Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (5 lettori)


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Cosa ne pensate del titolo Photon Energy 2022 7,75% Isin DE000A19MFH4 sembra interessante qualcuno lo conosce meglio ? e poi sarà liquido ?


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Rating Action:
Moody's assigns Caa1 to Valeant's unsecured notes; outlook stable

17 May 2018
New York, May 17, 2018 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") assigned a Caa1 rating to the new senior unsecured note issuance of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, guaranteed by Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. (collectively "Valeant"). There are no changes to Valeant's other ratings including the B3 Corporate Family Rating, the B3-PD Probability of Default Rating, the Ba3 senior secured rating, Caa1 senior unsecured rating and SGL-2 Speculative Grade Liquidity Rating. The outlook remains stable.

Proceeds of the notes, together with a term loan refinancing, will be used to repay existing term loans and senior notes in a leverage-neutral refinancing. The transaction is credit positive because it will extend Valeant's debt maturities and modestly reduce total interest costs.

Ratings assigned:

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, guaranteed by Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.:

Backed senior unsecured notes due 2027, at Caa1 (LGD4)


è la somma che fa il totale...
Rating Action:
Moody's upgrades Northern Oil and Gas' CFR to Caa1; PDR to Caa1-PD/LD

16 May 2018
New York, May 16, 2018 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) upgraded Northern Oil and Gas, Inc.'s (NOG) Corporate Family Rating (CFR) to Caa1 from Caa2 and Probability of Default Rating (PDR) to Caa1-PD/LD from Caa2-PD. Moody's affirmed the Caa3 rating on the senior unsecured notes and SGL-3 Speculative Grade Liquidity Rating. The rating outlook is stable.

NOG recently completed the exchange of $497 million of its 8% notes due 2020 for $344 million of new second lien secured notes due 2023 (unrated) and $155 million of common stock. Moody's considers the transaction, which extends the maturity of the debt and exchanges debt for equity to be a distressed exchange, which is a default under Moody's definition of default. Moody's appended the PDR with an "/LD" designation indicating a limited default, which will be removed after three business days.

"NOG's notes exchange and equity raise is a credit positive resulting in lower debt, an improved maturity profile and increased liquidity," stated James Wilkins, Moody's Vice President. "This will allow the company to outspend its operating cash flows as it increases its drilling and completion expenditures and potentially engages in additional modest-sized acquisitions."


low cost high value
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The Issuers intend to use the proceeds from the offering of the Notes, together with available cash on hand, (i) to repay amounts outstanding under EP Energy's senior reserve based revolving credit facility, (ii) for other general corporate purposes and (iii) to pay related fees and expenses.

Speriamo di sfangarla

io ho la Ep energy '23 presa qualche settimana fa... sono fiducioso sull'oil, ovviamente l'emittente è molto rischioso è anche una small-cap... però i fondamentali non sono poi tanto male, io c'ho messo una piccola size e tenendo conto che l'ho pagata 55, il rendimento ripagherebbe del rischio.

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