Esatto , se posso ..delle altre due che info hai ?
Puoi acquistare il titolo anche sul mercato OTC, scambia pochissimo, solamente 10 transazioni nel 2019L'unica cosa forse è AgriBank che quota Otc Usa e non so come funziona con Binck. Attualmente lo strumento è censito ma non negoziabile.
Sono l'unico a cui non hanno ancora sistemato la cedola Cowen?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump again criticized the Federal Reserve on Monday for not cutting interest rates, keeping up his pressure on the central bank to change its policies.
"Despite a Federal Reserve that doesn’t know what it is doing - raised rates far to fast (very low inflation, other parts of world slowing, lowering & easing) & did large scale tightening, $50 Billion/month, we are on course to have one of the best Months of June in U.S. history," he wrote on Twitter.
"Think of what it could have been if the Fed had gotten it right. Thousands of points higher on the Dow, and GDP in the 4’s or even 5’s. Now they stick, like a stubborn child, when we need rates cuts, & easing, to make up for what other countries are doing against us. Blew it!"
Sono felice possessore da tempo della B e la ritengo tuttora un ottimo investimento rendimento/prezzo.Armour Residential REIT (NYSE:ARR) expects its July 2019 cash dividend to be 17 cents per common share, down from 19 cents per share in June.
Plans to redeem all 2.18M outstanding shares of its 8.25% series A cumulative redeemable preferred stock on July 26, 2019 at $25.00 per share.
7.875% series B cumulative redeemable preferred stock hasn’t been called for redemption.
Ends series B at-the-market offering program of up to 2M shares and authorizes a new series B preferred ATM offering program of up to 9M shares available for sale.
Authorizes new dividend reinvestment and stock purchase plan covering up to 2.5M shares of series B preferred.