Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2


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Danno 2% per non richiedere il rimborso anticipato a 100 ( Change of control offer ). Che facciamo ?
mi stavo guardando un comunicato Preos di un anno fa,con promesse poi non mantenute in ordine al rifinanziamento ,o mi sbaglio?

Development of the Convertible Bond (2019/2024)
The PREOS Convertible Bond also developed extremely solidly in the first half of 2020. The convertible bond registered its highest price of 101 percent on 25 June, whereas the lowest price of the bond was 68 percent on 23 March. The convertible bond finished the reporting period at a closing price of 97.1 percent. The convertible bond, which has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since December 2019, has a five-year term and an interest coupon of 7.5%.
PREOS plans to issue a corporate bond (2020/2025) with a volume of up to EUR 400 million in the fourth quarter of 2020, among other things to generate additional financial resources for corporate growth. As part of the public offering, bondholders will have the opportunity to exchange PREOS convertible bonds for bonds of the new PREOS bond 2020/2025.
PREOS intends to use the exchange offer to secure its future capital market capability.
mi stavo guardando un comunicato Preos di un anno fa,con promesse poi non mantenute in ordine al rifinanziamento ,o mi sbaglio?

Development of the Convertible Bond (2019/2024)
The PREOS Convertible Bond also developed extremely solidly in the first half of 2020. The convertible bond registered its highest price of 101 percent on 25 June, whereas the lowest price of the bond was 68 percent on 23 March. The convertible bond finished the reporting period at a closing price of 97.1 percent. The convertible bond, which has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since December 2019, has a five-year term and an interest coupon of 7.5%.
PREOS plans to issue a corporate bond (2020/2025) with a volume of up to EUR 400 million in the fourth quarter of 2020, among other things to generate additional financial resources for corporate growth. As part of the public offering, bondholders will have the opportunity to exchange PREOS convertible bonds for bonds of the new PREOS bond 2020/2025.
PREOS intends to use the exchange offer to secure its future capital market capability.
l'avevano pompato sperando di beneficiare di un buon tasso sul nuovo bond ma non ci son riusciti, ora che sta al 23% sarà dura proporre nuove emissioni
la vedo dura emettere entro l'anno anche se loro detengono la maggioranza del convertibile non c'é modo di invogliare altri a spostarsi su un senior normale se non rende più del convertibile, anche se non ci fosse vantaggio sul prezzo dell'azione. Assodato che al 25% non emetterebbero di sicura, o motivano un nuovo rally del bond attuale o lo scambierebbero solo loro.

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