Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (10 lettori)


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Eleving group ex mogo, io ne ho prese altre oggi a 100,01 dopo quelle in collocamento
sono abbastanza sicuro che essendo taglio 1k, quando dopo la call della 2022 il 20/10 ed entrata in borsa vera in D con taglio 1k, salirà sopra 102

avevo scritto male, erano prese a 101,01, oggi vendute 100k a 102,94
mi rimangono 100k prese in collocamento che al momento mantengo


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FINAL TERMS: 4finance SA EU175m 5NC2.5 10.75% Coupon

EU175m 5NC2.5 Fixed

Guidance 10.25%-10.75%, IPT 10.25%-10.75%

Coupon: 10.75%, semi-annual, 30/360

Issuer: 4finance SA (FOURFN)

Format: Senior unsecured

Denoms: 100k x 100k

Law: Swedish

Bookrunners: ABGSUN, STIFEL

Lead Manager: BCPSEC

Issuer Ratings: B/B2 (S&P/Moody's)


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Credo di sì, perchè il 2067 ha raggiunto nel 02/2021 135 ora si trova a 117.
Il 2050 era a 125 ora si compra sotto 114, Draghi porta male ai BTP ?

Nella riapertura dei BTP green 2045 hanno comprato 5 miliardi sotto 97.


Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.
Bonds governativi Ghana

20/10 = Neville Mandimika, an economist and fixed income strategist at FirstRand Bank Ltd.

“Do they still have access to the Eurobond market at these levels? Could they issue one at a reasonable price?...The answer seems to be no... At this point they need to present a credible plan B on how they fund the budget in the absence of Eurobond issuance... In a worst-case scenario where debt is growing amid a global risk-off mood, Ghana may have to head back to the IMF.”


Forumer storico
FINAL TERMS: 4finance SA EU175m 5NC2.5 10.75% Coupon

EU175m 5NC2.5 Fixed

Guidance 10.25%-10.75%, IPT 10.25%-10.75%

Coupon: 10.75%, semi-annual, 30/360

Issuer: 4finance SA (FOURFN)

Format: Senior unsecured

Denoms: 100k x 100k

Law: Swedish

Bookrunners: ABGSUN, STIFEL

Lead Manager: BCPSEC

Issuer Ratings: B/B2 (S&P/Moody's)
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