Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (17 lettori)

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queste sono le borse chiuse lunedì
  • Borsa Italiana;
  • Borsa Australia;
  • Borsa di Francoforte;
  • Borsa di Hong Kong;
  • Borsa di Londra (London Stock Exchange);
  • Borsa di Parigi.
  • oggi, dalle ns parti tutte chiuse, compreso USA


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non giova anche il fatto di aver sbandierato ai quattro venti la data di pubblicazione dei risultati senza poi rispettarla ... o forse li han dati solo ai compagni di merende?
Item 15. Additional Information

Regulation M-A Item 1011 – Item 15(b) is hereby amended and supplemented as follows:

On the Closing Date, pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Merger Sub was merged with and into Talen Energy, with Talen Energy continuing as the surviving corporation in the Merger. As a result of the Merger, Talen Energy is privately owned by the Sponsor Entities, and Merger Sub ceased to exist. At the effective time of the Merger on the Closing Date, each share of Common Stock, other than the Excluded Talen Shares, was cancelled and converted into the right to receive the Merger Consideration.

Additionally, in connection with the closing of the Merger, Talen Energy notified the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) on December 6, 2016 that the certificate of merger had been filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware and that, at the effective time of the Merger, each share of Common Stock other than the Excluded Talen Shares was cancelled and converted into the right to receive the Merger Consideration. In addition, Talen Energy requested that the NYSE delist the Common Stock at the open of business on December 6, 2016, and, as a result, trading of Common Stock on the NYSE was suspended as of the open of business on December 6, 2016. Talen Energy also requested that the NYSE file a notification of removal from listing and registration on Form 25 with the SEC to effect the delisting of the Common Stock from the NYSE and the deregistration of the Common Stock under Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act. The NYSE filed such notice on the Closing Date. Talen Energy intends to file with the SEC a Form 15 requesting the termination of registration of the Common Stock under Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act and the suspension of reporting obligations under Sections 13 and 15(d) of the Exchange Act.


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Item 15. Additional Information

Regulation M-A Item 1011 – Item 15(b) is hereby amended and supplemented as follows:

On the Closing Date, pursuant to the Merger Agreement, Merger Sub was merged with and into Talen Energy, with Talen Energy continuing as the surviving corporation in the Merger. As a result of the Merger, Talen Energy is privately owned by the Sponsor Entities, and Merger Sub ceased to exist. At the effective time of the Merger on the Closing Date, each share of Common Stock, other than the Excluded Talen Shares, was cancelled and converted into the right to receive the Merger Consideration.

Additionally, in connection with the closing of the Merger, Talen Energy notified the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) on December 6, 2016 that the certificate of merger had been filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware and that, at the effective time of the Merger, each share of Common Stock other than the Excluded Talen Shares was cancelled and converted into the right to receive the Merger Consideration. In addition, Talen Energy requested that the NYSE delist the Common Stock at the open of business on December 6, 2016, and, as a result, trading of Common Stock on the NYSE was suspended as of the open of business on December 6, 2016. Talen Energy also requested that the NYSE file a notification of removal from listing and registration on Form 25 with the SEC to effect the delisting of the Common Stock from the NYSE and the deregistration of the Common Stock under Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act. The NYSE filed such notice on the Closing Date. Talen Energy intends to file with the SEC a Form 15 requesting the termination of registration of the Common Stock under Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act and the suspension of reporting obligations under Sections 13 and 15(d) of the Exchange Act.
che non debbano fare i report alla SEC è giusto ma visto che sul sito hanno annunciato al 21 che avrebbero pubblicato i bilanci al 27 ci aspetteremmo che lo facciano ... saranno mica gestiti dai banchieri bancarottieri italiani?


Forumer storico
che non debbano fare i report alla SEC è giusto ma visto che sul sito hanno annunciato al 21 che avrebbero pubblicato i bilanci al 27 ci aspetteremmo che lo facciano ... saranno mica gestiti dai banchieri bancarottieri italiani?
Dicono anche che puoi ottenere una copia di tali documenti senza costi aggiuntivi scrivendo o telefonando a Talen Energy al seguente indirizzo:

Talen Energy Corporation

835 Hamilton Street, Suite 150

Allentown, Pennsylvania 18101

Attenzione: Investor Relations

Telefono: (888) 211-6011

Buona Pasqua anche a te


è la somma che fa il totale...
non male ..



Forumer storico
Dicono anche che puoi ottenere una copia di tali documenti senza costi aggiuntivi scrivendo o telefonando a Talen Energy al seguente indirizzo:

Talen Energy Corporation

835 Hamilton Street, Suite 150

Allentown, Pennsylvania 18101

Attenzione: Investor Relations

Telefono: (888) 211-6011

Buona Pasqua anche a te
avete ragione tu e Fabrizio però mi aspettavo che pubblicassero anche i risultati sul sito senza chiedere in cambio le mie credenziali per averle privatamente

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