Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (3 lettori)


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Community Health Systems is working with Lazard as restructuring advisor as the company continues to evaluate its options to address its near-term debt maturities, according to sources. One of the country’s largest hospital providers, Community has over $4.7 billion of debt due in 2019 and 2020, including nearly $1.9 billion of 8% senior notes that mature in November 2019. Management has been reviewing all of its options to restructure its balance sheet, sources add, including a possible exchange scenario involving both the 2019 and 2020 notes.
DIciamo che se mi rollano il debito mi farebbero un favore visto che non so dove sbattere la testa in questo periodo. Vista la quotazione della 19 non sono per nulla preoccupato.


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Community Health Systems is working with Lazard as restructuring advisor as the company continues to evaluate its options to address its near-term debt maturities, according to sources. One of the country’s largest hospital providers, Community has over $4.7 billion of debt due in 2019 and 2020, including nearly $1.9 billion of 8% senior notes that mature in November 2019. Management has been reviewing all of its options to restructure its balance sheet, sources add, including a possible exchange scenario involving both the 2019 and 2020 notes.
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captain sparrow

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Mi e' arrivata la proposta di riacquisto del bond Frontier 2022 -10,50% se aderisco entro il 19.03 mi rimborsano 87 ( cioe' il prezzo odierno ) anche se l'ho pagato 82 al momento non intendo aderire se hanno soldo spero li abbiano anche al 2022 ; voi cosa ne pensate ? aderite ?
interessante analisi sulla sostenibilità del debito di Frontier
Frontier's Cash Tender Offer: A Bondholder's Perspective - Frontier Communications Corporation (NYSE:FTR) | Seeking Alpha


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stasera finra fa le bizze tanto x cambiare... cmq ho trovato questo bond che sembra interessante, in queste ultime settimane è in calo... più che altro non capisco perchè moody's da un rating B3 corp.family e Caa1 sul bond, ho guardato i findamentali e non sono male.

Obbligazioni internazionali: Sanchez Energy, 6.125% 15jan2023, USD (US79970YAD76, 79970YAD7)
6,125% Sanchez Energy Corp. (2023) - US79970YAD76 - Börse Berlin
Moody's assigns B1 rating to Sanchez Energy's first lien notes
sarebbe interessante capire perchè dal dicembre 17 a oggi ha perso circa 20 figure


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