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Obbligazioni in dollariKeep Calm And Invest Preferred Shares Usa
B. Riley Financial (NASDAQ:RILY) commenced an underwritten registered public offering of $125M principal amount of senior notes due 2026; underwriters granted principal amount of senior notes due 2026.
B. Riley Financial and this issuance of notes both received an investment grade rating of BBB+ from Egan-Jones Ratings Company, an independent, unaffiliated rating agency.
Net proceeds expected to be in excess of $100M to be used for redemption of all or a portion of its existing 7.25% Senior Notes due 2027 as soon as practicable and the remaining net proceeds for general corporate purposes, including funding future acquisitions and investments, repaying indebtedness, making capital expenditures and funding working capital.
Si vende sotto i $ 3, una stima approssimativa per il recovery va dal 5% al 10% di recupero, con la vendita hai subito le minus con il recovery dovrai aspettare un bel po’.
Scusate, ma cosa succedede a GLOG.PRA?
+2,03% a 25,59
Aria di call?
Ho fatto una bella entrata a 24,3 proprio il giorno in cui ho saputo che sarei stato forzato a vendere le stocks ordinarie a 5,8$
Si vende sotto i $ 3, una stima approssimativa per il recovery va dal 5% al 10% di recupero, con la vendita hai subito le minus con il recovery dovrai aspettare un bel po’.