Obbligazioni societarie La saga della famiglia Espírito Santo: cosa succederà alle obbligazioni BES ed ESFG?

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Novo Banco Bondholders May Get Some Compensation, Jornal Says
Tom Beardsworth
Joao Lima
January 20, 2016 — 11:14 AM CET
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A Portuguese bank-industry fund may pay partial compensation to senior bondholders who face losses due to the transfer of notes from Novo Banco SA, according to Jornal de Negocios.
The Resolution Fund payment would ensure that investors were no worse off than if Novo Banco’s forerunner had been liquidated rather than resolved in August 2014, the Portuguese newspaper reported, without saying where it got the information from. The Bank of Portugal has hired Deloitte LLP to assess the losses, according to the article.
The central bank moved about 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) of senior bonds from Novo Banco to a so-called bad bank last month to help recapitalize the lender. The move will cause significant losses for bondholders, including Pacific Investment Management Co. and BlackRock Inc., and it has drawn complaints about unequal treatment.
A Bank of Portugal official declined to comment on the report. The central bank oversees the Resolution Fund and Novo Banco, which emerged from the 2014 collapse of Banco Espirito Santo SA.
Bondholders may have recovered about 47 percent of notes’ face value if Banco Espirito Santo had been liquidated in 2014, according to an estimate from JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts led by Roberto Henriques. Bonds transferred to the bad bank last month probably have zero recovery value because the lender has no good assets, they wrote in a Jan. 14 note.
Some of the affected notes rose 1.5 cents on the euro on Wednesday to 23 cents, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That’s the highest price for the 750 million euros of 4 percent bonds since they were moved.
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ma il senso l'ho letto anche da altre parti almeno penso:

Novo Banco Bondholders May Get Some Compensation, Jornal Says - Bloomberg Business

nel caso non è che puoi far un sunto?

quello che mi ha colpito è che se il BES fosse stato liquidato nel 2014 i Senior avrebbero recuperato il 47% (e per questo Pimco e BlackRock si lamentano).
Adesso la 2035 721 è a 66.15, non è poi così lontano.
IL Bail In ha dimostrato di essere una cag....ta pazzesca, non funziona e crea solo confusione. Un altro successo dell'Europa (come la Grecia... Monti dixit).

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