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Nuova emissione da parte di Bank of America , probabile il richiamo per BAC-D e MER-K

Bank of America ha richiamato BAC-D 6,204% US0605058314 e BML-I 6,375% US0605056177

Le 7.588.595 pref BAC-D in circolazione saranno rimborsate alla data di pagamento del dividendo il 14 settembre 2018 per un prezzo di rimborso complessivo di $ 189.714.875, e tutte le 26.000.000 pref BML-I in circolazione saranno rimborsate alla data di pagamento del dividendo il 28 agosto 2018 per un prezzo di riscatto complessivo di $ 653,183,200.

Declared dividends of $0.38775 per depositary share on the outstanding shares of Series D Depositary Shares for the full quarterly dividend period from and including June 14, 2018 to but excluding September 14, 2018 will be paid separately in the customary manner on September 14, 2018 to holders of record on August 31, 2018. Declared dividends of $0.3984375 per depositary share on the outstanding shares of Series 3 Depositary Shares for the full quarterly dividend period from and including May 28, 2018 to but excluding August 28, 2018 will be paid separately in the customary manner on August 28, 2018 to holders of record on August 15, 2018. Accordingly, the applicable redemption price of $25 per depositary share does not include any declared and unpaid dividends, and dividends on the redeemed depositary shares will cease to accrue on the applicable redemption date.

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