Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (2 lettori)


è la somma che fa il totale...
non so se qualcuno l'aveva già condiviso, questo è il fiscal end 2017 di Community Choice pubbliacto il 2 aprile.


E un bel volume da leggere tutto, ne inserisco un pezzetto

Risks Relating to our Capital Structure

At some point in 2018, substantial doubt may arise about our ability to continue as a “going concern.”

While, as of the date of this Annual Report on Form 10-K, substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern did not exist, we believe that if we are unable to satisfactorily restructure or refinance our indebtedness in 2018, substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern may arise. This is because as of April 2018 and May 2018, we will have significant short-term debt as a result of the pending maturities of our revolving credit facility and our senior notes due in April of 2019 and May of 2019, respectively. Given our lower than expected revenue and cash flow in 2017, we may not have sufficient liquidity to make such payments when due. We cannot predict, with certainty, the outcome of our actions to generate liquidity, including the availability of additional debt financing, or whether such actions would generate the liquidity needed to meet these and other payment obligations. If we continue to experience limited growth in our revenue, and we are not able to generate additional liquidity through the mechanisms described above or through some combination of other actions, we might need to secure additional sources of funds, which may or may not be available to us on commercially reasonable terms or at all. Additionally, a failure to generate additional liquidity could negatively impact the operation of our business.

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