Obbligazioni in dollari Keep Calm And Invest Preferred Shares Usa (11 lettori)


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E' il comunicato che getta pessimismo. <<
Concerns about a long period of store closings have J.C. Penney (NYSE:JCP) exploring filing for bankruptcy protection, sources tell Reuters.

While the company has enough access to cash to survive for a few months and rescue financing is still an option, the long-term financial position of JCP is becoming even more untenable amid the uncertainty over when sales will return. >>

Sebbene abbiano una copertura di liquidità per alcuni mesi pensano di gettare comunque la spugna. Non è affatto un bel segnale
Non pagano una cedola di un bond 2036

Siamo nel grace period... 30 gg


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U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that data suggested the country had passed the peak on new coronavirus infections, and said he would announce "new guidelines" for reopening the economy at a news conference on Thursday.


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In providing a COVID-19 update, Eagle Point Credit (NYSE:ECC) estimates its net asset value per share was $6.07-$6.17 at March 31, 2020; that's down from $10.59 at Dec. 31, 2019.
Estimates Q1 net investment income and net realized capital losses per share was 30 cents-34 cents.
The company cut its monthly divided by 60% to 8 cents per share vs. prior dividend of 20 cents.
As of April 14, 2020, the company had ~$23M of cash on its balance sheet and no financing maturities prior to October 2026.
Has no "repurchase"-style financing facilities.
It has engaged a broker-dealer to repurchase opportunistically, on the company’s behalf, a portion of the company’s two series of NYSE-listed baby bonds through open market transactions; however, ECC may reduce or extend this timeframe in its discretion and without notice.

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