Commodities KC Arabica Coffee C


फूल की बुराई
Il post ha origine dall'infatuazione che mi è venuta per le commodities e dalla voglia di confrontarsi con qualche altra anima che già tratta le borse merci o pensa di farlo a breve.
In particolare si parlerà del contratto future sul Caffè . Perchè proprio il Caffè? Per questo....questo....e quest'altro ancora... :D
scherzi a parte , perchè ha una impostazione grafica ottima per un long di lungo ( opss gioco di parole :P ) , perchè questa estate è stato raggiunto un bottom importante, già toccato in precedenti fasi di crisi dei prezzi, perchè il raccolto in Brasile e in Vietnam si prevede in calo rispetto ai massimi storici degli ultimi anni.
Riverserò nel post oltre ai resoconti delle giornate di scambi , anche rapporti delle organizzazioni nazionali e internazionali del caffè, materiale didattico, previsioni meteorologiche e quant'altro capiterà a tiro.
Se qualche altro appassionato o curioso vorrà unirsi , ne sarò molto felice :)
Le specifiche del contratto:

Futures Contract on Coffee "C"

Calls for delivery of washed arabica coffee produced in several Central and South American, Asian and African countries.
Contract specifications are current as of February 11, 2002 and may be subject to change, verify information with your broker.
Trading Unit
37,500 lbs. (approximately 250 bags)

Trading Hours
9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.; NY Time.

Price Quotation
Cents per pound

Delivery Months
March, May, July, September, December

Ticker Symbol

Minimum Fluctuation
5/100 cent/lb., equivalent to $18.75 per contract.

Last Trading Day:
One business day prior to last notice day.

First Notice Day:
Seven business days prior to first business day of delivery month.

Last Notice Day:
Seven business days prior to last business day of delivery month.

Daily Price Limits:

Position Limits:
Spot Month: 500 contracts as of the first notice day in the expiring month. Additionally, Position Accountability Rules apply to all futures and options contract months. Contact the Exchange for more information.

A Notice of Certification is issued based on testing the grade of the beans and by cup testing for flavor. The Exchange uses certain coffees to establish the "basis" coffees judged better are at a premium those judged inferior are at a discount.

Deliverable Growths: Country Differential
Mexico, Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Kenya, New Guinea, Panama, Tanzania, Uganda Basis
Colombia Plus 200 pts
Honduras, Venezuela, Peru Minus 100 pts
Burundi, India, Rwanda Minus 300 pts
Dominican Republic, Ecuador Minus 400 pts

Delivery Points:
Exchange licensed warehouses in the Port of New York District (at par), the Port of New Orleans, the Port of Bremen/Hamburg¹ , the Port of Antwerp¹ , and the Port of Miami (at a discount of 1.25 cents/lb).

¹ The Ports of Bremen/Hamburg and Antwerp are effective commencing with the Dec. 2002 delivery.
Contract Size: 37.500 libbre

Scadenze Contratti: Marzo, Maggio, Luglio, Settembre, Dicembre

Ultimo Giorno di Negoziazione: Otto giorni prima dell'ultimo giorno di borsa aperta del mese di riferimento (ad es. il last trading day per il contratto Marzo 2002 è stato lunedì 18 marzo, considerando che venerdì 29 marzo era una giornata festiva).

Quotazione: Centesimi per libbra.

Tick Minimo di Variazione 0.05$ per libbra

Valore Tick: 18.75€

Limiti Giornalieri di Prezzo:
Orario di Negoziazione: 15:00 - 17-45 presso il NYBOT di New York

Note: 1 libbra = 1 pound = 0.4536 kg
un grafico su scala mensile 92-estate2002
sulla giornata di ieri e la situazione in generale

CSCE coffee slips on producer sales, funds watched
NEW YORK (December 04 2002) : CSCE coffee futures dipped on modest volume Tuesday as selling by producers outlasted early fund and roaster buying with traders wondering whether the funds have reached a bullish extreme, traders said.

"The funds and roasters bought early in the session and when they were filled up the selling from Brazil and Colombia was enough to keep prices on the defensive," said one trader.

Active March fell 1.90 cents to close at 70.95 cents a lb after trading between 70.80 and 72.70 cents.

Spot December coffee lost 1.95 cents to settle at 66.85 cents.

On Tuesday there were 357 delivery notices against the December 2002 contract lifting the cumulative total to 3,333. Last trading day is December 17.

The back months finished lower by 1.50 to 1.75 cents.

Traders reported little fresh business in the cash or physical market for coffee so as a result they spent much of the day mulling over the latest Commitment of Traders (COT) report.

IT'S ALL ABOUT POSITIONS: On Monday the CFTC released its weekly COT report with positions as of November 26 and traders continued to talk about the gross short position of the commodity funds.

The funds were long a record 25,701 contracts on November 26.

"This is the largest gross long position for the funds in coffee since February 1983, when the CFTC started their modern reporting of the data," said Judy Ganes of J. Ganes Consulting LLC.

One commission house broker said he wondered how much more the funds could buy and what would happen if prices fell a few cents.

"With the funds this long, a move to the downside could be bigger than usual," he said.

Traders also look at the net position, counting longs plus the shorts, of the funds and the 17,861 lot net long position is the largest net position since June 1999 when they held 17,883 lots net long.

"The funds have a lot of concentrated buying power in the short-run," commented another broker.

Coffee traders say the size of the 2003/04 Brazilian crop is the key to the longer-term direction of coffee prices and they are anticipating the first official Brazilian government forecast expected in the second half of December.

Meanwhile, Guatemalan coffee exports rose 55 percent in November to 149,316 60-kg bags, compared to 96,261 bags in the same month a year ago, growers association Anacafe said on Tuesday.

Independent weather forecaster Meteorlogix on Tuesday predicted episodes of scattered to widely scattered light showers through Thursday.

Dry conditions or just a few light showers on Friday-Monday.

Estimated volume slowed to 8,406 contracts Tuesday from the official pace of 10,087 on Monday.

For the entire month of November, coffee futures volume rose 3 percent to 236,307 contracts from 229,495 lots in the same month a year ago.

Call volume came to 2,197 lots and put options amounted to 1,731 lots.

Open interest jumped 1,228 contracts to 73,295 lots.

Technicians peg support for the March contract at 70.80 cents with resistance at 73.80 and then the 75.35 area.-Reuters

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