Obbligazioni in dollari Keep Calm And Invest Preferred Shares Usa

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Grazie , prenditi tutto il tempo che vuoi :pollicione:

Molto probabilmente le avrai già in lista ma ecco quello che posso segnalare:

- US9497463664 Wells Fargo & Company 6%
- US92339V2097 VEREIT Inc 6.7%
- US9116844054 US Cellular 6.95%
- US8794338371 Telephone & Data 7.0%
- US8425872061 Southern 6.25%
- US7593517037 RGA 6.20%
- GB00B0G40271 Prudential 6.50%
- BMG686031367 Partnerre Ltd 6.5%
- US61762V2007 Morgan Stanley 7.125%
- US61763E2072 Morgan Stanley 6.875%
- US48251W3025 KKR & Co Inc 6.5%
- US4568375095 ING 6.125%
- US4042806046 HSBC PLC 6,2%
- US4165185046 Hartford Finl Svcs 7.875%
- US3167736053 Fifth Third Bancorp 6.625%
- US29359U2087 Enstar Group Ltd 7.00%
- US2538688480 Digital Realty 6.625%
- US1729673418 Citigroup Inc 6.875%
- US1730802014 Citigroup Capital 7.785%
- US12542R8034 CHS Inc 7.50%
- US10922N2027 Brighthouse 6.25%
- US04623A2050 Assured Guarant 6.875%
- US0357108705 Annaly Capital MGMT 6.95%
- US01903Q2075 Allied Cap Corp 6.875%
grazie per la lista che hai postato.
premetto che non ho mai utilizzato questo tipo di titoli e non li conosco.
vedo che sono trattabili tramite BINCK... sapresti dirmi a che tipo di tassazione sono soggetti ?
penso siano obbligazioni ma in realta' trattate come le azioni....hanno altre caratteristiche inusuali che occorre sapere ?
grazie e scusami per le tante domande.
grazie per la lista che hai postato.
premetto che non ho mai utilizzato questo tipo di titoli e non li conosco.
vedo che sono trattabili tramite BINCK... sapresti dirmi a che tipo di tassazione sono soggetti ?
penso siano obbligazioni ma in realta' trattate come le azioni....hanno altre caratteristiche inusuali che occorre sapere ?
grazie e scusami per le tante domande.
  • Preferred shares are shares issued by a corporation as part of its capital structure.
  • Preferred stock have a “coupon rate” — the interest rate you will be paid. This interest rate remains constant on most–but not all, preferred issues. A small number of issues have a rate that “floats,” based upon a baseline such as Libor.
  • Dividends are either cumulative — meaning that dividends continue to accrue if they have been suspended, but they are not paid until the company decides to pay them after suspension — or non-cumulative. Non Cumulative means they do not continue to accrue (they are gone forever). In either case if the dividends are suspended the company is likely in deep financial trouble.
  • Dividends are generally paid quarterly, although a few pay them monthly.
  • Preferred shares normally carry no voting rights (unlike common shares).
  • Preferred shares generally have NO maturity date (most are perpetual).
  • Most Preferred Stocks have an optional redemption period in which the shares may be redeemed, at the issuer’s option, generally five years after issuance, but may be more or less.
  • Baby Bonds
    The same as exchange traded debt. A baby bond is simply a bond with a face value of under $1,000. Typically this is $25, $50 or $100. They may be called Notes, Senior Notes, Debentures, Junior Debentures or a number of others. Generally these rank ahead of common and preferred stock in the capital stack, but below secured debt as baby bonds are almost always unsecured, although there are some utility baby bonds that are secured by utility assets.
Ultima modifica:
Grazie ! Un elenco con anche gli isdn mica come la mia lista buttata giù alla disperata , appena ho un po' di tempo vedo se mi manca qualche titolo e lo metto in osservazione tra quelli da te segnalati , ...forse l'ing 6,125 è stato richiamato
LOS ANGELES, CA, Jan. 31, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Oaktree Specialty Lending Corporation (OCSL) (“Oaktree Specialty Lending” or the “Company”), a specialty finance company, today announced that it will redeem its 5.875% Notes due 2024 (NYSE:OSLE) (the “Notes”). The Company will redeem 100%, or $75,000,000 aggregate principal amount, of the issued and outstanding Notes on March 2, 2020 (the “Redemption Date”), following which they will be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange. The redemption price per Note will be $25 plus accrued and unpaid interest to, but not including, the Redemption Date.

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