering of its new secured 8.5% bond 2021/2026 (ISIN: DE000A3KRAP3). With EUR 250 million, the company was able to place the maximum issue volume in full. Thereof, notes in the principal amount of EUR 68.383 million were exchanged for the new bond 2021/2026 within the public exchange offer by holders of the existing EUR 140 million bond 2017/2022 (ISIN: DE000A19MDV0). Notes in the principal amount of EUR 181.617 million were subscribed under the public offering and the private placement. The new bond 2021/2026 is expected to be admitted to trading on the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the Quotation Board segment on 28 June 2021.

Tra parentesi a me le caricheranno la prossima settimana. Quindi non posso eventualmente vendere nulla.

... Per la nuova imposta, il livello delle aliquote sui redditi da capitale (nonché degli regimi sostitutivi cedolari) dovrà essere sufficientemente prossimo all'aliquota applicata al primo scaglione Irpef. E' questo il punto di sintesi della nuova Irpef tracciato nel documento conclusivo.... ecco fatto oltre a praticamente certa patrimoiale a regime costante quindi altra tassa sui risparmi...
Metalcorp giu2022 NO0010795701 call probabile a 100 dal 6/12/21
per chi avesse accesso a Francoforte vi sono ancora 120k in vendita a 99,50

ora vediamo 4 finance,li è previsto un premio per chi partecipa al voto,le banche devono comunicare il tutto,l’altra volta fu così

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