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Obbligazioni in dollariKeep Calm And Invest Preferred Shares Usa
Apr. 24, 2018 8:04 AM ET|By: Gaurav Batavia, SA News Editor
Popular (NASDAQ:BPOP): Q1 EPS of $0.89 beats by $0.13.
Net interest income of $393.05M (+8.5% Y/Y) beats by $4.25M. Press Release
GREENWICH, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Eagle Point Credit Company Inc. (ECC) (the “Company”) (NYSE:ECC, ECCA, ECCB, ECCZ, ECCY) announced today that it will redeem its 7.00% Notes due 2020 (the “Notes”). The Company will redeem 100%, or $59,998,750 aggregate principal amount, of the issued and outstanding Notes on May 24, 2018 (the “Redemption Date”), following which the Notes will be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange. The redemption price per Note will be $25 plus accrued and unpaid interest through, but excluding, the Redemption Date