Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (5 lettori)


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
BCP Cayman singapore da questa mattina la mia banca informa : Called for early redemption on 22.05.2018 at 104% la quotazione che mi fanno oggi è di 96 da 106 di due giorni fa ( forse è il caso di dire porca miseria speriamo bene):(
ma come 104?
La call era a 106?

Questi stanno alla canna del gas....


Forumer storico
9,5% Talen Energy Supply LLC (2022) US87422VAB45

in marcata discesa

An issue of Talen Energy Corp (NYSE:TLN) bonds fell 6.1% against their face value during trading on Wednesday. The debt issue has a 6.5% coupon and is set to mature on June 1, 2025. The bonds in the issue are now trading at $71.25 and were trading at $78.00 one week ago. Price changes in a company’s bonds in credit markets often predict parallel changes in its share price.

Talen Energy stock remained flat at $$14.00 on Wednesday. The company’s stock had a trading volume of 1,496,800 shares, compared to its average volume of 1,373,765. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.85, a quick ratio of 1.70 and a current ratio of 2.02. Talen Energy Corp has a 1 year low of $5.73 and a 1 year high of $14.03.


Follow the white rabbit
An issue of Talen Energy Corp (NYSE:TLN) bonds fell 6.1% against their face value during trading on Wednesday. The debt issue has a 6.5% coupon and is set to mature on June 1, 2025. The bonds in the issue are now trading at $71.25 and were trading at $78.00 one week ago. Price changes in a company’s bonds in credit markets often predict parallel changes in its share price.

Talen Energy stock remained flat at $$14.00 on Wednesday. The company’s stock had a trading volume of 1,496,800 shares, compared to its average volume of 1,373,765. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.85, a quick ratio of 1.70 and a current ratio of 2.02. Talen Energy Corp has a 1 year low of $5.73 and a 1 year high of $14.03.

Quindi in base ai vari "ratio" i dati non mi sembrano malaccio anzi nella mia ignoranza direi buoni.
debt-to-equity ratio of 0.85
current ratio of 2.02
quick ratio of 1.70

Dico bene?

Perché i bond sono così massacrati?
Ho il bond 2027 7% e rende quasi il 12% anche se in carico ad 80 dopo lo switch.
Il rating è B1.

La cosa che non mi piace è che non riesco facilmente a trovare info sull'azienda tipo su seekalpha o 4traders.
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