Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (5 lettori)


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Su transocean avevano sollevato il problema del debito (come al solito) segnalando la necessità di rinegoziare il debito.
Circostanza che effettivamente è avvenuta ma con le banche, con estensione temporale di linee di credito dal 2023 al 2025.
Buono per chi è rimasto dentro.
La 2031 sta sui 60

Operatività personale
Sell Austria 2120 10k @60 (pmc 43)

Credo di incrementare ekosem
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cosi piccola non è, sono 70 ml se vuoi le mie a 100 :d: prese in collocamento
al momento sulle borse tedesche non ci sono transazioni, ma devono fare ancora sistemare le carte in modo che i retail possano comprarla


da oggi acquistabile per i retail su borse tedesche

PlusPlus Capital: Settlement and Listing of EUR 70 million corporate bond at Frankfurt Stock Exchange – Opening up a wider range of investors
DGAP-News: PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l. / Key word(s): Bond
PlusPlus Capital: Settlement and Listing of EUR 70 million corporate bond at Frankfurt Stock Exchange – Opening up a wider range of investors
03.08.2022 / 10:15
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
PlusPlus Capital: Settlement and Listing of EUR 70 million corporate bond at Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Opening up a wider range of investors

Tallinn, Estonia, 3 August 2022. PlusPlus Capital (“PPC”), a leading Pan-Baltic and Finnish technology-driven receivable management group, announces the settlement as well as the listing of its four-year corporate bond (ISIN: XS2502401552).
PlusPlus issued EUR 70 million of senior secured bonds at 96% with an interest rate of 11% and term until 2026. The new bonds were listed in the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 29 July 2022. The bonds are also be available to retailers through the stock exchange as of today.
“The initial listing of our bond on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange marks a sizable achievement for us. We look forward to bringing PlusPlus to a wider range of investors in this way,” said Kaarel Raik, CEO of PlusPlus Capital.



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Detto fatto
Buy 10k ekosem
da oggi acquistabile per i retail su borse tedesche

PlusPlus Capital: Settlement and Listing of EUR 70 million corporate bond at Frankfurt Stock Exchange – Opening up a wider range of investors
DGAP-News: PlusPlus Capital Financial S.à.r.l. / Key word(s): Bond
PlusPlus Capital: Settlement and Listing of EUR 70 million corporate bond at Frankfurt Stock Exchange – Opening up a wider range of investors
03.08.2022 / 10:15
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
PlusPlus Capital: Settlement and Listing of EUR 70 million corporate bond at Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Opening up a wider range of investors

Tallinn, Estonia, 3 August 2022. PlusPlus Capital (“PPC”), a leading Pan-Baltic and Finnish technology-driven receivable management group, announces the settlement as well as the listing of its four-year corporate bond (ISIN: XS2502401552).
PlusPlus issued EUR 70 million of senior secured bonds at 96% with an interest rate of 11% and term until 2026. The new bonds were listed in the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 29 July 2022. The bonds are also be available to retailers through the stock exchange as of today.
“The initial listing of our bond on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange marks a sizable achievement for us. We look forward to bringing PlusPlus to a wider range of investors in this way,” said Kaarel Raik, CEO of PlusPlus Capital.

Niente da fare, con BM, nessuna controparte.....

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